SS7 Unit 6 guide 1 - Milwood Magnet School

Milwood Magnet School
Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum
Social Studies 7
Unit 6, Guide 1
Unit Title: Sustainable Systems – Chunk 1
Grade level:
Subject/Topic Areas: Social Studies: Foundations of Political Systems
Key Words: democracy, representative, nation state, empire
Designed by: Erika Balkema (revised by Lindsey Diebolt and Lindsay Noakes) Time
Frame: MP6, 12 days
School District: Kalamazoo Public Schools School: Milwood Magnet School
Brief Summary of Unit Chunk:
During this era, innovations and social, political, and economic changes occurred
through emergence of classical civilizations in the Mediterranean Basin. Classical
civilizations established institutions, systems of thought, and cultural styles that would
influence neighboring peoples and endure for centuries.
Ancient Greek and Roman societies set the foundations for modern
government systems, including representative democracy. In this unit, students
will learn the basic aspects of Greek and Roman geography, history, and culture,
with an emphasis on its impact on society today. Students will focus on the
political contributions of these early civilizations.
Unit design status:
(Review use)
□ Complete template pages – Stages 1, 2, and 3
□ Completed blueprint for each performance task
□ Completed rubrics
□ Directions to students and teachers
□ Materials and resources listed
□ Suggested accommodations
□ Suggested Extensions
Status: □ initial draft (date _______ )
□ Peer reviewed
□ Content reviewed
□ Revised draft (date __________)
□ Field tested
□ Validated
□ Anchored
Milwood Magnet School
Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum
Social Studies 7
Unit 6, Guide 1
6-Page Template, Page 2
Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results
Established Goals:
*7 – H1.4.1 Describe and use cultural institutions to study an era and a region (political, economic,
religion/belief, science/technology, written language, education, family).
*7 – W3.1.5 Describe major achievements from Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, African, and Southwest
and Central Asian civilizations in the areas of art, architecture and culture; science, technology and
mathematics; political life and ideas; philosophy and ethical beliefs; and military strategy.
*7 – G1.2.1 Locate the major landforms, rivers and climate regions of the Eastern Hemisphere.
*7 – G2.1.1 Describe the landform features and the climate of the region (within the Western or Eastern
Hemispheres) under study.
7 – W3.1.1 Describe the characteristics that classical civilizations share (institutions, cultural styles, systems
of thought that influenced neighboring peoples and have endured for several centuries).
7– W3.1.3 Compare and contrast the defining characteristics of a city-state, civilization, and empire.
7 – W3.1.4 Assess the importance of Greek ideas about democracy and citizenship in the development of
Western political thought and institutions.
7 – W3.1.8 Describe the role of state authority, military power, taxation systems, and institutions of coerced
labor, including slavery, in building and maintaining empires (e.g., Han Empire, Mauryan Empire, Egypt,
Greek city-states and the Roman Empire).
7 – W3.1.9 Describe the significance of legal codes, belief systems, written languages and communications
in the development of large regional empires.
7 – W3.1.10 Create a time line that illustrates the rise and fall of classical empires during the classical
What understandings are desired?
Students will understand…
1. The structure of government systems of Greece and Rome at different times in
2. How the government systems of Greece and Rome have influenced modern
What essential questions will be considered?
How does government structure address global issues?
Scaffolding Questions:
1. How are different governments structured?
2. How have different political systems evolved and changed?
What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know…
1. The stages of government that the
Roman and Greek empires went
2. How the Greek and Romans set the
stages for modern political systems
3. The geography and culture of the
ancient Greeks and Romans
Students will be able to…
1. Explain why we have government
2. Describe the differences between
major government systems in
Greece and Rome
3. Give examples of major
contributions of the ancient Greeks
and Romans to society today
Milwood Magnet School
Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum
Social Studies 7
Unit 6, Guide 1
6-Page Template, Page 3
Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence
What evidence will show that students understand?
