DARK MATTER MYSTERIES Ph. M. Kanarev Announcement. The parameters of the flight of the American spacecraft Pioneer 10 remain the only one experimental result, which deserves attention when analyzing the hypothesis concerning “dark matter”. But even it has no unique interpretation. “Dark matter” notion has been introduced not long ago. It is connected with an experimental discovery of space medium resistance to the motion of the American spacecraft Pioneer 10 in it (Fig. 1, a). It was launched on March 2, 1972. In December, 1973, it passed by Jupiter within 132,000 km and was accelerated by gravitation force of this planet up to the solar escape velocity of 16.67 km/s and went outside solar system and left it in 1978 (Fig. 1, b). The last communication session with it took place on December 4, 2002, and January 22, 2003. According to the American investigators, Pioneer 10 spacecraft was at the distance of 12 billion kilometres from the Earth at that time and moved at a speed of 12.20 km/s. а) b) Fig. 1. a) picture of the American spacecraft Pioneer 10; b) diagram of the spacecraft flight Thus, if we take the date of its passing by Jupiter (December, 1973, Fig. 1, b) as a benchmark bearing in mind that Jupiter’s gravitational filed has given it the solar escape velocity of 16.67 2 km/s as well as the date of the last communication session with it (January, 2003), total time, within which its velocity has been decreased by 16.67 – 12.20 =4.47 km/s, is 29 years and 1 month, or t=29х12+1=349 months=349х30х24х60х60=904608000 s. It appears from this that the spacecraft moved with a slowdown. b 16.67 12.20 0.49 10 8 m / s 2 . 8 9.046110 (1) If this slowdown has been formed by an air-free substance, which was called ether and is called “dark matter” now, such slowdown should take place in all bodies, which move in space, including the Earth. Its orbital velocity is twice as much than velocity of the above-mentioned spacecraft and is approximately 30 km/s. Value b of motion slowdown is determined according to the famous elementary kinematical formula [2] V Vo b t , (2) where Vo 3.0 10 4 m / s is the initial existing orbital velocity of the Earth; V is velocity of the Earth decreased by resistance of ether or dark matter within a certain period of time t . Let us suppose that it will become half as much and will be equal Vo 3.0 10 4 m / s , and a day will be increased up to 48 hours. The formula (2) gives an opportunity to determine a time period within which this event takes place. It will be equal Vo V 3.0 104 1.5 104 t 3.061 104 s 8.50h . 9 b 4.9 10 t, (3) But these are the results of the kinematical calculations. They should be checked with the help of the dynamic calculations. Taking into account the spacecraft mass m=230 kg, we have force, which has slowed down its motion (Fig. 1) [2]. F m b 230 4.90 10 9 1.127 10 6 N . (4) We do not know the dimensions of the spacecraft projection on the plane, which is perpendicular to a trajectory of its motion; that’s why we accept this value being equal approximately S3 m2. A value of specific resistance to motion of the spacecraft will be F 1.127 106 3.760 10 7 N / m2 3.760 108 kg / m2 . S 3 (5) We have got to know the value of specific resistance of ether. As ether or dark matter fill space evenly, our mother Earth should experience the same influence of this mysterious substance. Let us see by what value it can change the orbital velocity of the Earth by one revolution round the Sun. Now it is equal nearly 30 m/s. The radius of the Earth is RE = 6.38106 m, and an area of its circle is equal to S R 2 3.14 (6.38 106 )2 1.278 1014 m2 . (6) A force, which slows down the motion of the Earth, is [2] Fз S 3.76 108 1.28 1014 4.81 106 N . (7) 3 The radius of the Earth’s orbit is Ro = 1.501011 m, and a length of the orbit is L 2Ro 6.28 1.50 1011 9.42 1011 m . (8) The work of force of resistance to motion of the Earth will be Ep F L 1.28 1014 9.42 1011 1.211026 J . (9) This work is equivalent to a decrease of kinetic energy E k in the orbital motion and, consequently, to a decrease of velocity Vo of orbital motion. Taking it into consideration we have [2] mзVo2 E p Ek 1.21 10 . 2 26 (10) Mass of the Earth is mE =6.01024 kg. From the equation (10) we find Vo 2 1.21 1026 6.35m / s . 6.0 1024 (11) It means that if we believe the American data concerning a decrease of velocity of their spacecraft and agree with them in the fact that this decrease is a result of braking of the spacecraft by dark matter, this matter should decrease the orbital velocity of the Earth by 6.35 m/s annually. Our Earth would stop at its orbit in 30/6.35=4.72 years and would fall down on the Sun long ago. Nonsense of slowdown of the American spacecraft by dark matter is obvious. If velocity of the spacecraft decreased, it took place not as a result of the influence of the mysterious dark matter. An actual cause of this even should be ascertained. We have every reason to believe that the ether substance is a linear one in the same manner as the magnetic lines of force. We have already agreed that the photons can be represented conventionally as the base rings, which radii are equal to the wavelengths of the photons. Linear density of a base ring of a gamma photon with the smallest dimension with the wavelength of =r 31018 m will be k0 m 2.210 10 42 (12) K 3.909 10 8 kg / m. . 