Genetics Vocabulary Note-Taking Chart

HS Genetics Vocabulary Note-Taking Chart
Date:________________ Period:_____
Example/Image/Showing Sentence
Chromosomes, Compact ___________ of DNA in a cell’s
Most humans have ______ chromosomes or
nucleus that carry the code for the
23 ______________ _______(one from
organism’s inherited characteristics
mom and one from dad)
DNA, n.
The genetic molecule in a cell’s nucleus that DNA is the abbreviation for
determines the organism’s genetic traits
Gene, n.
A _______________________ on a
Your eye color is controlled by your
chromosome that determines a particular
Genetic, adj.
inherited characteristics-coding for a
specific _______________
RNA, n.
The genetic molecule that transcribes DNA RNA is the abbreviation for
information into a code that the cell can
translate into a __________________.
Genome, n.
Scientists have just finished___________
___________ the genes of an organism.
the entire human genome.
Clone, n. or v. A plant or animal grown from the cell of
It is currently not legal to make a human
another plant or animal and is an
_________ __________ of that plant or It is ______________ to clone a human.
Molecules, n.
Water is a molecule containing _______
Groups of atoms __________ together.
hydrogen atoms and ______ oxygen atom.
Offspring, n.
An animal’s or human’s young, children.
A steelhead trout has many _________
offspring at one time than humans do.
Trait, n.
A quality or _______________ which
Having hair or fur is a trait of being a
makes one thing different from another.
Variation, n.
Differences between things of the same
There is a lot of variation in the hair color
type, _________________.
of _______________.
Genotype, n.
The kinds of genes (alleles) an individual
The cat had a ________________ (tt)
recessive genotype.
Phenotype, n.
The ___________________ expression
The cat had the recessive ___________
of a gene.
_____________ so the cats had no tails.
Heredity, n.
The passing of traits from parents to
The heredity of the English Royal family
was well known.
Alleles, n.
Alternate form of a gene. The alleles for
You ________________ one allele from
a trait occupy the
your ______________ and one from your
_____________________ on homologous
_____________ for each trait.
Dominant, n.
An inherited trait which is present even
______________ eye color is dominant
when inherited _________ from one
over other eye color
Recessive, n.
The form of the gene that shows up only
When______ parents have the recessive
when inherited from
allele for non clotting blood, their
offspring may be hemophiliacs.
Probability, n.
The student who studies has a
The ________________of an occurrence. __________ probability of succeeding in
school than a student who does not study.
Genetics Vocabulary Note-Taking Chart
Chromosomes, Compact spools of DNA in a cell’s nucleus
that carry the code for the organism’s
inherited characteristics
DNA, n.
The genetic molecule in a cell’s nucleus that
determines the organism’s genetic traits
Gene, n.
A segment of DNA on a chromosome that
determines a particular inherited
Genetic, adj.
characteristics-coding for a specific protein
Genome, n.
All the genes of an organism.
RNA, n.
Molecules, n.
The genetic molecule that transcribes DNA
information into a code that the cell can
translate into a protein.
A plant or animal grown from the cell of
another plant or animal and is an exact copy
of that plant or animal.
Groups of atoms bonded together.
Offspring, n.
An animal’s or human’s young, children.
Trait, n.
A quality or characteristic which makes one
thing different from another.
Differences between things of the same
type, diversity
The kinds of genes (alleles)an individual
The observable expression of a trait
Clone, n. or v.
Variation, n.
Genotype, n.
Phenotype, n.
Heredity, n.
Alleles, n.
Dominant, n.
Recessive, n.
Probability, n.
The passing of traits from parents to
Alternate forms or varieties of a gene. The
alleles for a trait occupy the same position
on homologous chromosomes and thus govern
the same trait.
An inherited trait which is present even
when inherited only from one parent.
the form of the gene that shows up only
when inherited from both parents. Requires
both alleles to show
the likelihood of an occurrence
Example/Image/Showing Sentence
Most humans have 46 chromosomes or 23
homologous pairs (one from mom and one
from dad).
DNA is the abbreviation for
deoxyribonucleic acid.
Your eye color is controlled by your
Scientists have just finished mapping the
entire human genome.
RNA is the abbreviation for ribonucleic
It is currently not legal to make a human
It is illegal to clone a human.
Water is a molecule containing two
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
A salmon has many more offspring at one
time than humans do.
Having hair or fur is a trait of being a
There is a lot of variation in the hair
color of humans.
The cat had a homozygous (tt) genotype.
The cat had the recessive bobtail trait so
the cats had no tails.
The heredity of the English Royal family
was well known.
You receive one allele from your mother
and one from your father for each trait.
Brown eye color is dominant over other
eye color
When______ parents have the recessive
allele for non clotting blood, their
offspring may be hemophiliacs.
The student who studies has a greater
probability of succeeding in school than a
student who does not study.