
Name: ____________________________
Period: _________
Rock Identification Sheet
Identify all of the rocks and be very specific because you will these again. Also, answer the questions that follow by using chapter 6 of
the textbook.
Rock Name
Rock Type
Color / Luster
Minerals Present
Reacts with HCl
(yes or no)
Uses / Anything
Rock Name
Rock Type
Color / Luster
Minerals Present
Reacts with HCl
(yes or no)
Anything Extra /
Refer to Chapter 6 to answer most of these questions
1. Using a hand lens, look carefully at the mineral grains in the specimen of granite. What minerals occur in granite?
2. Compare scoria and pumice. Why are the holes in the scoria larger than the holes in the pumice? (Hint: Gas bubbles can move
more easily in thin lava than thick lava.)
3. Look carefully at the largest grains in the conglomerate specimen. Of what mineral are they composed?
4. What is the overall color of the coal? Is its surface shiny or dull? Are any fossils visible?
5. Gneiss is believed to have formed from granites. Compare the minerals that occur in gneiss with those that occur in granite.
6. How is gneiss different in appearance from granite?
7. How could dilute hydrochloric acid be used to tell quartzite from marble?