1 Curriculum Ideas for Newly Enrolled Students The EF will work with the parent/student to be sure there are adequate learning materials available for the student to use until ordered materials arrive. Such interim materials can include texts and/or other resources. Learning must occur even if ordered materials have not arrived! Please remember that there is no requirement that the student be working on every subject every day. Even if you are waiting for the arrival of an order, there are many learning activities students of all ages can do which fit into GVCS’s student standards. A student can concentrate on a few core subjects, such as math, literature, and history while waiting for the science materials to arrive. With a little creativity, the EF, student, and parent can develop a study plan that meets the need of the individual student. While you are awaiting the arrival of materials, here are some things the EF can do to get the student started. OBTAINING TEXT-BASED MATERIALS Visit the GVCS Library to arrange to checkout materials for the student’s use. Network with other EFs in your area during group meetings, by email, etc. to obtain materials that can be used by the new student, temporarily or for longer term. Surplus book warehouses, school districts' discarded materials, library book sales, etc. can provide free or inexpensive curriculum materials. Yard sales, flea markets, used bookstores, etc. are sources for inexpensive materials. Students may be directed to use the public library as a source for books, tapes, magazines, and videos. Public libraries also provide access to the Internet. EFs may find it helpful to keep some materials on hand that can be used for newly enrolled students. Such materials (unit study guide books, Super Workbooks, Comprehensive Curriculum, and Learning at Home, etc.) can be purchased for younger students. Interdisciplinary unit study materials and guides, skill-related workbooks, and work texts may be appropriate for older students. A PO can be processed to replenish those materials. Some parents may wish to purchase materials for their students at local educational materials suppliers. Make sure they are aware that neither EFs nor parents will be reimbursed for such purchases. The table of contents for various textbooks can be used as a source of general guidelines for various courses. An EF can help to develop a study for a particular subject using the table of contents and available materials, the library, etc. For instance, the table of contents for a U.S. history book gives ideas for appropriate topics of study for that subject. The student can pursue information contained in chapters using various methods of research: o Internet research about the Civil War o videos on the subject of westward expansion o biography about Abraham Lincoln Each of these modalities covers the subject content without requiring an official "textbook". Of course, the student could follow up his/her research with an essay or report. BEYOND THE TEXTBOOK LEARNING RESOURCES The community is considered our school's campus. EFs, students, and parents can discuss ways to use various local resources to fit the student's curriculum needs. There are many resources and learning activities readily available to our students. Learning activities may include: Miscellaneous activities Watching, discussing and/or writing about educational programming, science and nature-based programs, documentaries, movies based on the classics, history-based programs, media coverage of current events, books Developing various skills through games (counting, spelling, multiplication, critical thinking, memorization, money counting/making change) Using newspapers for studying many subjects (language arts, current events, economics, politics, consumer math) Revised 6/18/13 2 Participating in learning activities offered through community colleges, parks and recreation departments, and local businesses (classes, information forums, exhibits) Developing interdisciplinary studies using books, videos, audiotapes, computer programs, the Internet Participating in community group learning activities (amateur radio clubs, computer interest groups, master gardeners) Connect with local homeschooling groups in your area Begin working in Test-Prep (Spectrum, Buckle Down, etc…) workbooks in student’s grade level. This can also give you a feel to where your student falls within grade level. Students may work on STAR released questions from the CA Dept of Education site. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/ K-6 students: many all-in-one workbooks are available at local bookstores and Costco. They usually cover a few core subject areas. Visit www.harcourtschool.com?menus/math2002/ca.html to practice math addition/subtraction/multiplication/division facts. Reading Using various research materials, books, videos, audiotapes, magazines, etc. obtained from the local library (Reading selections may include: novels; magazine articles; non-fiction selections; instruction manuals; newspapers; anthologies; poetry; and primary & secondary resources) Participating in local literature-related groups at library and/or bookstore Read recommended grade level books suggested by state of California: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/rl/ll/ This list is also listed on the GV website under Parent Resources. Attending/participating in poetry readings There are numerous book report forms and reading logs located on the GV website under EF ResourcesLearning Records- Additional Recordkeeping. Students can read and journal what they are reading. Identify new vocabulary Choose a novel and read chapters for discussion. Read aloud to each other. Do shared reading, where everyone reads a paragraph and passes the book along for one chapter. Play Charades using scenes from novel. Students in K-8 could choose their own grade level appropriate reading material and have a set number of pages to read daily. After the reading they would have to retell that section of the story to the parent. At the end of the story, the