Students will research a selected cultural institution [government, economy, religion,
science/technology, language, education, family, architecture, military strategy, empire,
philosophy/ethics, cultural traditions, medicine] and create a PowerPoint presentation
1. Describing it in Ancient Rome/Greece
2. Explaining its continued development and how it impacts their lives today.
3. In addition, when listening to peer presentations, each student will create a matrix
listing each cultural institution, what it looked like then, and its influence on the
world today.
* Complete a Performance Task Blueprint for each task (see next page)
Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples):
Daily warm up questions, exit passes, and/or and journal entries
Vocabulary quizzes
Classroom observations
Large and small group discussions
Section quiz
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Daily warm up questions, exit passes, and/or and journal entries
Periodic self-assessment of understanding (thumbs up, down, etc.)
DRTA Strategy
Think/Pair/Share Strategy
Self and peer-reflections of powerpoint presentations
Milwood Magnet School
Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum
Social Studies 7
Unit 6, Guide 1
6-Page Template, Page 4
Performance Task Blueprint
Supplement to Stage 2 performance task
What understanding and goals will be assessed through this task?
The impact that the ancient Greeks and
Romans had on institutions, political
thought, structures, technology, etc.
What criteria are implied in the standards and understandings regardless of the task specifics?
What qualities must student work demonstrate to signify that standards were met?
Students will make individualized
connections between ancient empires and
life today. Teaching this to others will
deepen and enrich understanding.
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate understanding?
As an anthropologist you will specialize in one cultural element [government, economy,
religion, science/technology, language, education, family, architecture, military strategy,
empire, philosophy/ethics, cultural traditions, medicine] of ancient Roman/Greek society.
You will be preparing to teacher a seminar on how developments in ancient societies impact
our lives today. You will be describing this cultural element today and how it grew out of
its ancient Roman/Greek roots. Using a PowerPoint and your expert knowledge you will
educate your peers.
What student products and performances will provide evidence of desired understandings?
PowerPoint presentation
Matrix of cultural elements
By what criteria will student products and performances be evaluated?
Milwood Magnet School
Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum
Social Studies 7
Unit 6, Guide 1
6-Page Template, Page 5
Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Consider the WHERETO elements:
1) Begin with an entry question (Why do we need government? What benefits does the
government provide to us?) to hook students into considering why government is
needed in order to keep civilization organized and peaceful. H, T
2) Introduce the essential questions and discuss the culminating unit performance tasks
(create PowerPoint presentation about one cultural institution in both ancient Greece
and ancient Rome). W
3) Students will use their knowledge of the five themes of geography and participate in a
mapping lab of Europe and Russia with special emphasis made on the Mediterranean
region (where ancient Rome and ancient Greece were located). During this mapping
lab students will be able to work at their own pace with their mixed ability groups.
Students will have answers checked by teacher and may revise their answers as they
work. E, T, R-2
4) Introduce research project. Students will work independently on research about the
cultural institution they are assigned/they pick (describing it in Ancient Rome/Greece,
explaining its continued development and how it impacts people’s lives today).
5) Small group discussion reviewing the pertinent information about each cultural
institution (to make sure all information students have is correct) students may make
corrections to their research notes in order to make sure that the information is correct.
E, R
6) Students will use their revised research notes to create a PowerPoint presentation. The
presentation must include a description of the institution in ancient Rome/Greece, and
an explanation of its continued development and how it impacts people’s lives today).
E, T
7) In addition, when listening to peer presentations, each student will create a matrix
listing each cultural institution, what it looked like then, and its influence on the world
today E
8) At the conclusion of the unit, students will self and peer assess their products using
rubrics. E-2, T
9) Conclude the unit with students self-evaluation regarding their performance on the in
class assignments and projects. Have each student develop an action plan for how to
continue/gain further academic success. E-2, T
Milwood Magnet School
Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum
Social Studies 7
Unit 6, Guide 1
6-Page Template, Page 6
Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Day 1
1) Begin with an entry question
(Why do we need government?
