Mathematical Analysis for Business II (MATH 112: Section 9) Loyola Marymount University, Fall 2014 Professor: Dr. Curtis Bennett Office: North Hall 103 (primary), UH-2764 Phone: 338-5112 Email: Web Page: Office Hours: MW: 3:00-4:00(NH) R:2:00-3:00(NH), and by appointment (subject to change). Textbook: College Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 7th edition, by S. T. Tan Prerequisites: MATH 111 or 120 or placement into MATH 112 Course Meeting Times: MWF 2:00-2:50, SEA 207 Technology: Graphic or scientific calculator (no phone calculators) Catalogue Description: Introduction to the differential and integral calculus of elementary functions. Applications of the methods of calculus to business and economics problems. General Description: In this class, we will be studying topics from differential and integral calculus, with a particular emphasis on applications to business, finance, and economics. The focus of this class will be on learning the concepts of the derivative and integral and applying them to understand curves, elementary functions, and applications to the social and life sciences. Learning Outcomes: Content Outcomes: Students will be able to apply the notion of function to basic applications. Students will be able to state a heuristic definition of the limit of a function at a point and do basic calculations with limits. Students will be able to give a precise definition of the derivative, take derivatives of functions by using rules and methods (product, sum, quotient). Students will be able to apply the derivative to applications including optimization problems, understanding graphs, and marginal analysis. Students will be able to describe curves using the language of calculus. They will be able to break curves and graphs into important pieces, helping them understand processes that these curves and graphs help model. Students will be able to state a rudimentary definition of the logarithmic and exponential functions and be able to take derivatives (and integrals) of such functions. Moreover, students will be able to use these functions in applications and will be able to recognize applications where these functions occur. Students will be able to show a heuristic understanding of the integral, integrate elementary functions, and use the integral in basic applications. Students will be able to discuss at least one application of calculus to business, finance, or economics. Process Objectives: Students will improve their mathematical problem solving skills. Students will improve their mathematical modeling skills. In particular, students will be able to recognize certain basic mathematical models of interest in business. Students will be able to write down mathematics in a careful and correct way. Students will improve their ability to read a mathematics textbook. Homework and Reading assignments: Homework will be assigned weekly. Homework sets will be collected on Friday at the start of class. Late homework assignments may be given no credit. On each homework set there will be 4-10 problems that will be graded for correctness, and the balance of the problems will merely be looked at to see that they were done. Each assignment will be worth 30 points, with the graded problems being worth 3-5 points each and the balance of the points scored for completeness. Students will also have reading assignments. For most Wednesday classes, students will be asked to read a portion of the textbook, to work one problem related to the reading, to respond to one question on the reading, and to state one question on the reading that they would like answered. These will be due via MYLMU Connect at 3pm on the Tuesday afternoon before class on Wednesday. I will read through the responses Tuesday afternoon or evening before class so that I can concentrate on areas of difficulty for students. The purpose of this assignment is twofold: first so that I can concentrate on areas of difficulty, and second to help you learn to read the textbook in a profitable way prior to class. Each reading assignment will be assessed on a 0/1 scale of whether or not effort was put into the assignment. (Occasional assignments may get a score of 1.1 for extra effort.) Writing Assignments: There may be occasional writing assignments throughout the class. These will be factored in with the homework papers as announced during class. Please note, these will usually be announced the class day before they are to be turned in. Grading: Grades will be determined in the following manner: Midterms (Sept. 19th, Oct. 20th, Nov 21st): Homework and writing: Participation/Reading assignments/Quizzes: Final Exam (Monday Dec. 8th 2-4): 15% 15% 10% 30% The following is a general guide on grades. The scale may be lowered slightly. For example, if you earn 90% of the possible points in the class, you are guaranteed at least an A- in the class. A, A- : 90-100 B-, B, B+: 80-90 C, C+: 70-80 D: 60-70 F: <60 Make-up Work/Late assignments: Students that miss a homework or exam for a universityexcused reason (athletics, illness with signed doctor’s note, or similar) should let me know as soon as possible. Note that leaving early for Thanksgiving break is not an acceptable reason. Homework for an excused absence is due on the first class day following the absence. Homework that is late for any other reason will be docked 30% per day late (not class day). I do not give make-up exams. If you miss an exam for an excused absence, then your final exam will count for the missing exam. That is, if you miss one midterm (for an excused absence), then your final exam will be worth 45% of your grade. Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or accommodations in this course should promptly direct their request to the Disability Support Services Office. Any student who currently has a documented disability (physical, learning, or psychological) needing academic accommodations should contact the Disability Services Office (Daum Hall Room 224, 310-338-4216) as early in the semester as possible. All discussions will remain confidential. Please visit for additional information. Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty will be treated as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences that can range from receiving no credit for assignments/tests to expulsion. It is never permissible to turn in any work that has been copied from another student or copied from a source (including Internet) without properly acknowledging the source. It is your responsibility to make sure that your work meets the standard of academic honesty set forth in the “LMU Honor Code and Process” which appears in the LMU Bulletin 2010-2011 (see Tentative Nature of the Syllabus: If necessary, this syllabus and its contents are subject to revision; students are responsible for any changes or modifications distributed in class or posted on LMU's course management system MYLMU Connect (if you are using that technology). Respect for Self and Others: As an LMU Lion, by the Lion’s Code, you are pledged to join the discourse of the academy with honesty of voice and integrity of scholarship and to show respect for staff, professors, and other students. (See the student code of conduct ) Electronic Devices: Please silence and put out of site all electronic devices (with the exception of calculators) during class time. Tentative Topic List for Course: There will be additions and subtractions as the term goes on. Days 1 1 1 ½ 1.5 2 1.5 1 1 1 1.5 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sections 11.1, 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 12.1, 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 14.1, 14.3 14.2, 14.4 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.7 17.1 17.3 17.4 Topic Function, Algebra of Functions Models Limits and continuity One-sided limits Definition of the Derivative Power Rule, Product and Quotient Rules Chain Rule Marginal Analysis Higher-order derivatives Implicit differentiation (as time permits) Differentials and Approximation Relative Extrema, increasing-decreasing functions, first derivative test Concavity, second derivative test Curve sketching Absolute extrema Optimization Exponents and calculus of exponential functions Logarithms and calculus of logarithmic functions Antiderivatives Substitution Area and the definite integral (accumulation) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Evaluating definite integrals Consumers’ and producers’ surplus Functions of several variables (as time permits) Extrema of functions of two variables (as time permits) Constrained extrema of functions of two variables (as time permits) Important Dates August 29: September 1: October 10: October 31: November 7: Nov. 26-28: December 5: December 8: Last day to add or drop a class without a grade of W No Classes – Labor Day No Classes – Autumn Day Last day to withdraw from classes or apply for Credit/No Credit grading Spring registration begins No Classes – Thanksgiving Last day of classes Final Exam 2:00-4:00