2 18 2 2r 2 r 6.282 (3 10 ) Linear density of a base ring of the largest relic photon with the wavelength is =r 0.052 m is K mmin 4.250 10 41 1.30110 40 kg / m 2 rmax 6.282 0.052 (13) It appears from this that linear density of the non-free, localized ether is change in the interval of 32 orders of magnitude. How should we understand it? 4 An idea concerning the existence of physical vacuum, which has been called ether later on and dark matter recently, deserves a serious analysis, but density of ether (dark matter) is significantly smaller than results from the American spacecraft experiment (5). Their incapability to connect the results of their hypothesis with the results of other experiments witnesses the backlog in mastering of new knowledge concerning mechanodynamics and new knowledge concerning microworld. Let us demonstrate it in the examples. It is accepted that we get energy and information from the Sun with the help of the so called electromagnetic radiation, which scale is given in the school textbooks in physics [1]. But it is a part of the whole scale being presented in the way, which is unfit for a scientific use. If all similar scales, which have been published both in Russia and in USA, are analyzed, they can be presented in the form of Table 1 [1]. Table 1. Bands of a change of wavelength and mass m of electromagnetic radiations Bands 1. Low- frequency band 2. Broadcast band 3. Microwave band 4. Relic band 5. Infrared band Wave-length, m 3106 ... 3104 3104 ... 310-1 310-1 ... 310-4 110-3 310-4 ... 7.710-7 Mass, kg m 0.710-48 ... 0.710-46 m 0.710-46 ... 0.710-41 m 0.710-41 ... 0.710-38 m 2.210-49 m 0.710-38 ... 0.310-35 6. Light band 7. Ultraviolet band 8. Roentgen band 9. Gamma band 7.710-7 ... 3.810-7 3.810-7 ... 310-9 310-9 ... 310-12 310-12 ... 310-18 m 0.310-35 ... 0.610-35 m 0.610-35 ... 0.710-33 m 0.710-33 ... 0.710-30 m 0.710-30 ... 0.710-24 We’d like to draw attention to the fact that the wavelength of the radiations presented in Table 1 is changed in the range of 24 orders of magnitude, and Maxwell equations describe only the orders, which are comparable with a length of an aerial of a transmitter or a transducer. As it is a small part of the scale being presented, we reject Maxwell theory and introduce a photon theory of radiation, which describes the whole radiation scale (Table 1). That’s why we have every reason to call it a photon radiation scale. A single carrier of these radiations is given in (Fig. 3) [1]. We should note that mass centre M of the photon moves along a wave trajectory, which wavelength is equal the radius r of the photon (=r). All its parameters are changed not in the interval of 24 orders of magnitude (Table 1), but in an interval of nearly 15 orders of magnitude. Why? An answer originates from the Universe radiation spectrum, and we have already answered it [1]. Fig. 3. Diagram of the ring magnetic fields of the photon 5 It appears from Wien formula that a decrease of absolute temperature T of the Universe is accompanied by an increase of the wavelength of the photons, which form it. As absolute temperature has a limit of T 0.056 K, there should exist a limit of the maximal wavelength of the photons, which form an ultimately low temperature T. It is equal to 0.052 m. What is this limit stipulated by? The ultimately low mass mf min =4.2510-41 kg, which forms the magnetic fields of the photon (Fig. 3), reduces their strengths [1]. As a result, the magnetic forces, which localize the photon in space, are decreased to the values of smaller centrifugal forces exerting influence on the mass centres of these fields, and a structure of such photon is converted during its destruction into dark matter (ether). Minimal linear density of dark matter is known. It is equal to [1] K mmin 4.250 10 41 1.301 10 40 kg / m . 