What benefits does the
government provide to us?) to
hook students into considering
why government is needed in
order to keep civilization organized
and peaceful. H, T
2) Introduce the essential
questions and discuss the
culminating unit performance tasks
(create PowerPoint presentation
about one cultural institution in
both ancient Greece and ancient
Rome). W
Day 1 Continued…
3) Students will use their knowledge
of the five themes of geography and
participate in a mapping lab of
Europe and Russia with special
emphasis made on the
Mediterranean region (where ancient
Rome and ancient Greece were
located). During this mapping lab
students will be able to work at their
own pace with their mixed ability
groups. Students will have answers
checked by teacher and may revise
their answers as they work. E, T, R-2
3) Students will use their
knowledge of the five themes of
geography and participate in a
mapping lab of Europe and Russia
with special emphasis made on the
Mediterranean region (where
ancient Rome and ancient Greece
were located). During this mapping
lab students will be able to work at
their own pace with their mixed
ability groups. Students will have
answers checked by teacher and
may revise their answers as they
work. E, T, R-2
3) Students will use their
knowledge of the five themes of
geography and participate in a
mapping lab of Europe and Russia
with special emphasis made on the
Mediterranean region (where
ancient Rome and ancient Greece
were located). During this
mapping lab students will be able
to work at their own pace with
their mixed ability groups.
Students will have answers
checked by teacher and may revise
their answers as they work. E, T,
4) Introduce research project.
Students will work independently on
research about the cultural institution
they are assigned/they pick
(describing it in Ancient
Rome/Greece, explaining its
continued development and how it
impacts people’s lives today).
5) Small group discussion reviewing
the pertinent information about each
OPEC member country (to make sure
all information students have is
correct) students may make
corrections to their research notes in
order to make sure that the
information is correct. E, R
4) Introduce research project.
Students will work independently
on research about the cultural
institution they are assigned/they
pick (describing it in Ancient
Rome/Greece, explaining its
continued development and how it
impacts people’s lives today).
5) Small group discussion reviewing
the pertinent information about
each OPEC member country (to
make sure all information students
have is correct) students may make
corrections to their research notes
in order to make sure that the
information is correct. E, R
7) In addition, when listening to
peer presentations, each student
will create a matrix listing each
cultural institution, what it looked
like then, and its influence on the
world today E
7) In addition, when listening to peer
presentations, each student will
create a matrix listing each cultural
institution, what it looked like then,
and its influence on the world today
8) At the conclusion of the unit,
students will self and peer assess
their products using rubrics. E-2, T
9) Conclude the unit with students
self-evaluation regarding their
performance on the in class .
3) Students will use their knowledge
of the five themes of geography and
participate in a mapping lab of
Europe and Russia with special
emphasis made on the
Mediterranean region (where
ancient Rome and ancient Greece
were located). During this mapping
lab students will be able to work at
their own pace with their mixed
ability groups. Students will have
answers checked by teacher and may
revise their answers as they work. E,
T, R-2
3) Students will use their
knowledge of the five themes of
geography and participate in a
mapping lab of Europe and Russia
with special emphasis made on the
Mediterranean region (where
ancient Rome and ancient Greece
were located). During this
mapping lab students will be able
to work at their own pace with
their mixed ability groups.
Students will have answers
checked by teacher and may revise
their answers as they work. E, T, R2
6) Students will use their revised
research notes to create a
PowerPoint presentation. The
presentation must include a
description of the institution in
ancient Rome/Greece, and an
explanation of its continued
development and how it impacts
people’s lives today). E, T
Day 12 continued…
assignments and projects. Have
each student develop an action plan
for how to continue/gain further
academic success. E-2, T
6) Students will use their revised
research notes to create a
PowerPoint presentation. The
presentation must include a
description of the institution in
ancient Rome/Greece, and an
explanation of its continued
development and how it impacts
people’s lives today). E, T