WHEN 1820 WHAT Standard SIGN UP CF Nasse describes the sex-linked transmission of haemophilia Armandoj Alva, Angel Ochoa MJ Schleiden & T Schwann develop the cell theory Juan Miranda, Giovanni Miranda 1859 Charles Darwin wrote the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 7a, 8a Rene Garcia, Juan Escalante 1865 Gregor Johann Mendel presents his principals of heredity 3b Rosemary Donis, Sandra Urbina 1866 EH Haeckel (Häckel) hypothesizes that the nucleus of a cell transmits itshereditary information 1869 Frederick Meischer Isolates DNA 5a Daniel Lopez, Luis Ruiz 1875 Oscar Hertwig concludes from a study of the reproduction of the sea urchin that fertilisation consists of the physical union of the two nuclei contributed by the male and female parents 1876 J Horner shows that colour-blindness is an inherited disease 1879 Walter Flemming describes Mitosis (1882) 5a, 2b 1882 August Weismann notes the distinction between somatic and germ cells; 2a, 2b Andrea Lorenzo Ashley Robinson 1892 A Weismann publishes a book that declares meiosis is a mechanism of chromosome distribution 2b Eduardo Becerra 1900 De Vries, Correns, And von Tschermak rediscover Mende's work while doing their own work on the laws of inheritance 3b 1902 WS Sutton and T Boveri independently propose the chromosome theory of heredity 2f, 5a 1902 Arcchibald Garrod and Orderly inheritance of disease 1905 W Bateson & RC Punnett work out the principles of multigenic interaction (linkage) and heredity 1909 W Johannsen uses the words phenotype, genotype and gene for the first time in his studies with beans 1910 Thomas Hunt Morgan discovers the white-eye and its sex-linkage in Drosophila;"Chromosomes carry genes (fruit flies)" 3a, 2f Kristin Holloway, Raeven Colmore 1911 EB Wilson shows that the gene for colour-blindness is on the X chromosome (first gene identified on a chromosome 4c, 3a Jasmine Cienfuegos 1911 Davenport founds the first US genetic clinic 2011sign-ups Aracely Aguilera, Iridiana Garcia Erick Zermeno Andrea Camarilo, Jocelyn Aquino 3a, 2b Sabrina Mora, Brittney Coleman 1919 A Hungarian engineer, Karl Ereky, coins the term biotechnology 5c 1927 HJ Muller demonstrates that X-rays are mutagenic in Drosophila 7c 1941 George Beadle and Edward Tatum Hypothesize "one gene, one enzyme" 1d, 4a 1943 William Astbury; "DNA has a regular periodic structure" 5a WHAT Standard SIGN UP 1944 Oswald Theodore Avery et al describe the DNA as the hereditary material 5a, 5b Nadine Alcazar, Isaac Flores 1944 B McClintock discovers the transposable elements in maize 2a, 2c 1946 J Lederberg & EL Tatum demonstrate genetic recombination (conjugation) in bacteria 5d* 1949 L Pauling shows that a defect in the structure of hemoglobin causes sickle cell anemia 5a Willie Rabanales 1950 Rosalind Franklin and Maurice HF Wilkins showthat DNA exists as two strands wound together in a spiral or helical shape 5a Juan Madueno 1950 Chargaff discovers that the number of adenine and thymine groups are always equal, and so are the cytosine and guanine groupsC and G are the same in DNA 5b 1952 Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase; "Genes are made of DNA" 5a, 4c Karla Orozco 1953 James D Watson & Francis HC Crick describe the DNA's double helix structure 5a Welby Solis, Javier Salas 1955 Arthur Kornberg "DNA copying enzyme" 5b Enrique Illescas, Mario Narciso 1956 JH Tijo & A Levan show that the diploid chromosome number for humans is 46 2b, 2f Luisa Juarez 1956 S. Ochoa's laboratory discovers RNA polymerase 1d Alejandro Valenzuela, Kevin Gochez 1958 MS Meselson & FW Stahl demonstrate that DNA replication is semiconservative (in E.coli) 5b Jocelyn Rodriguez, Daniela Sotelo 1959 J Lejeune show[s] that Down's syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality as the first identification of the genetic basis of a disease 2d, 2b, 2e Steve Rodriguez, Christopher Lopez 1961 MF Lyon and LB Russell independently show that one of the X chromosomes is inactivated in females 2c, 2f, 2a Jose Climaco, WHEN 2011sign-ups Denise Lopez, Julio Quevedo 1961 Robert Guthrie; "First screen for metabolic defect in newborns (PKU)" 1965 S Brenner discovers the stop codons 4b Bismark Robles 1966 B Weiss & CC Richardson discover DNA ligase 5d* Cesar Ascencio 1968 RT Okazaki report[s] the discontinuous synthesis of the lagging DNA strand 5b 1974 RD Kornberg describes the chromatin structure (nucleosomes) 5a 1975 Frederick Sanger; "DNA sequencing" 5a, 4c Michelle Nunez, Stacy Trujillo WHAT Standard SIGN UP 1977 K Itakura chemically synthesize[s] a gene for human somatostatin and express it in E Coli, thus produce[s] the first human protein in vitro 5e* 1979 DV Goeddel produce[s] human growth hormone using recombinant DNA technology 5d* 1980 Dr Chakrabarty is awarded the first patent for a genetically engineered (unicellular) organism 1980 Kary Mullis; "polymerase chain reaction (PCR)" 5b 1981 Stephen Harrison,Michael Eck, Wenqing Xu :Identification of the first cancer causing gene 7c, 7b 1989 LC Tsui, F Collins and co-workers clone the cystic fibrosis gene 1992 Daniel Cohen: "Map that includes genetic markers on all 23 human chomosomes" Alexis Aquino, Perla Bautista 1993 Huntington's disease gene is identified William Gonzalez, Noe Galicia 1993 Allen Roses; "Major susceptibility gene for the late-onset form of Alzhimer Disease" 1997 Dollie and Bonnie...report cloning a sheep 1999 Human chromosome 22 becomes the first one to be sequenced completely (November) Jose Caselin, Armando Gomez 2003 Complete sequence of human Y-chromosome is published Jonathan Rodriguez, Travis Phillips WHEN 2011sign-ups 2d Kelvin Guevara, Abigail Montejo Jocelyn Zambrano, Kenia Sosa Jennifer Garcia, Eric Bravo