2 rmax 6.282 0.052 (14) It is natural linear density of dark matter. An increase of this density results in its vortex and elementary particle formation. An electron was the first to be borne (Fig. 4, a). a) b) c) Fig. 4. a) diagram of a theoretical model of the electron (only a part of the magnetic lines of force is shown); b) diagram of the electron cluster; c) diagram of emission of six magnetic ring fields of the photon by the electron The electron formation is governed by 23 constants. All constants of the electron are constant only in case when it is in a free state. When it comes into a bond, it emits a photon simultaneously (Fig. 4, c), and energy of the emitted photon is equal the electron binding energy with an object, with which it has come into a bond: another mobile electron (Fig. 4, b), an outer electron (Fig. 5, a, b) or the proton (Fig. 5, a, b). What will happen if the bond between the outer electrons or between the electrons and the protons (Fig. 5, b) of the nuclei is disturbed mechanically? It is clear that in such a case the electron will be in a free state with a deficiency of mass that has been emitted by it when fixing a bond. When this bond is disturbed mechanically, it is brought into an unstable state, and it searches the photons, which are necessary for it for absorption and a recovery of its mass. But they are not available. Where is a way out? The medium, in which it exists, is filled with ether, or the so called dark matter. The electron absorbs such quantity of this matter that is necessary for it for a recovery of its mass and all other constants [1]. But life of the electron in the free state is a short one, because it is surrounded by other electrons of various atoms and protons, which make it set a bond with them and emit the photons. A part of dark matter (ether), which has been absorbed by the electron having recovered its mass, is 6 emitted in the form of a photon, which flies into the Universe with velocity of 300,000 kilometres per second. c) d) b) Fig. 5. A vivid experimental proof of authenticity of our theory of microworld: a) diagram of the theoretical model of the bensole molecule; b) diagram of water molecule; c) and d) photos of the cluster of the bensole molecules being obtained by the Europeans The star electrons lead the busiest life, including the electrons of our Sun. Let us give them an opportunity to tell us about their difficult life [1]. It is known that the maximum of radiation of the Sun is formed by the photons of green colour with mass, which is approximately equal mf =5.010-36 kg, and energy, which is approximately equal E=mC2 =5.010-36(2.998108)2=4.5010-19 J [1]. As power is energy spent during a second, power of the green photon, which comes from the Sun, equals Nf=4.5010-19 J/s=4.5010-19 W. Power of radiation of the Sun per unit of earth plane is known: N= 1.40103 W/m2=0.14 W/cm2 [1]. Quantity of the photons, which form power per square centimetre of the Earth plane, is nf = N/Nf =0.14/4.5010-19=3.111021. A desk lamp with power of 100 W will send per square centimetre an approximate quantity of the photons per second 100/4.5010-19=2.221018. The known quantity of the photons nf =3.111021 being sent by the Sun per square centimetre of the Earth surface per second allows us to determine total quantity of the photons, which fell on the inner surface of a sphere with the orbital radius of the Earth RE=1.501011 m. The surface of the sphere being formed by the orbital radius of the Earth is SE=4R23 = 43.14(1.501011)2 =2.831023 m2= 2.831027 cm2, and quantity of the photons being emitted by the Sun to the inner surface of this sphere per second is 7 Nf =2.8310273.111021 = 8.81048. As a result, mass of the photons being emitted by the electrons of the Sun per second to the surface of the sphere with the radius of RE=1.501011 m is approximately M1f = N f m f =8.8010485.010-36 = 4.41013 kg = 4.41010 tons (16) Mass of the Sun is MS= 21033g =21030 kg= 21027 tons. The astrophysicists think that it was borne nearly 4.5 milliard years ago. Its means that during this period the electrons of the Sun got the photons with mass of MfS =4.410104.5109 60 60 24365 = 6.241027 tons (17) which is almost similar to mass of the modern Sun. Where did they get it? The source is the only one: dark matter, which enlightens our dark intelligence [1]. It is encouraging that we have learnt from the Sun to derive thermal energy from dark matter with a factor of energetic efficiency of several thousands per cent [1]. CONCLUSION The physicists who have arrived to the 21st century with their old knowledge have failed to understand that a substance, which was called ether long ago, is a source of material world. In order to escape from a shameful idea of the Universe formation due to Big Bang, which excludes ether, they call it dark matter now proclaiming ignorance of their scientific intelligence before the future generations. They go on teaching 70% of erroneous knowledge in physics and nearly 50% in chemistry showing no twinges of conscience for an intelligent violence as far as the young is concerned [1]. References 1. Ph.M. Kanarev. The Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld. Monograph. 2010. http://www.micro-world.su/ and http://kubsau.ru/science/prof.php?kanarev 2. Ph.M. Kanarev. Introduction to Mechanodynamics. http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/10044.html