EDG2701 Teaching Diverse Populations In School Experiences

EDF2085 is a UCF sanctioned service-learning class. Students will
spend a minimum of fifteen hours over the semester immersed
among the sociocultural factors that shape the learning
environments and experiences of today’s students. This activity will
address a need in the community, involve a connection between the
campus and the community, challenge students to be civically
engaged, and involve structured student reflection. It addresses the
course objectives: to explore how one’s culture/language shapes
one’s life and perceptions; to determine the impact of changing
demographics on the school; to observe exemplary multicultural
programs within schools; to encourage positive acceptance and
integration of diverse groups and individual needs; examine positive
multicultural school environments. Students will spend time
reflecting on their service-learning experiences through ongoing
structured classroom discussions related to each course topic and a
meta-reflective field experience report. Students’ "grades" for the
service-learning requirement will come from the tangible classrelated project assignment and discussions, rather than simply from
completion of the 15 hour minimum.
Students with criminal arrest records must see the
Instructor immediately to discuss how their history may
impact their ability to complete this course and to eventually
become a teacher. Most agencies and schools require
background security checks before allowing access.
Complete 15 hours of service in contexts that serve K-12 students
from a selection of the following DIVERSE populations:
AT-RISK - A student who is at risk of underachieving, dropping out
or failing school. These students include many in the other
categories below, including urban inner-city, low-income, homeless,
those not fluent in English (ESOL), those with emotional or
behavioral difficulties, substance abuse.
TITLE I - A school is considered low-income if 60% or more of the
students are enrolled in the free-lunch program.
ETHNIC SPECIFIC - Schools where the majority of students are
from one religious or ethnic group. Private schools and urban
schools are often good places to observe.
EXCEPTIONAL - By state mandate, schools are required to cater to
the individual needs of students who have been identified for special
education services under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA). *Acceptable programs: Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD),
Emotionally Handicapped (EH), Physically-Impaired, MentallyHandicapped, Visually-Impaired, Hearing-Impaired *Acceptable
programs: Gifted, Advanced-Placement (AP), Advanced classes,
International Baccalaureate (IB)
ALTERNATIVE - In each high school, there should be at least two
different alternative programs. In addition, local Counties have separate
alternative centers which focus solely on “at-risk" students.*Acceptable
programs: Drug-prevention, Drop-out prevention, Pregnant teen
ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a
program designed to help students make the transition from a
foreign language to English.
Choosing and preparing for a Placement
You may choose any grade level K-12 in both community agencies
and/or schools in any district. All arrangements are to be made by
you in conjunction with faculty. You will need to abide by any
security procedures required by the schools and/or agencies – apply
early as these placements can take time to arrange.
You may complete the hours by serving in local non-profit
organizations (e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, Beta Center, Daily Bread,
homeless shelters) or other educational institutions or schools that
serve exceptional and at-risk/ethnic-specific populations. This will
allow you to provide support to populations that have traditionally
had difficulties or challenges in the public school setting. You will
gain insight into the cultures and needs of these groups and will
address course objectives such as: to examine prejudice and
discrimination and to examine concepts of equity (gender, age,
language), equality (race and class) and quality (ability).
Your service-learning experience should include active involvement.
The following are possible classroom activities:
assist the teacher present a lesson / help with the use of technology
in the classroom / tutor a student / set up a reading corner / help a
student with a project / listen to oral reading / read a story to
students /arrange a bulletin board / assist students locate
resources/assist with Open Houses/assist with school ground
cleanup’s, playground equipment building projects or school
landscaping projects.
No student will be expected to work on a project to which s/he has
significant religious, political, or moral objections. It is the
student’s responsibility to let the instructor know about such
objections. Ensure that you dress and behave professionally.
Setting Up the Hours
You are advised to include as many diverse groups as
possible, spread over 3, 5 hour observations.
You may choose any of the following:
1) Non-Profit Organizations – Contact them directly by telephone
and clarify what security procedures they need you to follow
before setting up your observation hours. These are out of
school or supplementary programs that serve the needs of atrisk students in the community that support educational
goals. Suggested agencies are provided online at
2) School Districts. – Each school district has strict security
procedures. You need to ensure that you state that you are
taking your general education program and a prerequisite
EDUCATION. You need to go to the District website and
access the VOLUNTEER application site, and enter your
details. You will receive approval from the district, which will
be needed before you can visit any schools. (Note that new
policies require all COLLEGE OF EDUCATION students to be
fingerprinted – this is not necessary for general program
students). You may also choose to access the Educational
Studies website to sign-up for the AVID program:
You will need to apply to the volunteer program at the local
school districts as soon as possible. If you plan to volunteer at
an Orange County school you will need to go to the following
web-site: http://volunteer.ocps.net. Seminole County:
Required Verification Forms
There are 2 forms included below.
1) The CONTRACT – this lists and summarizes where you spent
your hours and the targeted diverse populations you served –
you will fill this in and use this as the title page of your report
2) The VERIFICATION FORM – this form you take with you for
the agency, school or teacher to complete – it must be signed
by them after the service and verifies that you met the
requirements. Complete one form for every site you visit.
Also included is a letter of information, which you may choose to
provide to the agency or school describing the objectives of this
Writing the Report
Outline/Format for Service Learning In School Report and
Your report should contain the following to meet service learning
Part 1: Research and Analysis of a key problem or topic or
type of diverse student. Choose any specific topic covered in
course content or any specific type of diverse student. Write a
report (700 words, double-spaced, 12pt font) that includes
introduction – key challenges facing this group, definition,
characteristics and needs, options for programs and services, list of
2 references in APA format.
Part 2: Description and reflection of the program or service
rendered Description of tasks undertaken. A self-evaluation of
effectiveness of service rendered. Do not use real names of
students in the report. Divide the report into the target groups
listed above. (Length: 700 words, double-spaced, 12pt font. )
Suggested Contents - your personal reflections on:
 Describe the specific characteristics of the children
observed (ethnicity, age, gender) What cultural differences
did you observe among the students? How was cultural and
language diversity addressed?
 The demographics of the neighborhoods around the
school in which you served?
 Describe the educational environment
(facilities/resources/climate) How was the quality of the
educational program at your school (facilities, technology,
materials, etc.) influenced by school funding? Did you note a
lack of supplies, textbooks? Was the school well maintained?
 Describe the strategies used by the teacher/coordinator;
strengths/weaknesses of the program. What teaching models
were used and were they the most effective to teach the
o What methods did YOU use in working with students?
o What methods were used to address disciplinary
problems and how effective were they?
o How were different learning styles and exceptionalities
 Describe any incidents/special work or projects. How
were social problems that place children at risk addressed by
the agency, teacher or school?
 State your overall feeling about the service learning. How
did your service improve the life of a child, the life of the
class, the life of the community? Explain how this experience
has impacted your decision to become an educator.
UCF Student’s name:
UCF Instructor evaluation:
To be completed by the student as a summary sheet of placements
and requirements and submitted with the report.
University of Central Florida
College of Education
Dear Fellow Educator,
On behalf of the Department of Educational Studies, I would like to
take this opportunity to thank you for assisting our students as they
pursue their dream of becoming teachers. This course offers
students one of their early learning and observation experiences in
schools. Further, the course has been designed to establish a
collaborative experience with schools/agencies for our future
Choice of observation sites, security and admission procedures,
contact with appropriate school personnel, time-management and
scheduling are the student’s responsibility to arrange. More
importantly, students are expected to maintain the utmost
professional decorum, to participate effectively as determined by
the school/agency and service project, and then write a reflective
report that demonstrates an understanding of the needs and
services of the diverse students they have observed.
We request that cooperating teachers/administrators welcome
students into the school/agency, manage and monitor student
activities, and complete the verification form.
We appreciate your willingness to share your experiences and
expertise with a future educator, and trust that the service will
meet your school/agency needs effectively.
Dr Gillian Eriksson
Department of Educational Studies
Department of Educational Studies: University of Central Florida
EDF2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators.
Student Name:
UCF Instructor:
Website: http://…………………………………………..Telephone:
DATE(S) and Times of Student Visitation:
Specialized classes, and grades observed:
Please circle either “YES” or “NO” – Comments may be added.
This student maintained a professional demeanor
This student was helpful and open to ideas in this setting.
Please check description of work completed by student:
Teach a new or review lesson/activity
Lead a cooperative group activity
Supervise learning center activities
Work with students who are behind
Coach students as they read orally
Help student find resource material
Help supervise a field trip
Work with ESOL, exceptional student/s
Grade papers
Assemble bulletin boards
Set up learning centers
Develop resource materials
Collect curricular materials
Organize materials for lessons
Draft correspondence to families
Translate classroom materials, if able
Give written feedback on assignments
Thank you for your assistance in helping our students become better
prepared for their future career as educators
To be completed by the cooperating teachers and returned to the student
at the completion of the PROJECT in your school/agency.