Rock Identification Lab Period ____ Names: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Directions: Use the identification guides to place each sample next to (not over) its name. When you think you have them all in the right places, notify your instructor and he will mark any that are incorrect. You have as many chances as you need to get them all correct, but the more incorrect marks on your lab, the lower your grade. You can begin with any one of the 3 major rock types, but finish and put away one set before starting another. You are strongly encouraged to use your class notes for this activity. When you are finished, or while you wait for your busy instructor, work on identifying the large samples displayed around the room. Number a sheet of notebook paper to match the number of samples. When you turn in the lab, the paper should be stapled to the back of this lab sheet. IGNEOUS Rocks obsidian basalt porphyry pumice rhyolite scoria diorite granite gabbro granite porphyry pegmatite basalt volcanic breccia Sedimentary rocks limestone fossiliferous limestone shale bituminous coal oil shale breccia sandstone (2 samples) conglomerate Metamorphic Rocks marble quartzite anthracite coal mica schist amphibole hornfels gneiss amphibole schist slate phyllite