SLIDE: Module 1: Core Action Value #1 is Authenticity SLIDE: GOAL: To become the authentic, “meant-to-be” you. To not live your life as a fake. ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY: Have participants line up in one corner of the room. Tell them you want them to walk across the room doing something different from what everyone else does. Point out afterwards that to be authentic is to be creative, refrain from automaton conformance, and can be fun. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones: 1. Self-Awareness 2. Self-Mastery 3. Self-Belief 4. Self-Truth DISCUSS QUOTE: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson SLIDE: Authenticity is a process, not an outcome. You were born to be authentic. You become authentic by building on strengths Three paradoxes to authenticity SLIDE: Paradox 1: You are more likely to be successful by striving to be authentic than you are by striving to be successful. SLIDE: Paradox 2: You must push yourself past he boundaries of your comfort zone. SLIDE: Paradox 3: Liberates you from need to impress others and enslaves you to work hard and discipline to become your best self. SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Take the basket off your inner candle. 2. Build upon your strengths 3. Don’t worry about what other people think 4. Never pretend to be someone other than real you 5. Pay attention to your inner dialogue GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT: Begin the practice of journal writing. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Who would you be if you didn’t have to try and be all the things you think other people think you ought to be? _______________________________________________________________________ SLIDE: Module 2: First Cornerstone of Authenticity is SELF-AWARENESS DISCUSS QUOTE: “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T.S.Elliot SLIDE: GOAL: Begin the process of identifying who you are not and get to root of authentic self. SLIDE: Know who you are not The roles you play Your thoughts, moods, and emotions What other people think of you Your past Discover and develop strengths and passions Make time to think and reflect Recognize your dark side Keep a journal, talk to the you of the future SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Keep writing in your journal 2. Pay careful attention to inner dialogue 3. Questions you ask are important 4. Be aware of advertising 5. Respond to “what do you do?” without telling job GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Do a 360 degree assessment of yourself. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Do you want to be one of a million or one in a million? SLIDE: Module 3: Second Cornerstone of Authenticity is SELF-MASTERY DISCUSS QUOTE: “I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.” SLIDE: GOAL: Commit to doing a better job of managing ego, emotions and ambition. SLIDE: Escape the Iron Triangle of False Personality Ego Emotion Ambition SLIDE: Show diagram of the Iron Triangle SLIDE: Escape the Iron Triangle of False Personality Discipline yourself against impulsivity Ask yourself, “who’s talking?” Tough love yourself SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Clean up your language 2. Be conscious in selecting your reference group 3. Refuse to gossip and spread rumors 4. Distinguish between gut feel and intuition 5. Visualize negative self-talk as mental graffiti 6. Don’t be an energy drainer GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Put your lesser self in a box SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Imagine yourself wearing a wrist bracelet that said “WWTRMD?” - “What Would the Real Me Do?” How would that change your attitudes and behaviors? Would you be pursuing dreams and goals that you are now putting off? SLIDE: Module 4: Third Cornerstone of Authenticity is SELF-BELIEF DISCUSS QUOTE: “All things are possible for one who believes.” SLIDE: GOAL: Create a solid foundation for future progress and success building upon the four levels of Self-Belief SLIDE: Show diagram of the Pyramid of Self-Belief SLIDE: The only empowerment is self-empowerment Build on the four levels of the pyramid Self-belief is not arrogance Overrule your inner critic SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Stay out of victim spiral 2. Be tough with self, not on self 3. Don’t put others down 4. Dare to never compare 5. Avoid negative people 6. Be careful of misleading metaphors 7. Write positive affirmations for yourself GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT For next 30 days make notes about the things you like about yourself. Include your future goals and dreams. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: “You are where you are today because of choices you made in the past; you will be where you are in the future as a result of choices you make starting now. So don’t blame anyone else for your problems or predicaments.” SLIDE: Module 5: Fourth Cornerstone of Authenticity is SELF-TRUTH DISCUSS QUOTE: “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou cans’t not then be false to any man.” SLIDE: GOAL: Make a commitment of being true to our best selves and to utilize Direction, Deflection, Questions SLIDE: Give yourself time and space for reflection Be who you say you are and pay the price The paradox of authenticity SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Accept yourself as you are 2. Work for continuous self-improvement 3. Take responsibility for your circumstances 4. Become more effective time manager 5. Avoid negative people 6. Believe in other people 7. Decide who you want to be and start acting the part 8. Appreciate the paradox of self-truth GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Use DDQs, the questions that will change your life SLIDE: Direction, Deflection, Questions Will what I’m about to do or say help me be my ideal best self? SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: You’d worry a lot less what other people think of you if you’d acknowledge how infrequently they think of you! SLIDE: Core Action Value #2 is Integrity SLIDE: GOAL: To recognize it is through integrity that one earns the trust and the respect of others. ICEBREAKER: Have your participants listen as you read to them the resume of this individual: This man built his company from being a small corporation to number 5 on the Fortune 500 list of America’s largest corporation. His company was consistently included in the Fortune magazine roster of America’s most admired corporations, and was ranked as America’s most innovative company by other CEO’s. He was one of 50 people profiles in the book Lessons from the Top: The Search for America’s Best Business Leaders, as well as many other books and articles on leadership excellence. His name is on his hometown YMCA, a major business professorial chair, as well as his own family charitable foundation. This man was inducted into the Business Hall of Fame in his home state. This individual is on a first name basis with several US presidents, as well as many other important and powerful people in government and business. This man may be the only corporate CEO ever tot have had a toy action figure made in his image. Ask people to guess who you are talking about. The answer is Ken Lay, former CEO of the now bankrupt Enron corporation. Lay and many others like him, did a great job on eight or nine of the Core Action Values, but their failure to live with integrity brought everything else to naught. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones: 1. Honesty 2. Reliability 3. Humility 4. Stewardship SLIDE: Module #6: Core Action Value #2 is Integrity SLIDE: GOAL: Understand that integrity is more than just ethics, but a commitment DISCUSS QUOTE: “Character isn’t inherited. One builds it daily by the way one thinks and acts, thought by thought, action by action.” SLIDE: Character is destiny Integrity means wholeness Integrity is the value – trust and respect are the outcomes SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Avoid people of questionable integrity 2. Do not participate in gossip 3. Use Direction Deflection Questions to guide you 4. Look past superficialities 5. Think about difficult situations you might face in future GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Make a list of areas where you are behind, either in regard to time or money. Which of these issues have the greatest potential to put so much pressure on you that you might feel pushed to act in ways that you later regret? What can you do now to prevent this from happening. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Integrity begins with introspection; you must learn to trust and respect yourself before you can expect that others will trust and respect you. SLIDE: Module #7 First Cornerstone of Integrity is HONESTY SLIDE: GOAL: Fully appreciate that honesty is always the best policy DISCUSS QUOTE: “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.” SLIDE: Be honest and tell the truth Avoid people of questionable character Admit your mistakes, make good on them Don’t sugarcoat the truth Know when to be tactful and compassionate Fear-driven management violates integrity SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY 1. Beware of arrogance, rationalization, etc. as honesty with others begins with self 2. Be cautious to distinguish between opinions and facts 3. Challenge your own self-confining beliefs 4. If you catch yourself in deception, immediately return to truth 5. Do a reality check on yourself GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Analyze and if necessary, change your reference group SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: When you gain something by telling a lie, you lose something far more important. When you lose something as a result of telling the truth, you gain something far more valuable. SLIDE: Module #8: The Second Cornerstone of Integrity is Reliability SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the profound importance of being reliable DISCUSS QUOTE: “To let oneself be bound by a duty from the moment you see it approaching , is part of the integrity that alone justifies responsibility.” SLIDE: Do what you say you’re going to do Develop strength before being tested Keep your promises and meet commitments Be consistent where it counts Hold others accountable for their promises Know when to disobey and when to tolerate it SLIDE: PRO:S Pro’s show up for work every day Pro’s stay on the job all day long Pro’s are committed for the long haul Pro’s are self-validating Pro’s are worried about mastering the craft itself Pro’s know you can’t overcome fear, but must face it SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Learn how to say NO more often 2. Underpromise and Overdeliver 3. Do first things first 4. Make list of where you are behind 5. Make list of all the promises you’ve made 6. Think how to make a more sustained commitment to integrity GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Create a “reliability identity” statement SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Consider we all have an addiction to time and money. When we feel we are running out of either, we start to get withdrawal symptoms. Realizing that you are not going to make a deadline, or finally getting around to balancing your checkbook and discovering that every check you wrote last week will bounce, both provoke similar physiological reactions: rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, a momentary confused daze – the DT’s of time/money addiction. SLIDE: Module #9: The Third Cornerstone of Integrity is HUMILITY SLIDE: GOAL: Encourage personal introspection for own sense of humility and gain deeper understanding of role humility plays in effective leadership DISCUSS QUOTE: “Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.” SLIDE: Environment influences you Look past uniforms and business cards Be open to constructive criticism Accept responsibility without guilt Keep things simple Appreciate vast mystery of space and time SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Most successful leaders combine competence with personal humility 2. Be honest and aware of external influences 3. Make time for reading, reflection and prayer 4. Keep your life frugal and simple 5. Laugh loudest when joke’s on you GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Distinguish between opinions and principles SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: From humble beginnings spring great achievements; from humble people grow great organizations. SLIDE: Module #10: The Fourth Cornerstone of Integrity is Stewardship SLIDE: GOAL: Inspire changes in our behaviors to make optimal use of limited resources DISCUSS QUOTE: “You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of our grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children that we have taught our children that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves… We did not weave the web of life; we are merely a strand in it. Whateve we do to the web, we do to ourselves.” SLIDE: We don’t own the earth Managing personal resources Stewardship of organizational resources Environmental stewardship SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Effectively manage resources and waste not 2. Personal stewardship means managing your personal resources 3. Organizational stewardship is to work efficiently/productively 4. Make sacrifices for future generations to enjoy resources GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Give your last credit card a paint job SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: This land is your land, this land is my land. So, what are you doing to give our land a loving hand? SLIDE: Module #11: Core Action Value #3 is Awareness SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate importance and power of awareness to understand what really matter ICEBREAKER: Ask everyone to turn off their cell phones, beepers, etc. Close the curtains, turn out the lights and tell everyone to shut their eyes, fold their hands and sit peacefully and quietly for five minutes. Tell them not to think of anything, worry about anything, and as thoughts come into their heads to peacefully acknowledge them and let them go. At end of five minutes, ask how many people had an “out-of-body experience”, by which you mean that their thoughts and/or emotions left the room. Make the point that essence of awareness is to be present where you are, mentally and emotionally as well as physically. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones: 1. Mindfulness 2. Objectivity 3. Empathy 4. Reflection DISCUSS QUOTE: “The only real security in a relationship lies neither in looking back in nostalgia, nor forward in dread or anticipation, but living in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now.” SLIDE: Awareness is key to success and happiness Art of waking up Manage your temporal attention Manager your spatial awareness Manage you inner awareness Enjoy the journey SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Look at everything as if you were seeing it for the first time 2. Devote time every day to meditation 3. Hold your breath 4. Stand on one foot 5. Travel light GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Carry around something in a pocket or your purse where you will see it and touch it often. Whenever it catches your attention, imagine an alarm clock has just gone off, reminding you to wake up and pay attention to your surroundings. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Why do you think people use the word ‘pay’ when asking for your attention? Because they are asking you to give them your most precious resource. SLIDE: Module #12: The First Cornerstone of Awareness is Mindfulness SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the power of mindfulness for personal happiness, business, career, and financial success DISCUSS QUOTE: “One of the tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon – instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.” SLIDE: All emotional distress springs from failure of mindfulness Learn from past, plan for future, live in present Be today, see tomorrow Mindfulness, medication and breathing Be more of world, not less Manage machines, lead people SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Base dreams and plans on accurate and objective assessment 2. Set aside “sacred time” 3. Take up meditative practice 4. Pay attention to what is going on inside of you 5. Fill open blocks of time with reading and positive thinking 6. Use Direction Deflection Questions to help you act with greater awareness GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Every week, make some small change in your environment that you believe will make you happier or more productive SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: “Be Today, See Tomorrow: Keeping your attention in the present is the secret of happiness, and keeping your vision in the future is the key to success.” SLIDE: Module #13: The Second Cornerstone is Awareness is Objectivity SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the importance of objectivity to success and happiness in work and life and recognize how certain elements can interfere with objective assessment DISCUSS QUOTE: “Shall I tell you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to know that you know it and when you do not know a thing, to know that you do not know it. That is knowledge.” SLIDE: See the world as it really is See yourself as others see you Be aware of your vulnerabilities Do not over or underestimate a problem Distinguish between intuition and gut feel Avoid labels, stereotypes, first impressions SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Because you believe in something, doesn’t make it true 2. Try to see yourself as others see you 3. Have courage to ask others how you are doing 4. Train yourself to have fewer opinions and more questions 5. Train your doubt GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Pretend you are a newspaper reporter. Look around you and be objective. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: “See the world as it really is- not as it used to be, as you fear it might become, or as you wish it were.” SLIDE: Module #14: The Third Cornerstone of Awareness is Empathy SLIDE: GOAL: Understand the difference between empathy, sympathy and commiseration and to understand why empathy is key attribute of emotional intelligence. DISCUSS QUOTE: “The most valuable things in life are not measured in monetary terms. The really important things are not houses and lands, stocks and bonds, automobiles and real estate, but friendships, trust, confidence, empathy, mercy, love and faith.” SLIDE: Empathy is not sympathy or commiseration Key dimension of emotional intelligence: social radar Walk in other’s shoes Playing the “reporter” game SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Visualize stenciling MMFI on other people’s foreheads. Make Me Feel Important 2. Stop, look and listen 3. Tribulations in life make you stronger 4. Principle of “mutuality” 5. Let yourself be interrupted GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Be a Dionarap (paranoid spelled backwards) SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT We judge ourselves mostly by our intentions, but others judge us mostly by our actions. On the other hand, we judge others by their actions while they are judging themselves by their intentions. SLIDE: Module #15: The Fourth Cornerstone of Awareness is Reflection SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate power and importance of time devoted to reflection and introspection DISCUSS QUOTE: “Most true happiness comes from one’s inner life, from the disposition of the mind and soul. Admittedly, a good inner life is difficult to achieve, especially in these trying times. It takes reflection and contemplation and self-discipline.” SLIDE: Losing yourself to find yourself Power of silence and solitude Take time for strategic laziness Letting go of need to control Power of prayer Transcend attachments to gain freedom Success is not always “more” SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Reflect 2. Spent time alone in quiet place for prayer, meditation 3. Pray for guidance rather vs. prayer of petition 4. Commit yourself to constant renewal 5. You must MAKE time for reflection GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Take time for strategic laziness SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Appreciate the two great detachments and the freedoms that they bring: Detachment from material possessions gives you freedom of movement – geographically and professionally; detachment from the opinions of other people gives you freedom of conscience. SLIDE: Module #16: Core Action Value #4 is Courage SLIDE: GOAL: Understand the difference between anxiety, fear and worry ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY Ask participants to think about their fears then imagine they are an angry, hungry lion. Demonstrate the Lion Roar: Hold your hands up over your head and take a big stretch Flex your arms and make a fist with each hand, thrust out your chest, and take a deep breath Jump up in the air, come down in a crouching position with your arms flexed at your waist and at top of your lungs give a LOUD ROAR Now ask participants to do it. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Confrontation 2. Transformation 3. Action 4. Connection DISCUSS QUOTE: “Courage is rightly judged the finest of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all the others.” SLIDE: Everyday courage for extraordinary times Courage is not absence of fear Diagnosing anxiety, fear, and worry Anxiety, perception, and performance SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY 1. Accept fact anxiety, fear and worry are natural human emotions 2. Ask yourself when distressed which is the predominant emotion 3. Get the facts 4. Talk back to your fear GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Make fear your ally SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: F.E.A.R. is the acronym for Fantasized Evidence Appearing Real. It also happens to be the acronym for Fabulous Excuse for Avoiding Responsibility. SLIDE: Module #17: The First Cornerstone of Courage is Confrontation SLIDE: GOAL: Make the internal commitment to stand up to your fears with courage DISCUSS QUOTE: “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” SLIDE: Fear can be a prison more confining than bars Courage means standing up to fear Distinguish between anxiety, fear, and worry Fabulous Excuse for Avoiding Responsibility Give fear a name it becomes just a problem Listen for what fear might be telling you SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Fear is a bully 2. Give fear a name 3. Replace vague generalizations with specific statements of fact 4. Make a list of some things you can do to be more spontaneous 5. Watch your use of metaphors GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Convince yourself that people genuinely like and respect you; that when they criticize your ideas or reject your offers, it’s nothing personal. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Fear is a reaction, courage is a decision. SLIDE: Module #18: The Second Cornerstone of Courage is Transformation SLIDE: GOAL: Recognize fear is nothing more than emotional energy and we can transform that energy DISCUSS QUOTE: “To be courageous…requires no exceptional qualifications, no magic formula, no special combination of time, place and circumstance. It is an opportunity that sooner or later is presented to us all.” SLIDE: Emotional energy; from paralyze to catalyze Certainty of misery or misery of uncertainty Make sure people are afraid of the right things Don’t project your emotions Pay attention to words, images, metaphors Don’t look too far ahead SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Overcome old memories that hold you back 2. Recognize both fear and courage are contagious 3. Transform negative energy of fear into positive energy 4. Think of greatest fears, identify underlying problems, look for solutions 5. Words are powerful 6. Think of self-defining metaphors that may be holding you back GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Identify your irrational fears SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT At one point or another, people must choose: the certainty of misery or misery of uncertainty. Resparking the spirit of adventure in your life can help you deal with uncertainty with courage and determination. SLIDE: Module #19: The Third Cornerstone of Courage is Action SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate without action, courage is nothing more than a good intention. DISCUSS QUOTE: “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” SLIDE: Use research to understand your fears Escape the trap of the comfort zone Keep moving, have fun, have faith Keep your pen moving Dare most when times are darkest SLIDE: Show diagram of the Performance Anxiety Curve SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Action is the difference between positive thinking and wishful thinking 2. “To see what is right and not to do it is cowardice” 3. Dare most when times are darkest 4. Fear and anxiety are magnified by lack of information GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Think about something causing you anxiety or likely to in future. Draw curve where you are on the Performance Anxiety Curve and examine what you need to do. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT The difference between courageous and crazy is often evident only long after the fact. SLIDE: Module #20: The Fourth Cornerstone of Courage is Connection SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate how vital human connection is in the courage equation. DISCUSS QUOTE: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up.” SLIDE: Fear and courage are both contagious Caring is the root of courage Foster a support group environment in the workplace Study history, literature and biography Connect spiritually SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Fear breeds in isolation while connection inspires courage 2. Caring is the root of courage, remind yourself of who you care for 3. Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others 4. Bring down silo walls in your workplace 5. Don’t listen to first impressions GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Seek a mentor and be a mentor SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: The Course in Miracles says that the opposite of love is not hate, it is fear. If that is true, it also stands to reason that love can also be the antidote to fear. In the words of a song by the contemporary musical group Morcheeba, “fear can stop your loving, love can stop your fear.” SLIDE: Module #21: Core Action Value #5 is Perseverance SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate that perseverance is key to successful achievement of any goal that’s worth pursuing. ICEBREAKER: Ask participants for names of historical figures they admire, such as Abraham Lincoln or Florence Nightingale. Ask them to think why they admire these people, then point out that we admire our heroes not so much for what they accomplished, but rather for the obstacles through which they persevered en route to that accomplishment. If it had been easy, why would we honor them? SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Preparation 2. Perspective 3. Toughness 4. Learning DISCUSS QUOTE: “I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcome almost anything, even nature.” SLIDE: Perseverance is Courage that Endures The Laws of Adversity Apparent vs. real failure SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Obstacles are not optional, and though not predictable, can be anticipated 2. Spectacular success is always preceded by unspectacular preparation 3. No adversity comes your way that does not have hidden seeds of blessing 4. The bigger your dream, the greater will be the challenges you face in transforming it into reality tomorrow GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Transform a complaint into a blessing SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Every magnificent accomplishment was once the impossible dream of a dreamer who simply refused to quit when the going got tough. SLIDE: Module #22: The First Cornerstone of Perseverance is Preparation SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate how preparing for potential obstacles in advance makes it easier to plow through when they arise DISCUSS QUOTE: “Genius and success are one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” SLIDE: Obstacles are not optional Prepared yourself for inevitable adversity Develop physical stamina Prepare for the worst but expect the best Avoid analysis paralysis SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Prepare for the worst, expect the best 2. Take care of yourself physically 3. Develop the habits and character necessary for achieving your goals 4. Avoid analysis paralysis 5. Change your trajectory today GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Set 10-4-5 goals for yourself SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Napoleon Hill, author of the classic self-help book Think and Grow Rich, wrote that every successful person finds that their greatest accomplishments occur just after they have become convinced that their ideas will not work, but kept at it anyway. Apparent failure is nothing more than a dress rehearsal for future success. SLIDE: Module #23: The Second Cornerstone of Perseverance is Perspective SLIDE: GOAL: Realize it is within our power to view any situation with a positive perspective DISCUSS QUOTE: “Success is the ability to bounce from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm.” SLIDE: Thank God ahead of time for your troubles Reach out to help someone else Ask great questions in times of adversity Anything can look like failure in the middle Train your doubt Transform despair into determination Hope can save an apparently lost cause Trajectory is more important than position SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Best of times, worst of times? It’s your choice. 2. There are blessings everywhere if you pay attention to them. 3. If you are not routinely being frustrated, then either your goals are too small or you are not trying very hard to achieve them , or both 4. Any time one person helps another, two people are helped GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Thank God Ahead of Time SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT: Don’t confuse verbs and adjectives with nouns. Losing a job (verb) or being a losing candidate (adjective) does not make you a loser. SLIDE: Module #24: The Third Cornerstone of Perseverance is Toughness SLIDE: GOAL: Internalize need for and power of mental and emotional toughness DISCUSS QUOTE: “Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose- not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember. SLIDE: Live by Purpose, Passion, and Patience Don’t be a victim Change your self-talk Get the help you need Be tough with yourself, not on yourself Don’t quit before you even start Don’t wait for the rescue party Know when to yield and when to advance SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Be tough on yourself by having high standards 2. Do difficult things first 3. Don’t quit in the middle 4. Change the way you talk to yourself 5. Positive enthusiasm and mental toughness are hard to find when most important 6. Complacence and despair are mortal enemies of success GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Gain future strength by learning from past adversity SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Samurai Paradox: When your body is strong, it will bend to your commands, but when it is weak, you must give in to its demands. SLIDE: Module #25: The Fourth Cornerstone of Perseverance is Learning SLIDE: GOAL: See adversity as opportunity to learn from our mistakes DISCUSS QUOTE: “If only it were possible for us to see farther than our knowledge reaches, and even a little beyond the outworks of our predicament, perhaps we would bear our sadness with greater trust than we have in our joys.” SLIDE: Times of difficulty build character We learn more from failure than success Adversity opens doors to new opportunities Adversity connects us with other people Don’t stop short of the finish line SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Learn from adversity 2. Adversity prepares you for bigger challenges and accomplishments in future 3. Seek creative solutions 4. Adversity creates connections that are more meaningful 5. Adversity keeps on teaching GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Open a book to a random page SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT The 23red Psalm says that we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, not that we take up permanent residence! SLIDE: Module #26 Core Action Value #6 is Faith SLIDE: GOAL: Distinguish faith from religion and explore ways to strengthen our own faith ICEBREAKER: (NEED AN ICEBREAKER, THERE WAS NONE IN BOOK) SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Gratitude 2. Forgiveness 3. Love 4. Spirituality DISCUSS QUOTE: “Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.” SLIDE: The power of faith Loving wisdom of Mother Teresa Real faith is reflected in loving acceptance of others Think hard about your beliefs SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Build your own inner strength upon four pillars of faith 2. Let your faith and gratitude shine in your actions 3. Explore your doubts 4. Faith is bigger and deeper than belief GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Think about your faith and your beliefs SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT The pot of gold is an illusion; only the rainbow is real. SLIDE: Module #27: The First Cornerstone of Faith is Gratitude SLIDE: GOAL: Encourage you to think about the things that really matter DISCUSS QUOTE: “I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for giving me this gift, this possibility of declaring myself and of writing, of expressing all that is in me. I can shake off everything if I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” SLIDE: Don’t take things for granted Simplicity is beautiful Don’t worry, be happy Gratitude is the platform for hope Whining is the un-prayer, subject complaints to Valley Forge Test Optimism is spark plug for hope SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Gratitude is a central tenant of faith 2. Gratitude is more than saying “thank you” 3. Look to escape clutches of materialism 4. It’s easy to fall into trap of taking things for granted 5. Reflect your gratitude at work and at home GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Be thankful in past, present and future tense SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Gratitude is measured in minutes while resentment is measured in years SLIDE: Module #28: The Second Cornerstone of Faith is Forgiveness SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate how toxic and how damaging failure to forgive can be DISCUSS QUOTE: “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” SLIDE: Forgiveness can be a choice or a gift Forgiveness is superior to vengeance To forgive does not mean to forget Genuine acceptance is prospective forgiveness Forgiveness is multi-dimensional SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Paradox of forgiveness is that its not given for benefit of person being forgiven 2. Forgiveness often begins with forgiving yourself 3. To forgive does not necessarily mean to condone or to forget 4. Make a list of all past grudges and grievances you haul. Is it worth it? GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Bury a rock in the desert SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Carrying a grudge is like drinking poison in the hopes that it will hurt someone else SLIDE: Module #29: The Third Cornerstone of Faith is Love SLIDE: GOAL: Gain awareness of how and why love is integral element of faith DISCUSS QUOTE: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always perseveres. Love never fails.” SLIDE: The Beatles were right! Love is not a gushy emotion, its hard work You increase love by giving it away The place of love in the workplace Sometimes love is tough SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done, there’s no one you can save that can’t be saved 2. Love entails hard work and sacrifice 3. You can increase love by giving it away 4. Confront your fear with courage and to calm your anger with love GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Do a reality check on what really matters SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT There are far too few words for “love”. I’m saying very different things when I say “I love my wife,” or “I love my work,” or “I love hot dogs.” What are the things you love, and what words would you use to describe that love? SLIDE: Module #30: The Fourth Cornerstone of Faith is Spirituality SLIDE: GOAL: Understand that spirituality and religion are two distinct, through related qualities. DISCUSS QUOTE: “No coward soul is min/No trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere/I see heaven’s glories shine/And faith shines equal, arming me from fear.” SLIDE: Love is reflected in spiritual tolerance Power of prayer Faith, health and healing Faith and prayer Expect a miracle, but don’t give God a deadline Strong faith builds strong leaders SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. There is a place for both spirituality and religion in our lives and world 2. People who help you are not there by coincidence 3. Faith is the antidote to fear 4. Expect a miracle, but don’t give God a deadline 5. God’s tent is big and there is room for people of all beliefs GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Restore the Sabbath in your life SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT As Norman Vincent Peale pointed out, we tend to forget the last two words of the second great commandment: to love our neighbors as ourselves. Treat yourself with the love, respect and compassion you would give your most venerated neighbor. You deserve it, and your neighbor will appreciate it. SLIDE: Overview of Core Values for Taking Effective Action Core Action Value #7: Purpose Core Action Value #8: Vision Core Action Value #9: Focus Core Action Value #10: Enthusiasm Core Action Value #11: Service Core Action Value #12: Leadership SLIDE: Module #31: Core Action Value #7 is Purpose SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the power of having a guiding purpose in life ICEBREAKER: Walk around the room and ask people “what do you do?” After eight or ten responses, stop and say loudly with feeling, “Can’t you just feel the enthusiasm in this room! You all must really love what you do!!!” People will feel a bit sheepish because most of us tend to respond to that question almost as if we’re embarrassed by the answer, “I’m just a ….. Explain why this question can be so disempowering, based on how you answer it, the other person will automatically make a whole range of assumptions about you. Offer suggestions for how to answer it in way that is more self-nurturing and empowering. If time, have people write a creative answer to the question and one-by-one share with class. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Aspiration 2. Intentionality 3. Selflessness 4. Balance DISCUSS QUOTE: “The outward work can never be small if the inward one is great, and the outward work can never be great or good if the inward one is mall or of little worth. The inward work always includes in itself all size, all breadth, and all length.” SLIDE: The Dilbert Disease epidemic Ecclesiastes prescription cures Dilbert Disease Why is over-achiever a put down? Mission vs. calling See your work as a hammer and chisel with which you carve the statue of YOU Flow and the joy of work SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Purposeful people are positive thinkers who expect the best from themselves and from others 2. Living with purpose is a challenge to remove the basket and look inside yourself 3. Pursue your work with a sense of mission rather than concern for wealth or prestige GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Write a Purpose Statement and a Mission Statement SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a calling is never unemployed. SLIDE: Module #32: The First Cornerstone of Purpose is Aspiration SLIDE: GOAL: Encourage you to raise your sites and expectations of yourself and commit to action DISCUSS QUOTE: “There is a space between man’s imagination and man’s attainment that may only be traversed by his longing.” SLIDE: Before hunting and gathering; longing for a better world Bring your strengths to bear in your work 20-20 ambition vs. blind ambition Don’t outrun your headlights What would you do if….? Building bridges from where you are to where you want to be SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Effective aspiration is difference between wishful thinking and positive thinking 2. We’d all be hunting and gathering if others had not aspired 3. Build a bridge from where you are now to your ideal future 4. Purpose-guided people are positive thinkers who expect best from others 5. Purpose-guided people don’t delude themselves with wishful thinking GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT If you knew that whatever you were to undertake, you could not fail, what would you aspire to do? SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT The greatest failure is not to strive for great things and fail to achieve them, but rather to have no dreams at all SLIDE: Module #33: The Second Cornerstone of Purpose is Intentionality SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate that a person guided by purpose means we will not just try to achieve our goals, but steel ourselves with intention to achieve them DISCUSS QUOTE: Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might. SLIDE: Make your dream your mission Do or do not (there is no try) Dealing with dream-stealers Have a bias for action Think long, act fast SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Be a positive thinker 2. People with a sense of purpose make a difference 3. The attitude you bring to work is the most important choice you make on daily basis 4. Pay attention to your vocabulary and replace wish-washy words with words that convey purpose and expectation GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Honestly ask yourself where you find your greatest joy – in the job or in the work? SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT You tend to get what you expect out of life; positive intention can create self-fulfilling prophecies. SLIDE: Module #34: The Third Cornerstone of Purpose is Selflessness SLIDE: GOAL: Understand that to internalize purpose as a value means rising above “what’s in it for me” thinking DISCUSS QUOTE “We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them.” SLIDE: Transcending ego to find soul The foundation of real teamwork Be part of a cause that’s bigger than you Contribution is antidote to stress Exchange the spotlight for a floodlight Be in it for the long haul SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Stop thinking of yourself and devote yourself to a bigger cause 2. Seek ways to make meaningful contributions to work, community, etc. 3. Getting job done is more important than getting the credit 4. See job description as a floor not as a ceiling GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Be an extravagant tipper SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Whatever you most need in life, the best way for you to get it is to help someone else get it who needs it even more than you do SLIDE: Module #35: The Fourth Cornerstone of Purpose is Balance SLIDE: GOAL: Seek a sense of purpose in every dimension of your life DISCUSS QUOTE: “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” SLIDE: Intentionality in every dimension of your life Balance and integrate your life and work You cannot find time, you must make time Balance begins with setting priorities SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Seek a sense of purpose in every dimension of your life 2. Do more than that which is easy, effortless, and enjoyable (the three E’s) 3. Take care of yourself physically 4. Be vigilant about not putting yourself into double-bind situations GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Go back to kindergarten SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Earlier in this course I asked you what you would do if every job paid the same and had the same social status. Now, the question is: If every job paid the same and had the same social status, how would it affect the way you spend your time? SLIDE: Module #36: Core Action Value #8 is Vision SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate how the interaction of vision and visualization can help transform the dream of today into reality of tomorrow ICEBREAKER: Ask participants what would be the first thing they would do if they were traveling to a distant city they had never visited before. Answer, of course, get a road map and plot a route. This is great analogy for the more clearly you see something in your mind, the more certain it is you will take the right steps to make it happen. Ask people to remember their second birthday in every detail and raise their hands when they have a picture clearly in mind. They will look at you like you are crazy. Then ask them to think about where they will be this time the next day, what they’re doing, what they’re wearing, who they’re with etc. and to raise their hand when that picture is clear in mind. Most people will raise their hands, making the point that vision can be much more powerful force than memory. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Attention 2. Imagination 3. Articulation 4. Belief DISCUSS QUOTE; “The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream…. It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin.” SLIDE: The power of vision Vision and visualization The Vision Hourglass From the seed grows the tree Victims live in the past, visionaries live in the future SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Don’t waste your imagination on worry and fantasy 2. Distinguish between “vision” and “visualization” 3. The longest journey begins with a single step 4. Are you a victim or a visionary? GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Write your autobiography in advance SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT “Live your dreams before they come true, just in case you never wake up.” SLIDE: Module #37: The First Cornerstone of Vision is Attention SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate that attention is our most precious resource DISCUSS QUOTE: “If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing. SLIDE: Attention is the platform for future dreams You become what you pay attention to The paradox of realism and optimism and choosing what to see when Don’t chase what you really don’t want SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Attention is the platform upon which dreams of future are built 2. Without healthy dissatisfaction, there is no motivation for change 3. There is no free lunch 4. Keep yourself awake GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Find a need and fill it SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Why do you think people use the word “pay” rather than the word “loan” when asking for your attention? Because they are asking you to give them your most precious and irreplaceable resource – your attention. SLIDE: Module #38: The Second Cornerstone of Vision is Imagination SLIDE: GOAL: Make more effective use of unique gift of your imagination DISCUSS QUOTE: “You can’t depend on your judgment whenyour imagination is out of focus.” SLIDE: Don’t waste your imagination on worry and fantasy You won’t know it when you see it Healthy dissatisfaction creates energy, but save your dissatisfaction for what matters Focus on authentic dreams and goals; don’t be misled by excessive concern for stuff SLIDE: Five Tools Big Goals Give You 1. Compass 2. Magnifying glass 3. Magnet 4. Flywheel 5. Spark plug SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. How can you cultivate a better balance between left and right brain? 2. Creativity is something that can be cultivated 3. Worry is imagining a horrible future that we do not want to have happen. Fantasy is imaging a beautiful future that we have absolutely no intention 4. Your dissatisfaction can be great motivational resource, don’t waste on complaining GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Exercise whole-brain dreaming SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT T.S. Eliot said that good poets borrow, but great poets steal. The greatest innovations are not new ideas, but rather the adaptation of existing ideas into a new arena. On this basis, anyone can be creative. All you need to do is pay attention, be curious, ask good questions, and figure out how you can borrow someone else’s idea for your purposes. ______________________________________________________________________ SLIDE: Module #39: The Third Cornerstone of Vision is Articulation SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the importance and power of using words to create visceral mental images DISCUSS QUOTE: “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it bearing within him the image of a cathedral.” SLIDE: Transform dreams into memories of the Future with the 5A’s SLIDE: 1. Articulation 2. Affirmation 3. Asking 4. Action 5. Adaptation SLIDE: Transform dreams into memories of the Future with the 5 A’s Four tools and the three paradoxes of big audacious goals Couple impossible goals and deadlines SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Become a more effective communicator 2. Use the 5 A’s to transform dreams into memories of the future 3. Couple impossible goals with impossible deadlines to create sense of urgency 4. Get into habit of thinking in terms of prototypes GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Make a list of the most important goals for the personal, family, career, financial, educational, service, and spiritual dimensions of your life. Then, categorize the reasons for achieving your goals. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT When someone criticized Ludwig von Beethoven for writing music that required such forceful playing that it would destroy the piano upon which it was being played, he replied that he was not writing for the puny instruments of his day. SLIDE: Module #40: The Fourth Cornerstone of Vision is Belief SLIDE: GOAL: Understand that belief is a powerful force of nature DISCUSS QUOTE: “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.” SLIDE: All great accomplishments were once impossible dreams of dreamers who refused to quit You’ll see it when you believe it Power of collective vision It does not take absolute belief, just enough to get started Think big, start small Vision becomes a destiny SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Vision becomes destiny 2. All things are possible for one who believes 3. Reprogram negative self-talk and self-limiting images 4. Appreciate incredible power of collective belief GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Write your own horoscope. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbably and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” SLIDE: Module #41: Core Action Value #9 is Focus SLIDE: GOAL: Understand incredible leverage focused people have in achieving their goals ICEBREAKER: Walk around room and ask participants if they will give you fifty dollars? Tell them it is not a loan, you are not giving it back and it is none of their business what you intend to do with it. You simply want fifty dollars. Most of them will think you have gone out of your mind. When it has become clear no one is giving you fifty dollars, ask “how about two and a half hours of your time?” It will be obvious that they are in the middle of doing exactly that. Point out if they were as careful as budgeting and focusing their time as they are their money, they would be a lot wealthier, happier and more successful. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Target 2. Concentration 3. Speed 4. Momentum DISCUSS QUOTE: “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” SLIDE: The real secret of success Travel light Focus and productivity Focus and time Focus and money Focus and integrity SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Define your vision 2. Focus your attention on what’s important 3. Don’t be tempted by distractions 4. Don’t allow gossip or idle chatter to distract your focus 5. Carry a book or journal with you wherever you go GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Be a status contrarian SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Don’t chase what you don’t want, don’t want what you can’t have, and appreciate what you already do have. SLIDE: Module #42: The First Cornerstone of Focus is Target SLIDE: GOAL: Explore specific goal-setting methods for identifying your most important priorities to consider effective strategies for staying on target DISCUSS QUOTE: “I have learned from years of experience with men, that when a man desires a single thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win.” SLIDE: Don’t chase what you don’t want and don’t want what you can’t have Don’t give in to the tyranny of the urgent One Big Yes requires lots of little no’s The fewer goals you pursue at one time, the more goals you can pursue over time Practice the 4 P’s of goal targeting SLIDE: Priorities Plan Prepare Pursue SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Denying yourself fun now gives you time and money to invest in future happiness 2. Get a focus on the things you can control 3. Diversity your skills and focus your goals GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Identify the things you don’t really want, but think you do SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Parents need to be willing to make sacrifices for their children to provide for their health, safety, and education. Think of the future you as a child of the present you. What sacrifices will the you of today be willing to make in order to provide for the health, happiness and welfare of that older you of the future? SLIDE: Module #43: The Second Cornerstone of Focus is Concentration SLIDE: GOAL: Gain an expanded idea of the resources available to any task and why it is so important to concentrate those resources on the accomplishment of that task. DISCUSS QUOTE: “When a man’s undivided attention is centered on one object his mind will constantly be suggesting improvements of value, which would escape him if his brain were occupied by a dozen different subjects at once.” SLIDE: Stay out of Pareto Prison (80-20 trap) Concentrate your key resources: time, emotional energy, money Concentration fosters creativity Concentration is key to emotionally rewarding state of flow SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: Concentration begins as an inside job Pareto Principle – 80/20 rule To be creative requires the ability to concentrate on one thing Nobody on deathbed says they wish they spent more time watching television Just say No GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Keep two lists. First list is for “big ticket items”, dreams and goals you wish to accomplish. Second list is your daily “to do” list. Everyday work on your “big ticket list” SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Say no to the trivia and say yes to the things that really do matter. You will conquer the tyranny of the trivial and graduate to mastery of the important. SLIDE: Module #44: The Third Cornerstone of Focus is Speed SLIDE: GOAL: Understand how moving fast can not only help you stay more focused on what really matters, but also enhance results you achieve. DISCUSS QUOTE “Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination….It is even better to act quickly and err than to hesitate until the time of action has past.” SLIDE: Thinking twice is usually quite sufficient Traveling light promotes speed Balance urgency and patience There are no short cuts Don’t allow yourself to be slowed down by toxic negativity Learn to delegate more efficiently SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. The faster you achieve your goals, the more time you have for additional goals 2. Procrastination is source of missed opportunity, failure and cause for emotional distress 3. Travel light 4. Be willing to ask for help 5. Don’t skip essential foundation-building activities in rush to get to top 6. Blend urgency with patience GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Think prototype. Prototype is working model of something that has yet to be developed. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT The more you do, the more you can do. So speed up and do it now. SLIDE: Module #45: The Fourth Cornerstone of Focus is Momentum SLIDE: GOAL: See how Momentum builds upon Target, Concentration and Speed DISCUSS QUOTE: “Consider the postage stamp. It secures success through its ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.” SLIDE: Make every moment count Watch out for complacence and arrogance Avoid the entropy trap Make your life an adventure SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Learn to create and sustain momentum 2. Momentum = Urgency + Patience 3. Momentum is key factor in the learning curve 4. Physical momentum is good for your mental health; stay active 5. Keep moving GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Visualize yourself as a race car plowing through your daily activities like an Indy 500 driver determined to see victory line. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Anyone who has ever allowed themselves to get badly out of shape and then started going to the gym knows that it’s much easier to stay in shape than it is to get in shape, and that’s a powerful metaphor for the power of momentum in every dimension of life. SLIDE: Module # 46: Core Action Value #10 is Enthusiasm SLIDE: GOAL: Encourage you to evaluate your own beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to be more passionate, optimistic and cheerful. ICEBREAKER: Give participants three minutes to be absolutely, ridiculously silly. Have them make faces, do somersaults, make weird noises, or anything else that is silly, preposterous or funny. What you will find is that for most people this is impossible. We are so tightly crammed into our business costumes and the associated expectations of behavior, we can’t break out of the mold. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Attitude 2. Energy 3. Curiosity 4. Humor DISCUSS QUOTE: “Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” SLIDE: The magic elixir of success Choose to be enthusiastic The happiness revolution SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: Make commitment to enthusiasm Money and material possessions won’t buy you happiness Attitude is contagious You tend to get what you expect out of life, so expect the best Get that pickle out of your mouth by taking the Pickle Challenge and Pickle Pledge SLIDE: Show the Pickle Pledge GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Take the Pickle Challenge and internalize the Pickle Pledge SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT “Every negative thought must be set aside before it takes root.” SLIDE: Module #47: The First Cornerstone of Enthusiasm is Attitude SLIDE: GOAL: Make commitment to avoid negative attitudes and cultivate positive attitudes DISCUSS QUOTE: “I’ve learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other about with us in our minds wherever we go.” SLIDE: Program your mental computer for positivity Avoid toxic emotional negativity Get your body into the act Inoculate yourself against Dilbert Disease SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. There is no “attitude gene” 2. Collective attitude of people in organization is important 3. Erase and rewrite negative self-talk 4. Catch yourself whining and turn into a blessing 5. Turn every complaint into a call to action GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Cultivate a support group environment where you work SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day… I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it.” SLIDE: Module #48: The Second Cornerstone of Enthusiasm is Energy SLIDE: GOAL: Realize that the choices we make substantially determine how energized our lives will be DISCUSS QUOTE: “Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.” SLIDE: Whether or not you have energy is a choice Be an energy faucet, not a drain Stress and fatigue are caused by inactivity, not by too much work Create energizing little rituals The amazing paradox of energy, you create it by using it SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Enthusiasm requires energy 2. When someone brings a co-worker down with negativity they are stealing energy 3. Take care of yourself 4. Do your work with passion and you will have more energy 5. You create energy by using it GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Stand straight and tall, walk faster, put a big smile on your face and act “as if “ you had all the confidence in the world. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT If you’re unhappy, chances are all that stands between you and happiness is an expenditure of energy – emotional and physical. SLIDE: Module #49: The Third Cornerstone of Enthusiasm is Curiosity SLIDE: GOAL: Respark the childlike spirit of curiosity DISCUSS QUOTE: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. SLIDE: Respark a childlike curiosity Cultivate a wide-ranging interest Ask dumb questions Ask penetrating questions The 5 Whys Enthusiasm and creativity support each other Think by analogy SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Boredom is a major risk factor for an unfulfilling life and can foster depression 2. Fear is a serious learning disability 3. Be a beginner, be curious, be a questioner 4. The only dumb question, is the one not asked 5. Go off on journeys GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Play the game of news reporter and imagine you will have to write an account of each conversation you overhear. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT If you don’t have a question, you don’t have a clue; if you aren’t searching, you are truly lost. SLIDE: Module # 50: The Fourth Cornerstone of Enthusiasm is Humor SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the value of humor in various dimensions of life DISCUSS QUOTE: “A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs, jolted by every pebble in the road.” SLIDE: Cultivate your humor quotient Get into the laughter habit Create your own joy list It’s not humor if it puts someone down Get less Dr. Kildare and more Patch Adams SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Have a good sense of humor and you will be more successful in your work 2. Make yourself laugh 3. It’s not humor if it puts someone down 4. What is one thing you can to do to bring more fun, joy, humor into your workplace? GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Create a Joy list SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Remember: Nobody ever really died laughing. SLIDE: Module # 51: Core Value #11 is Service SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate that service is not just something you do, it’s a state of mind ICEBREAKER Send participants out on reverse scavenger hunt – have them seek out a simple opportunity to perform a small random act of kindness. When everyone has returned, ask people how it felt to offer to help someone, perhaps someone that would never even know who performed the service. Discuss some of the ways random acts of kindness could help create a more friendly and service oriented organization. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Helpfulness 2. Charity 3. Compassion 4. Renewal DISCUSS QUOTE: “There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.” SLIDE: Service as a value, not just an activity The paradox of service The 3-W’s of serving Don’t wait to be asked SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Service begins with sincere desire to help others 2. We can always be of service to others 3. Service lies at heart of servant leadership GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Go on a reverse scavenger hunt SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT “Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.” SLIDE: Module #52: The First Cornerstone of Service is Helpfulness SLIDE: GOAL: Understand a commitment to helping others as the foundation of a service mindset and often best way to help ourselves DISCUSS QUOTE “It is one of the great secrets of life that those things which are most worth doing, we do for others.” SLIDE: See job description as a floor, not ceiling Real service means sticking your head out Training is a form of service Service recovery transforms dissatisfied people into fans Service does not mean doing for others what they should for themselves SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Service begins with sincere desire to help others 2. Service is combination of what you do and attitude you do it with 3. See your job description as a floor, not ceiling 4. Service doesn’t mean rescuing people from problems they created GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Think of something that is important to you – something you would really like to have or do. Now find someone who wants the same thing or something similar. Instead of asking them to help you get what you want, go out of your way to help them get what they want. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT “Whatever you most need in life, the best way for you to get it is to help someone else get it who needs it even more than you do.” SLIDE: Module #53: The Second Cornerstone of Service is Charity SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate that one who gives often benefits as much as one who receives DISCUSS QUOTE: “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” SLIDE: Be charitable with both time and money A treasure shared is a treasure multiplied Charity is state of mind Giving appreciation and recognition Practice extravagant generosity Engage in random acts of kindness SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY 1. It’s giving that sets the stage for receiving 2. Charity is an attitude more than an act 3. Don’t wait until your money troubles are resolved to be charitable 4. Generous attitude begins with a smile GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Join the Random Acts of Kindness movement; get into the habit of every single day doing some little anonymous kindness for someone who will never be in a position to repay it. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT When it comes to charity, the person doing the giving often benefits more than the person who is receiving. SLIDE: Module #54: The Third Cornerstone of Service is Compassion SLIDE: GOAL: See how compassion is an element of service DISCUSS QUOTE “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.” SLIDE: Catch yourself before you judge others on appearance Genuine compassion entails mutuality Don’t confuse kindness with blindness Transcend self-interest SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Greatest service you can render to another human is gift of compassion 2. Don’t judge others on appearance or what they do for a living 3. Charisma: make someone feel special 4. Service is a bilateral relationship GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Make other people feel important, make them feel special. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Action puts the Passion into Compassion: without action, compassion is no more than good intentions. SLIDE: Module #55: The Fourth Cornerstone of Service is Renewal SLIDE: GOAL: Making time for personal renewal is necessary for one to continue to be of service to others DISCUSS QUOTE: “So as long as a person is capable of self-renewal, they are a living being.” SLIDE: Service is best way to escape the Iron Triangle of False Personality Ask for help, be willing to receive it Leave people better than when you found them Be a healer of others to heal yourself Give yourself time and space for renewal SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. You cannot pour from an empty pitcher 2. A voyage of renewal is an adventure 3. Practice the golden rule in reverse 4. Times of adversity are often opportunities for renewal GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Incorporate little renewal rituals into your daily routine; such as fast walk after lunch, listening to classical music in the evenings… SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT If you’re not enjoying the journey, the destination will be a disappointment. SLIDE: Module #56: Core Action Value #12 is Leadership SLIDE: GOAL: Understand distinction between management and leadership ICEBREAKER: Begin by asking this question: What is the single most important activity of leadership? At end of discussion, point out there is not right or wrong answer: leaders come in all sizes and shape, with wide varieties of agendas and styles. The key responsibility of a leader though is to LISTEN. Great leaders listen and understand the real needs of their followers. SLIDE: The Four Cornerstones 1. Expectations 2. Example 3. Encouragement 4. Celebration DISCUSS QUOTE “Leaders are not born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else – through hard work.” SLIDE: Leadership is culmination of first 11 core action values Management is job description, leadership is life decision Learn to follow, then to lead Transforming leadership is a bilateral relationship You build a winning team with winning players Predict and Plan, Command and Control SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Leadership is a philosophy and way of life 2. A leader takes you to a place you didn’t know you wanted to go 3. Build a winning team by teaching individual team members skills 4. Real leaders are committed for the long haul 5. Leadership is largely a matter of love and caring GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Think of yourself as the CEO of Me, Inc. You are responsible for creating and marketing the best possible product in all dimensions of your life. What would that look like? SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT Review Confucious on Leadership Character, p. 385 SLIDE: Module #57: The First Cornerstone of Leadership is Expectations SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the power of positive expectations for fostering self-fulfilling prophecies DISCUSS QUOTE: “If you treat people the way they are, you make them worse. If you treat them the way they ought to be, you make them capable of becoming what they ought to be.” SLIDE: Expect the best from yourself and others Be a Dionarap Replace OR with AND Give credit, take blame Be clear in your communication and performance expectations Keep raising the bar and broaden horizons What you expect and what you tolerate SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Effective leaders expect a lot from themselves and others 2. Give people meaning and purpose 3. Communicate clear expectation for performance 4. Deal with uncertainty that creates resistance to change 5. Expect the best, prepare for the worst GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Make a list of all possible areas in which you are making tradeoffs. Replace the OR with the AND SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT If you want to achieve success beyond your wildest expectations, you have to begin with wild expectations. SLIDE: Module #58: The Second Cornerstone of Leadership is Example SLIDE: GOAL: Think about what it means for the values-based leader to lead by example DISCUSS QUOTE: “The skilled commander seeks victory from the situation and does not demand it of his subordinates.” SLIDE: Management is job description, leadership is life decision Be in it for the long haul Leadership entails voluntary loss of freedom Be willing to take risks Empowerment cannot be given, it can only be claimed Be first in attack, last in retreat SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Lead by example 2. Begins with state of mind 3. Means giving up many freedoms 4. Invite critical feedback and then listen openly 5. Expects everyone will treat others with respect, humility and dignity GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Make a list of five key characteristics about the people you admire most as leaders. Now write down five phrases that best describe your leadership style. Compare the two lists. What can you learn? SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT How many employees of American corporations really feel that their bosses would go to mat for them? Do the people who look up to you as a leader feel like you would go to the mat for them? SLIDE: Module #59: The Third Cornerstone of Leadership is Encouragement SLIDE: GOAL: Appreciate the often underappreciated importance of encouragement both as an element of effective leadership and of cultivating personal/organizational achievement DISCUSS QUOTE: “The greatest asset of any society is the talent and energy of its people. Yet no society has ever fully recognized or honored that asset; indeed, most societies have effectively stifled both talent and energy. The release of human possibilities is one of the most basic of social objectives and leadership goals.” SLIDE: Good leaders help people believe in themselves and their dreams Encourage people to bring their best to work with them and share it with others Be most visible when times seem darkest SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Tell stories to communicate values and expectations 2. Create environment where people work together with pride and friendship 3. Help people believe in themselves 4. Give credit when things go right, take blame when things go wrong 5. Encourage people to connect with a higher purpose and greater meaning in their work GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Make encouraging others a way of life. SUMMARIZE WITH KEY THOUGHT People will quit a job, but they will never quit a mission; people will leave an organization, but they will never leave a team; people will desert a boss, but they will never desert a leader. SLIDE: Module #60: The Fourth Cornerstone of Leadership is Celebration SLIDE: GOAL: Realize celebration is not frivolous diversion from real work DISCUSS QUOTE “The greatest of leaders, when the work is done, leaves the people saying to themselves, ‘we did it ourselves’.” SLIDE: Leaders take time to celebrate both successes and good faith failures Promote a “support group culture” where celebration is a spontaneous occurrence SLIDE: RULES FOR THE JOURNEY: 1. Leaders foster teamwork by celebrating personal and group achievements and good faith failures 2. Friends are important to engagement at work 3. Rituals bring structure and purpose to work 4. Real leaders don’t drive people with fear 5. Capitalize on every opportunity to congratulate others GIVE OUT ACTION ASSIGNMENT Plan for a year of celebrations. Make a list of goals and wishes you have for the year to come, both at work and at home. For each goal or wish, think about all of the people who will need to be involved in order for you to accomplish it. Now for each goal, imagine a suitable celebration. Visualize as the celebration unfolds. SUMMARIZE KEY THOUGHT Celebrations are the exclamation points of life – they punctuate the greatest lines of our stories.