
Making Orange Pop- How do we embrace culture, nurture
creativity, and drive innovation?
Topic Title: Solving the litter problem in Orange.
Participants: Francesca McClain, Mike Malbrough, Molly Kaufman and Joe Landy
1. Highlights and key points from your discussion:
To begin a community and business anti litter campaign.Start a green initiative or recycling system.
Increase trash cans in the business districts and expand to residential areas.
Increase town trash pick up frequency.
Designate community groups and block associations to clean neighborhoods in addition to city
Begin to raise awareness in the schools with poster campaigns and PSA creation in the upper high
school level from the media departments. K-6, 7-9, and 10-12.
2.What is your call for action?
Recruit churches,block associations, and community groups.
Create a theme: “Clean more litter less”.
Tie into the national program Clean To The Curb.
Other resources Book by Malcolm Gladwell—The Tipping Point
theory and how that begins neighborhood deterioration.
discusses the broken window
Create a “Trashathon” neighborhood and business activity to clean an area and reward the area with
Tee shirts and coupons to area stores.