Name: Period_________ Date:______ Score:______/25 Document

Name:_________________________________ Period_________ Date:_________ Score:________/25
Document #16
Directions: Use the document below to help you answer the questions on the back of the paper. Use
Complete Sentences for your answers. You will loose points if you do not write in complete sentences.
Throughout the 9th and 15th centuries, Feudal systems developed across the globe. Lords and their
underlings struggled and fought for control of precious land. Though they were separated by culture and
geography, Japanese and European feudal systems were remarkably alike. Socially and politically they
shared many of the same aspects. But, at the same time, there were many significant differences.
For a lord in either system to acquire and maintain his empire he needed warriors. The knights of Europe
were expected to pledge loyalty to their lord and courageously defend him. It was not uncommon for a lord
to ask for as much as forty days worth of combat from each of his warriors. Later in the Middle Ages,
knights were also expected to live up to a code of ideals or Chivalry. This code was very similar to the strict
Samurai code of Bushido. The Japanese Samurai constantly had to protect his honor. He did this by
defending his lord, at all costs, even if this meant certain death. If a samurai somehow dishonored his lord,
he committed seppuku or the ritual of killing oneself by disembowelment. He also was required to maintain
his appearance so to not appear unclean. A major difference between the two codes was the role of religion.
A knight pledged himself first to God and then to his lord. A samurai obeyed his lord and everything else
came second. Samurai had to obey many other harsh laws as well. They were not allowed to marry without
notifying government authorities. They could not build new castles and first had to get permission before
repairing others.
To defend his lord, a warrior first needed a suit of armor. A samurai's suit of armor was more of an
elaborate costume. He wore large baggy pants, shin and thigh guards, a kimono, metal shoulder guards, and
a facemask. A knight wore a more "traditional" suit of metal that covered his entire body. A samurai's armor
was brightly colored, but a knight's was fairly plain. Knights fought mainly on horseback with a long lance
while samurai fought hand to hand with a sword. Both sets of armor, though, served similar functions:
protection in battle and a way to show one's social status or bloodline.
Lords rewarded their warriors for their services. A samurai received an allowance for the protection he
provided. A knight was rewarded with land. Both warrior classes were rewarded by the peasant and
merchant classes below them.
Socially, the samurai and the knights held very similar positions in society. Each served a lesser lord. In
Japan, this class was called the daimyo. Above this class were the real rulers, the lords in Europe and the
shogun in Japan. Atop the social ladder were the respected figureheads who held no real power. These were
the monarchies in Europe and the emperor in Japan.
Though they were separated by thousands of miles, the governments and social structure of feudal Europe
and Japan were strikingly similar. From the powerful rulers to the lowest peasants, East and West seemed to
mirror each other.
1. During what time period was the feudal system used?
2. Why did knights and samurai have codes that they had to follow?
3. What are two similarities between knights and samurai?
4. What are two differences between knights and samurai?
5. How do you think that two countries on different sides of the world had similar feudal systems in