Biotechnology notes



The use of microbes or cell components to make a product ie. foods, vaccines, antibiotics.

Genetic engineering – inserting genes into another cells

Recombination occurs naturally in microbes

We use artificial techniques to make recombinant DNA

Recipient can be made to express the new gene.

Examples –

Tools that make bioengineering possible–

Restriction Enzymes – Naturally occurring enzymes that cut DNA into smaller pieces o Cut at very specific locations and produce “sticky ends” which adhere new DNA to old o 1000’s commercially available

Plasmids – rings of DNA found in bacteria o Can be picked up by transformation

Vectors – a plasmid or virus can be used to insert a gene into a cell. o Must be able to self replicate o Size is important o Preservation – round works best o Shuttle vectors – Some vectors can move between different species

 Yeast bacteria and mammal cells

 Bacteria, fungus and plant cells


Reverse transcriptase – an enzyme that makes DNA using mRNA as a template o DNA polymerase then makes a complimentary strand, now can be incorporated into cellular DNA

How To…..


Gene of interest is inserted into vector (many steps, must be self replicating)


Vector taken up by recipient cell


Recipient cell clones itself (replicates)


Harvest a.

If gene is expressed, simply isolate b.

Remove individual genes (can be inserted into vector and taken up by recipient cells, see step 2)



Hepatitis B vaccine

HIV protease inhibitors

Roundup ready crops

Gene therapy

Golden Rice

Bt Crops (Bacillus thuringiensis)

