Sculptural Material - Lillian F. Schwartz

Lillian Feldman Schwartz:
Detailed descriptions re size/drawings for some sculptures are in Banker's Box
marked Sculpture and "The Computer Artist's Handbook".
"CAPRICIOUS CONSTELLATION" Description/'photos/drawings in Banker's Box
A computer-controlled mobile in Homage to Calder. Created by Schwartz and Penzias.
Parts are wrapped in Garage. Motor and chain are in basement.
"DEFYING GRAVITY" Created by Schwartz and Penzias.
Rectangular wooden blocks are made of balsa wood with the appropriate weight of
metal bars placed at the bottom to hold the blocks in a horizontal position until they were
released. The bottom block had a magnet that is released when a pressure-sensitive
pad on the floor is stepped on causing this block to fall "up". The blocks are reset by
hand. In Basement.
"STAINLESS STEEL SCULPTURE" Created by Schwartz and Penzias.
A number of stainless steel sculptures were created out of bands of stainless steel that
were twisted and spot welded. Large one in LR.
H 87 1/2"x 34" at widest part. Has triangle stainless steel rods that support twisted bands
of stainless steel.
Needs base.
"HOMAGE TO NASA" Created by Schwartz and Penzias
A kinetic sculpture, 48" high x 60" wide x 6" deep, Homage to NASA is made up of 30
abstract aluminum shapes on the face of the sculpture. These shapes, suggesting man,
sun and the moon are attached to shafts that have gears at the backside. Belts that are
controlled by nine motors move the gears. There are electronics in the back that activate
the motors. There are five flashes. Shining light on solenoids embedded in the
sculpture's frame creates motion. A plug can be inserted into the lower right side of the
sculpture frame to allow the sculpture to run automatically. In Living Room. There are
two plugs in cabinet between LR and DR.
In 1972 Lillian Schwartz was commissioned by Bell laboratories to create a five story
high computer-controlled kinetic sculpture in honor of Physicists Joseph Davison and
Lester H. Germer who gave the world a new view of matter as light.
In basement.
An interactive kinetic sculpture contained in a minimal structure with a dome. The
observer may step on a pressure-sensitive pad, which triggers motors that generate a
number of vigorously dramatic effects on the dome. In LR.
Extra globe and innards/motor for another sculpture in basement.
World's Fair was built as a scale model for a large sculpture for the 1964 World's Fair in
Japan. The tubes for the model were found at a glass chemical factory. Since each glass
container could have a colored liquid in its inner and outer containers, or both, I was able
to create the illusion of numerous colors. For example if yellow was the inner color and
blue used in the outer part of the tube then one could perceive green when the two
colors overlapped. This sculpture is a mechanical forerunner of computer-controlled
sculptures. Motor and timing device control the flow of the colored liquids either in an
automatic mode or until an observer asserts control through the box of buttons. In
basement. Will need water and color added to operate.
In basement. Needs water and color to operate. W 49" x 6" Base 20" x 17 1/2" x 13 1/2"
Structolite. Black Acrylic finish. Black Micarta Base H17" x 22" