Biography Book Report Dress Up Day Due Monday, May 4th **Early Bird Points will be given if it is presented on Friday, May 1st Biography SHOWCASE – This is an opportunity to present to your friends and family Thursday, May 7th at 6:00 PM in your Homeroom Class Imagine that the person you read about walked into your classroom and introduced him or herself. What would he or she say? How would the person talk, act, and dress? For this project, you will prepare a short presentation as if you are the subject of your biography. Materials: Clothing that the subject of the book might have worn (or drawing materials to illustrate this) Any props that might enhance your presentation Power Point Presentation of at least 5 slides Directions: 1. Find a biography that interests you and is on a reading level within your reading range. 2. Take notes on the subject of your book. Include information about the following: a. family b. hometown c. date of birth (and death, if applicable) d. personality and character traits e. important accomplishments f. goals g. obstacles h. major events in the person’s life i. contributions to society 3. Create a five slide Power Point presentation and a monologue that you will present to the class. Write as if you are the person talking about him or her-for example, “I was born in 1877.” The Power Point slide might have a picture of this person along with his / her birth and death date. Incorporate the information from your notes. 4. Read your monologue aloud and then revise it. Time yourself presenting your speech and make sure it takes about three minutes. Revise if necessary. 5. Practice your speech so that you do not need to read from the Power Point. Your monologue is going to have more information than what is included on your Power Point. (You may refer to them, but you should be able to make eye contact for most of your presentation.) Practice speaking and acting as you imagine the person would have. 6. Find out what the person looked like and how he or she dressed. On the day of your presentation, you will either dress in a costume to look like the person or bring in a poster-size, colorful picture of him or her that you’ve drawn or printed. Power Point Presentation: You can create this at home or at school. Your Power Point must have at least 5 slides. You will want to include: 1. Birthdate and Death date – place of birth and picture 2. Early Life – what was his / her family like? Was he / she poor or rich? 3. Accomplishments – why is this person interesting? 4. Interesting Facts? What makes this person interesting to read about? 5. Opinion statement supported by facts, “I think that _____ was _______ because_______.” My Biography will be about __________________________________________ Ms. Craig approval ________ Biography Book Report Due Monday, May 4th **Early Bird Points will be given if it is presented on Friday, May 1st BIOGRAPHY SHOWCASE This is an opportunity to present to your friends and family Thursday, May 7th at 6:00 PM in your Homeroom Class A light snack of Cookies and Punch will be served for all friends and family Name________________________________________ Date______________ Possible Points Did you dress up as the person your biography was about or did you have a large illustration of him/her? Was your monologue 2-3 minutes long? Did you have at least 5 slides in your Power Point? Did your Power Point have the required information? 1. Birthdate and Death date 2. Early Life 3. Accomplishments 4. Interesting Facts 5. Opinion statement supported by facts Did you speak articulately and audibly before your classmates? Did you deliver an informative presentation making eye contact throughout most of your presentation? Did you create a reference documentation page? Were you prepared on Friday for “Early Bird” points Did you present at the Biography Showcase on February 27th Total Points Comments: 20 20 10 10 10 10 20 10 20 Earned Points Notes for Biography Book Report Due March 27th 1. Family 2. Hometown 3. Date of birth (and death, if applicable) 4. Personality and characteristics 5. Important accomplishments 6. Goals 7. Obstacles 8. Major event’s in the person’s life 9. Contributions to society