Jerome Hiler Bio - The Louisville Orchestra

Press Contact:
Heather O’Mara
Jerome Hiler, Director
Jerome Hiler started his creative life as a painter,
having studied with Natalia Pohrebinska at Pratt
Institute. Within a few years, Mr. Hiler became
enthralled with the expressive possibilities of 16mm
experimental film and it soon became his main focus.
His films have been shown at the San Francisco
Cinematheque, the New York Film Festival and
London's LUX film series. Throughout his career, he has also worked on
documentary film projects as either photographer, editor or director sometimes assuming all of these roles.
Since the 1980s, Mr. Hiler has been working in the medium of stained
glass, in which he combines his love of projected light with that of abstract
painting. He has also presented slide lectures on the early history of
stained glass. These programs derived from Mr. Hiler's extensive
collection of the subject and have been presented all over the country
including Princeton University and The Art Gallery of Toronto.
Mr. Hiler's love of classical music has been a lifelong passion. Focusing
his attention on the 20th Century as well as the pre-classical periods of
music, he is thoroughly immersed in the subject matter of Music Makes a
City. As a young man, he had the pleasure of meeting many of the
composers who had received Louisville Orchestra commissions.