PLEASANTS COUNTY SCHOOLS IEP AMENDMENT AND REVISION PROCESS In making changes to a student’s IEP after the annual IEP meeting for a school year, the parent/adult student and district may agree, in writing, not to convene the IEP meeting to make the changes. Instead, a document may be developed to amend the student’s current IEP. Districts must obtain permission from the parent to amend the IEP on the IEP Amendment Form and provide a copy to the parents. Additionally, the parent may be provided a revised copy of the IEP with the amendment(s) incorporated. The annual review date does not cange from the date of the original IEP. All team members and service providers impacted by the amendments must be informed of the changes to the IEP. At any time that the parent/adult student believes that the student is not progressing satisfactorily or that there is a problem with the current IEP, he or she may request an IEP team meeting. Any other member of the IEP Team may also request an IEP TEAM meeting. This meeting must be held within 21 days of the request. The following guidelines should be considered when determining whether to amend or revise an IEP: Amendments are appropriate when the changes do not change a student’s placement. Amendments are typically not appropriate when the changes include changing a student from a SEE environment to a GEE environment as this decision will involve revising other areas of the IEP including present levels, goals, and services. Rule of thumb: If only one area is impacted (i.e. addition of a goal, revising minutes minimally to reflect changes in a master schedule, addition of an accommodation or modification to the general education environment, or correction of typographical errors), then an amendment may be appropriate. Rule of thumb: If more than one area of the IEP will be impacted by the change (see bullet #2 above), it is generally more appropriate to reconvene the IEP team and make the revisions/changes during a meeting. Regardless of whether an amendment or a revision is needed, the parent must always be informed prior to the change. Amendments do not change the date on the original IEP; revisions do result in a new IEP date and require a full team with new signature page. ***NOTE: When it is appropriate to revise the IEP instead of amending the IEP, you must have a finalized IEP online. Proceed with the process by drafting a new IEP and following the procedures outlined on the IEP process directions page. Pleasants County Schools Procedures Handbook – IEP Amendment and Revision Page 1 PLEASANTS COUNTY SCHOOLS IEP AMENDMENT AND REVISION PROCESS AMENDING THE IEP USING THE ONLINE IEP PROGRAM 1. To amend an IEP using the online IEP Program, there must be a finalized IEP for the student. 2. Only the most recent IEP on the online program may be amended. 3. Choose the student from the listing on the program and click on the text “Amend last finalized IEP.” This retrieves a verbatim copy of the last finalized IEP for you to edit. Do NOT utilize this function if you have begun to draft a new IEP as the new IEP information will be lost and replaced with the amendment information. 4. Click the Amend IEP button at the bottom of the student information screen. You cannot draft a new IEP after this button has been selected until the amendment process is completed. 5. Make the changes on the IEP that have been agreed upon. 6. When all amendments have been completed, click the IEP amendments menu item at the left side of the screen. Enter the changes on the form that is displayed. 7. Click the save and continue button. 8. Finalize and print the IEP. 9. Provide the parent/adult student with the amendment page and the revised IEP (if requested). Prior written notice is incorporated in the amendment form. 10. Send the revised IEP, the amendment form, and revised WVEIS page (if applicable) to the county office. 11. Inform all team members and service providers impacted by the amendment of the changes. It is appropriate to provide each with a copy of the amended IEP sections that impact his/her service area. 12. If amendment or revision change services in Part A (accommodations and modifications in the general education environment), be sure to provide all general education teachers with a revised accommodations and modifications sheet to document provision of the services or update existing accommodations and modifications sheets to reflect additions or deletions. FORMS REQUIRED FOR AMENDED IEP PACKETS INCLUDE: Amendment form IEP with amendment incorporated WVEIS form with changes indicated Pleasants County Schools Procedures Handbook – IEP Amendment and Revision Page 2