Redblack with evolution




Ace –Define evolution.

2 – What was the name of Charles Darwin’s book that described natural selection?

3 – Who proposed the idea that characteristics acquired during an individual’s life are passed on to their offspring?

4 – A fossil is found to contain 2 micrograms of carbon-14. Judging by its mass, it is thought to have contained 16 micrograms of carbon-14 originally. If the half-life of carbon-14 is 6000 years (I rounded off), how old in the fossil?

5 – Who was the first guy to study fossils? He did his work in the Paris basin.

6 – What do we call a change brought about by natural selection that helps an organism survive in its environment. (NOT a change that occurs during an organism’s lifetime)

7 – Define species.

8 – What was the name of Darwin’s boat?

9 – What is differential success in the reproduction of different phenotypes resulting from the interaction of organisms with their environment?

10 – What is the loss or gain of alleles from a population due to the emigration or immigration of fertile individuals, or the transfer of gametes, between populations?

Jack – What do we call the total aggregate of genes in a population at any one time?

Queen – To what country do the Galapagos Islands belong?

King – In what type of rock are fossils typically found?


Ace – Name one way that Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theories are alike and name one way they are different.

2 – Who condensed Darwin’s work into 5 observations and 3 inferences?

3 – What are the changes in the gene pool of a small population due to chance?

4 – Define homologous structures.

5 – Define vestigial structures.

6 – Contrast gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.

7 – List the five conditions that must be met for a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

8 – What does it mean for a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (also called genetic equilibrium)?

9 – What are the two cases that usually lead to dramatic genetic drift?

10 – In what type of nonrandom mating do individuals choose mates that are similar to themselves?

Jack – Name 3 prezygotic barriers to hybridization.

Queen –Give 2 specific examples of postzygotic barriers to hybridization.

King – Define speciation.


Ace – What do we know about organisms that are close together on a phylogenetic tree?

2 – What is the best way to determine evolutionary relationships between organisms?

3 – What type of speciation occurs due to geographic isolation?

4 – What do we call selective breeding, such as that often seen with plants and domestic animals?

5 – Why are species on islands most similar to species on the nearest mainland?

6 – What type of evolution leads to analogous structures?

7 – What was Hackel’s proposed hypothesis that an organism’s ebrological development is a replay or its evolutionary history?

8 – What is always at the bottom of a phylogenetic tree?

9 – What are the 2 Hardy Weinberg equations?

10 – What do we call a change in the DNA sequence?

Jack – Name different types of mutations.

Queen –What is the coexistence of two or more distinct forms of individuals in the same population?

King – What is a graded change in some trait along a geographical axis?


Ace – What is the emergence of numerous species from a common ancestor introduced into an environment, presenting a diversity of new opportunities and problems?

2 – What type of selection eliminates the extremes?

3 – What type of selection favors opposite extremes?

4 – What is it called when the males and females of a species have different secondary sex characteristics, such as bird plumage?

5 – What species concept defines species based on reproductive isolation?

6 – The geologic time scale divides eras into __________________ and divides those into __________________.

7 – What are two types of dating used to determine the ages of rocks and fossils?

8 – What supercontinent was created when all of the earth’s land masses converged?

9 – What usually delineates the boundaries between geologic eras?

10 – Name the 8 levels of classification of living things.

Jack – What couple is famous for finding the remains of Australopithecus?

Queen – What method is used to replicate small samples of DNA?

King – What do we call an evolutionary branch of a phylogenetic tree?



Ace – The changes in species over time

2 – The Origin of Species

3 – Lamarck

4 – 18,000

5 – Cuvier

6 – adaptation

7 – Group of organisms with similar characteristics that mate to produce viable offspring

8 – HMS Beagle

9 – natural selection

10 – gene flow

Jack – gene pool

Queen – Ecuador

King – Sedimentary


Ace – ALIKE: both described how traits are passed on from parents to offspring; DIFFERENT: Lamarck – inheritance of acquired characteristics, Darwin: persistence of traits that increase fitness.

2 – Earnst Mayr

3 – genetic drift

4 – Structures in different species that may have different functions but that are similar in structure because of common ancestry.

5 – Structure that is reduced in size and/or function but is homologous to useful structures on evolutionary ancestors.

6 – Gradualism: small changes over long time periods; Punctuated equilibrium: Rapid changes that occur after sudden extreme changes in environment – leads to gaps in fossil record.

7 – 1. Large population size 2. No immigration/emigration 3. Random mating 4. No mutation 5. No natural selection.

8 – Frequency of alleles in population remains constant over generations.

9 – Founder effect and bottleneck

10 – assortative mating

Jack – mechanical isolation, habitat isolation, behavioral isolation, temporal isolation, gametic isolation

Queen – Sheep/Goat, Mule, Liger

King – The origin of new species in evolution.


Ace – They are closely related

2 – DNA analysis

3 – allopatrick

4 – artificial selection

5 – Island biogeography – species from mainland migrate to islands

6 – convergent evolution

7 – ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny

8 – common anscestor

9 – p + q = 1, p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1

10 – mutation

Jack – point, frameshift (insertion, deletion), inversion, duplication

Queen – polymorphism

King – cline


Ace – adaptive radiation

2 – stabilizing selection

3 – diversifying selection

4 – sexual dimorphism

5 – biological species concept

6 – periods; epochs

7 – radiometric dating, racemization

8 – Pangaea

9 – mass extinctions

10 – domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

Jack – Mary and Louis Leakey

Queen – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

King – clade
