Program of Studies: Weeks 10-12 EL-10-DCS-S-3 Students will evaluate what is read, based on the author’s purpose, message, word choice, sentence variety, content, tone, style or use of literary elements El-10-DCS-S-5 Students will interpret the interactions between and among literary elements within and across a variety of texts EL-10-DCS-S-6 Students will analyze the effectiveness of literary devices or figurative language in evoking what the author intended (e.g., picturing a setting, predicting a consequence, establishing a mood or feeling) EL-10-WV-S-1 Students will choose precise and descriptive language for clarity, richness and/or its effect on the reader (words with multiple meanings, words that imply different shades of meaning, words with literal and nonliteral meanings, foreign words/phrases, strong nouns and verbs, concrete and sensory details, figurative language – metaphors, similes, alliteration, personification) EL-10-WV-U-1 Students will understand that writers need to choose their language with care, depending on the content, purpose and audience. EL-10-WV-U-2 Students will understand that language should be concise and precise. Strong verbs and nouns, concrete details and sensory language help make meaning clear to the reader. Weeks 10-12: Poetry RD-10-1.0.1 Students will interpret literal or non-literal meanings of words in a passage. DOK 2 Reading Strategy Focus Lesson: Visualization Common Assessment Week 12 RD-10-2.0.5 Students will interpret concrete or abstract terms using context from the passage. DOK 2 RD-10-5.0.3 Students will analyze the author’s use of literary devices in a passage (e.g., symbolism, irony, analogies, imagery, figurative language). DOK 3 RD-10-5.0.4 Students will critique the author’s word choice, style, tone or content. DOK 3 RD-10-5.0.5 Students will compare or contrast elements, views, ideas or events presented in one or more passages DOK 4 Student Learning Targets 10-12: Interpret literal and non-literal meanings of words in a passage Interpret concrete and abstract terms based on the context of the passage demonstrate understanding of literary elements and literary passages/texts: identify characteristics of different types of literary texts (e.g., poems) demonstrate understanding of literary elements and literary passages/texts (poetry): explain author’s craft (e.g., rhyme scheme, description, symbolism, foreshadowing, flashbacks) as appropriate to genre analyze the effectiveness of literary devices or figurative language in evoking what the author intended (e.g., picturing a setting, predicting a consequence, establishing a mood or feeling) analyze and critique the author’s word choice, style, tone and/or content make comparisons and synthesize information within and across texts (e.g., comparing themes, ideas, concept development, literary elements, events, genres) write for a variety of authentic purposes and audiences: choose precise and descriptive language for clarity, richness, and/or its effect on the reader (words with multiple meanings, words that imply different shades of meaning, words with literal and non-literal meanings, foreign words/phrases, strong nouns and verbs, concrete and sensory details, figurative language— metaphors, similes, alliteration, personification) apply delivery techniques o both verbal (e.g., tone, volume, rate, articulation, inflection, pacing) and nonverbal (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, eye contact) o avoid distracting delivery behaviors (e.g. excessive verbal pauses, fidgeting) Vocabulary Weeks 10-12: o Literary Devices: alliteration, allusion, dialect, flashback, flash-forward, foil, mirrored pair, foreshadowing, imagery, irony (situational, verbal, dramatic), symbolism, verisimilitude, colloquialism, analogy, symbolism, irony, analogies, imagery, figurative language o Literary Elements: tone, style, voice o Figurative Language: hyperbole, idiom, metaphor, oxymoron, personification, simile, onomatopoeia, pun Poetic Devices-- heroic couplet, sonnet, iambic pentameter, blank verse, scansion, prose, meter, rhyme, rhythm, internal rhyme, end rhyme, rhyme scheme, slant rhyme, stanza, foot Program of Studies: Weeks 13-18 EL-10-IT-U-1 Students will understand that interpretations of text involve linking information across parts of a text and determining importance of the information presented. EL-10-IT-U-2 Students will use comprehension strategies while reading, listening to, or viewing literary and informational texts EL-10-IT-S-4 Students will organize ideas to show understanding of central ideas and interrelationships (e.g., charting, mapping, graphic organizers, outlining) EL-10-IT-S-5 Students will demonstrate understanding of literary elements and literary passages/texts: a. analyze the use of supporting details as they relate to the author’s message b. analyze the relationship between a character’s motivation and behavior, as revealed by the dilemmas c. explain or analyze how external or internal conflicts are resolved d. explain author’s craft (e.g., rhyme scheme, description, symbolism, foreshadowing, flashbacks) as appropriate to genre