child could do a culmination activity relating to some aspect of the story. Students could take passages or stories from their reading (or textbook) and find another story by the same author or another story in the same genre and do a comparison essay using a Venn diagram. Students could read a grade appropriate book that has a movie of it as well. After reading the book, they could watch the movie and write a comparison essay. Writing ideas Writing essays, reports, paragraphs, sentences, poetry, short stories, biographies/autobiographies, novel, letters to the editor, scripts Developing personal journals (possibly including illustrations, writing entries, photographs) Taking notes or writing responses to lectures, educational programs, news programs Writing critiques or reviews of books, concerts, performances, or films Comparing and contrasting novels to their movie versions, one author's style to another, various viewpoints/philosophies Discerning fact or opinion Outlining chapters Writing letters, notes, memos (personal and/or business) Creating various lists (groceries, "to do," inventories for insurance purposes) Developing step-by-step how-to manuals Dictating and illustrating stories (possibly with help from parent, older sibling, tape recorder) Revised 6/18/13 3 Entering writing contests Practicing and improving handwriting Editing writing samples Write new ending for a book Write short journal entries using pen/paper or computer. Simple ideas can be used that cover every subject. Examples for different subjects might be: ENGLISH: What was your favorite book that you have read? PE: If you had your choice in riding your bike or scooter all year, which would it be and why? HISTORY: If you could go back to any time period in history, what time would it be and why? MATH: Who was your favorite math teacher and how did he/she make the subject so wonderful? SCIENCE: What characteristics, beyond feathers, do you think help a bird to fly; be creative! SPECIAL INTEREST: What painting or work of art transformed your view of art so that you wanted to be there/do that? Study skills Taking notes on lectures, television programs Using various book- and computer-based research materials (dictionaries, encyclopedias, telephone books, magazines, newspapers, card catalogs, almanacs, atlases, the Internet) Life Skills Learning new skills related to meal planning/preparation, cooking/baking, sewing, repair work (automobiles, bicycles, small engines, homes, etc.), animal care, gardening Completing personal inventories to help discover, assess, and gain insights into abilities, learning styles, aptitudes, interests Developing a resumé Researching requirements to attain future goals (colleges, tech schools, the military, career interests) Locating available scholarships for camps, colleges Reading biographies about successful people in various careers Observe different careers Enrolling in and attending ROP courses Locating mentors in field of interest Attending job fairs Interviewing business people, college students Developing apprenticeships Filling out "real life" forms such as checks, job applications, tax forms Maintaining personal checking account, budget Volunteer at a local animal shelter, fish hatchery or other service organization. Physical Education Participating in aerobics, bicycling, water and/or snow skiing, hiking, jogging, swimming, martial arts, various sports, weight lifting, horseback riding. Be sure and record amount of time, take pictures, or have student write about it. This will be useful when reporting to your EF. Researching particular sporting events, athletes, and/or sport and write it up in a short paper. Computer Developing computer skills in such areas as keyboarding/typing, Internet research, e-mailing, web design, programming, word processing, graphics, database, spreadsheet, multimedia presentations Health Researching importance of exercise, nutrition, healthful lifestyle choices Developing a personal health and fitness program, healthful diet program Graph/record your food/exercise over a specific time period Revised 6/18/13 4 Driver's Education Beginning study through use of DMV manuals, AAA and/or CHP materials Community Service/Outreach Volunteering at food banks, canned food drives, hospitals, libraries, schools, museums or historical sites, veterinary clinics, political campaign headquarters, fund raisers Social Studies Reading about/researching the stock market. Watch/record activity of specific stock over a period of time. Watching/discussing economics-related television programming Using maps to plan routes, find destinations Create scale models/maps (of room, house, neighborhood) Reading/writing about historically significant people, places, and events Researching current issues (origins of current ethnic conflicts, political issue conflicts) Arguing various sides of current issues Researching your neighborhood, family tree, local events, holiday origins Peace Corps: http://www.peacecorps.gov/wws/ and they have huge classroom resources that have lesson plans, slide shows, volunteer stories, language lessons, and podcasts. Create a timeline and/or lap book for the time/unit studying. Mathematics Using mathematics in building/construction activities, cooking, shopping Figuring out materials needed for various projects (sewing, carpentry, gardening) Calculating gas mileage, tips, sales tax Keeping personal finance records (budgeting, savings and checking accounts) Applying math skills in business finances/records (profit, losses and expenses involved in lawn mowing, babysitting, egg business) Researching various numeric systems Developing an imaginary numeric system of own Grocery store- investigate/record best prices. Organize coupons. Graph spending/savings over a period of time. K-2 go to http://www.pbs.org/parents/earlymath/ Science Nature studies may include identification of insects, birds and plants Researching pond life, tide pools Researching current weather conditions, season Using simple machines Keeping weather records Studying the stars Volunteering at