AMBLE TOWN COUNCIL- AMENITIES COMMITTEE YOU ARE SUMMONED TO ATTEND a Meeting of Amble Town Council Amenities Committee to be held on Thursday 19th September at 6.30 p.m. in The Council Meeting Room, The Quayside, Amble, NE65 0AP following a site visit commencing at the Wynd Entrance of the West Allotment at 5.30 p.m. By ORDER OF Elaine Brown Town Clerk AGENDA 1. PRESENT: 2. APOLOGIES: 3: DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: 4: CLERK’S REPORT: Allotments 4.1.1: Letter sent to AAHS Secretary to request notices be displayed for scheduled works at East Allotments. 4.1.2: Email sent to local builder to request confirmation of date for the works to commence. 4.2.3: Email sent to AAHS for confirmation of contact details for the Allotment winners. As the secretary had been on holiday, the contact details had not been given. Shield and Award collected. 4.2.4: Walkway work commenced 02/09/13 4.2.5: Complaint received regarding bonfire- update under Agenda item 5.3 Philip Drive Play Area 4.2.1: Environmental Operative tightened fittings on the Springer ride. 4.2.2: Environmental Operative carried out the preserving of the wood on the Play Equipment. 4.2.3: Environmental Operative removed weeds from the grated area at the entrance to the Play Area. 4.2.4: Excess paint sourced from the local painter who painted the Play Area 4.2.5: Request to NCC re: play area tile adhesive 4.2.6: Letter of appreciation sent to Play area Inspector Seats 4.3.1: 1 x Harlech Seat and 1 x Newport Bench received for Acklington Road. 4.3.2: Local builder contacted for seat base and installation at Acklington Road. Bench installation awaiting Shelter work completion Litter Bins 4.4.1: 2 x Trafford Litter Bins arrived but were not suitable, they were returned. 4.4.2: 1 x Enviropol Litter Bin (with flaps) ordered for Cllrs to view. 4.4.3: 1 x Jubilee Litter Bin (with flaps) ordered for Cllrs to view. 4.4.4: 1 x Jubilee Litter Bin (with flaps) returned, hole for litter not large enough 4.4.5: Enviropol to be ordered in addition to existing Litter Bin. 4.4.6: Dog Bin removed from Braid, moved to Acklington Road. 4.4.7: Post for Dog Bin ordered with fixing tool. 4.4.8 Dog bin installed at Acklington Road 4.4.9: Contractor requested to re site TIC Litterbin Bus Shelters 4.5.1: Meeting held at Acklington Road, Bus Shelter with resident to discuss the blocking up of the ‘holes’. 4.5.2: Quotations requested from local builders for the upgrade of the Acklington Road Bus Shelter. AMBLE TOWN COUNCIL- AMENITIES COMMITTEE GARDEN AWARDS: 4.6.1: Garden Award results emailed to Gazette and Ambler. 4.6.2: AAHS confirmed contact details for the Allotment winners but requested clarification of the allotment number. The awards were engraved with the allotment numbers. 5. ALLOTMENT REPORT: 5.1: Site Visit 5.2: Allotment Report 5.3: Walkway Report 5.4: Bonfires on Allotment 6. PLAY AREA 6.1: Philip Drive Play Area Report 7. SEATS: 8. LITTER BINS: 8.1: Update on Leazes Street litterbin 8.2: Request for Litterbin for Acklington Road area 9. BUS SHELTERS: 9.1: NCC response re: type of future replacement shelters 11: AGENDA ITEMS: 11.1: Information Boards within the town 11.2: Poppy planting for WW1 Centenary 11.3: Planting in the town 12. DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Thursday, 21st November 2013 at the Town Council Offices, Harbour Road, Amble, NE65 0AP. Following acceptance of the adoption of Section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act the remainder of the Meeting was held in Private P01: Consideration of works to Acklington Road (High School) Bus Shelter