Nick Brown Page 1 2/18/2016 PERSON SPECIFICATION APPLICATION TO ENTER PSYCHIATRY TRAINING at ST4 ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS DESIRABLE MBBS or equivalent medical qualification SOURCE OF EVIDENCE/WHEN EVALUATED Application Form Achievement of Foundation competencies A pass in MRCPsych Part 2 ELIGIBILITY Evidence of achievement of Foundation and Core Psychiatry Training (ST1, ST2 & ST3) competencies or equivalent CLINICAL SKILLS Evidence and Demonstration of achievement of Foundation and Core Psychiatry Training (ST1, ST2 &ST3) competencies including (as described in the curriculum for training in psychiatry): Good clinical care – demonstrate ability in basic skills of history taking, examination (mental and physical) and synthesis of findings Evidence of commitment to (sub)-specialty programme of choice within psychiatry Application form and largely Selection Process (Centre) Demonstrate a range of clinical experience and learning from that experience Show increasing independent clinical practice Maintaining good medical practice – demonstrate ability to organise learning and assessment in a way that prepares for lifelong learning Relationships with patients and communication – demonstrate ability to communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms at all times; furthermore show the ability to reflect on and learn from relationships with patients Working with colleagues – Page 1 of 5 Application form Participation in a case discussion or Balint group Documented experience of supervised psychotherapeutic work with a range of patients using differing therapeutic modalities Nick Brown Page 2 ESSENTIAL demonstrate understanding of and ability to work in teams that are multiprofessional and multiagency in mental health care Teaching and training – demonstrate ability to teach using small group and mini-lecture formats Professional behaviour and probity 2/18/2016 DESIRABLE SOURCE OF EVIDENCE/WHEN EVALUATED Understanding of own role(s) in teams – including leadership role Ability to assume leadership role when appropriate Show within record of achievement evidence of presentations within local (and regional) postgraduate (or undergraduate) programme e.g. case conference or journal club Acute clinical care (in line with GMC standards/Good Medical Practice) – demonstrate ability to assess and provide care for acute (emergency) clinical situations in psychiatry (including deliberate self harm, acute psychosis and acute organic brain syndromes) FITNESS TO PRACTISE Is up to date and fit to practise safely KNOWLEDGE & ACHIEVEMENTS Demonstration of acquisition of the level of knowledge and skills necessary for the completion of Foundation and ST1/2/3 Show ability to assess, formulate and manage acute clinical situations with a level of independence Application form Academic and extracurricular achievements Demonstration of basic knowledge relevant to practice of psychiatry (includes pass at MRCPsych Part 2) Demonstration of active participation in aspects of ‘Good Medical Practice’ and “Good Psychiatric Practice” Page 2 of 5 Application Form Application Form and selection centre Nick Brown Page 3 ESSENTIAL 2/18/2016 DESIRABLE Demonstration of educational reasons for applying for this School / Deanery / Programme EDUCATIONAL & PERSONAL ASPECTS SOURCE OF EVIDENCE/WHEN EVALUATED Application Form Demonstration of personal reasons for applying for this School / Deanery / Programme COMMUNICATION Skills Evidence of ability to communicate effectively in written English Evidence of ability to communicate effectively in spoken English Demonstrate good written (including letter writing) communication skills Demonstrate ability to communicate with patients and carers at all times Application Form And selection centre HEALTH Meets professional health requirements Pre-employment health screening PROBITY Displays honesty, integrity, aware of ethical dilemmas, respects confidentiality Application Form and selection centre Personal skills Demonstration of: Aptitude (an ability to learn and understand) Trainability (ability to respond to and benefit from instruction and practice by attaining an agreed standard of proficiency) Vigilance (an alertness to dangers or problems particularly in relation to clinical governance) Interpersonal Skills (see patients as people, empathise, work co-operatively with others, open and nondefensive, sense of humour) Page 3 of 5 Evidence of commitment to chosen sub-specialty Application form Selection centre References Demonstrate an understanding and active participation in clinical governance including clinical audit and critical incident reporting in psychiatry Demonstrate an understanding of the role of non-statutory services in mental health care and have experience of working with these services Selection Centre Nick Brown Page 4 ESSENTIAL 2/18/2016 DESIRABLE Decisiveness/Accountability (ability to take responsibility, show leadership, make decisions, exert appropriate authority) Show an understanding of the nature of leadership in clinical teams and potential to fulfil leadership roles Uses a Non Judgemental approach to Patients and Colleagues (regardless of their sexuality, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs or financial status) Demonstrates increasing level of understanding of the needs and wishes of service users and carers (including an understanding of how and when these may differ) Flexibility (able to change and adapt, respond to rapidly changing circumstances) Demonstrate the ability to prioritise in situations of demand SOURCE OF EVIDENCE/WHEN EVALUATED Resilience (able to operate under pressure, cope with setbacks, self aware) Thoroughness (is well prepared, shows selfdiscipline/commitment, is punctual and meets deadlines) Shows Initiative/Drive/Enthusiasm (self-starter, motivated, shows curiosity, initiative) Probity (displays honesty, integrity, aware of ethical dilemmas, respects confidentiality) Career Progression Page 4 of 5 Progression of career consistent with personal circumstances Application form Nick Brown Page 5 ESSENTIAL Organisation and Planning Academic /Research Page 5 of 5 2/18/2016 DESIRABLE SOURCE OF EVIDENCE/WHEN EVALUATED Ability to prioritise clinical need Ability to organise oneself & own work Evidence of participation in audit Experience and ability to work in multi-professional teams Information Technology Skills Understanding of NHS, clinical governance & resource constraints Show clear learning from active involvement in audit Application Form Understanding of contemporary research in psychiatry and the principles of its application to clinical practice Demonstrate the ability to construct clinical research questions from everyday practice Application form and Selection Process (Centre) Application Form and selection centre