nature center or science museum, at local creek clean-up project Research/identify local geological features Watching/discussing/writing about nature- and science-based educational programming Gardening Animal care Nature journaling Go to local museums and record observations. Special Interests Listening and responding to audiotapes/CDs of various types of music Researching the lives of composers Revised 6/18/13 5 Looking at and responding to various artwork Researching the lives of artists Entering art contests, participating in band, choir Developing/refining skills in metal working, woodworking, masonry, small engine repair, mechanical drawing, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, painting, drawing, sculpting, dancing, calligraphy Actively listening to foreign language programs on radio and/or television Go to local performing arts center- listen/evaluate/critique what you see/hear. Free Museum days are listed on GV website- under Parent Resources. INTERNET RESOURCES The Internet is a great source for educational materials. Libraries, magazines, and radio & TV programs provide information about educational websites. Some Sunday newspapers include a section, "Access," which provides information and web addresses for various websites that might be of interest. A search using such terms as "worksheet", "field trip", "education", "unit study" and "homeschool" can produce many educational web resources. Following are examples of what is out there in cyberspace. EDUCATION-ORIENTED WEBSITES California Department of Education's S.C.O.R.E.'s CyberGuides website provides many unit studies / lesson plans based on recommended literature selections for particular grade levels @ http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/cyberguide.html Riverdeep offers a free 30-day trial membership to their Internet-based interactive learning materials / activities @ http://web.riverdeep.net/portal/page?_pageid=813,1&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL EduHound.com's - Everything for Education K - 12 website @ http://www.eduhound.com/ About.com's education-related web area @ http://home.about.com/education/index.htm?PM=59_0204_T A to Z's Home’s Cool Homeschooling Website @ http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/ Art games: http://getty.edu/gettygames/ Free typing program: Dancemat Typing: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/ Primary reading: www.starfall.com Multiplication practice: www.multiplication.com In addition, this site has math games and times quizzes. History/science: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com This site has videos, games, activities, and stories. High school: offers multimedia lessons and course materials in all HS subjects www.hippocampus.org Math/Science/Banking/Finance for Middle and High School. This website provides over 1000 video tutorials for the above subjects (presentations are similar to Teaching Textbooks). CA Math standards released test questions are also covered. www.khanacademy.org FREE WORKSHEETS School Express.com provides thousands of free worksheets @ http://www.schoolexpress.com Education.com provides thousands of free worksheets for K-12 @ http://www.education.com/worksheets Provides worksheets, study tools, languages, and games for grades K-12 www.ezschool.com FREE UNIT STUDIES A to Z Home’s Cool Homeschooling Site's Unit Study information area @ http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/methods/Units.htm The Home School Mom has a huge list of units – arranged alphabetically and by grade level @ http://www.thehomeschoolmom.com/schoolroom/unitstudies.php FREE LESSON PLANS Elementary Lesson Plans Headquarters at About.com – Free K - 6 lesson plans for a wide variety of subjects @ http://k6educators.about.com/od/peandhealth/Elementary_Lesson_Plans_Headquarters_Elementary_Lesson _Plans.htm Revised 6/18/13 6 Secondary Education Lesson Plan Banks at About.com – Free 7 - 12 lesson plans for a wide variety of subjects @ http://712educators.about.com/od/lessonplans/Lesson_Plan_Banks.htm CEC (Columbia Education Center) has a large selection of lesson plans- Free k-12 divided by subject area @ http://col-ed.org/cur/ OTHER EXAMPLES The “Biographies of Women Mathematicians” web site is part of an on going project at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Georgia, that illustrates the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm The Futures Channel Digital Video Resource Library contains "micro documentaries" that take students behind the scenes with architects and designers, artists and inventors, music composers and sound engineers, aerospace engineers, deep sea explorers, and dozens more men and women in careers that many students haven't even imagined. To view a dozen movie clips showing how professionals use mathematics and science in their careers visit http://www.thefutureschannel.com/real_world_professionals.html “Wired Learning” (AT&T education) - Lessons, curriculum, WebQuests, and other materials the KNE Application Design Team developed as part of the AT&T Knowledge Network Explorer. Provides support for teachers and librarians to achieve technology-infused learning environments. Information is provided in brief definition formats. You can even use the tool, Filamentality to build formats yourself. http://www.kn.att.com/wired/wired.html General Chemistry Online http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/index.shtml This introductory chemistry resource includes interactive course guides and tutorials, an exam survival guide, reference tables, self-grading quizzes and exams, a searchable glossary, a question & answer board, answers to over 300 frequently asked questions, and a chemical trivia quiz. Periodic table- description and pictures of the elements… http://www.periodictable.com/ SUBSCRIPTIONS Our school has many different website subscriptions such as: Brainpop, Discovery Education, Enchanted Learning, eTab, Hotmath, and Study Island. Some sites require a password – please ask your EF for more information. Revised 6/18/13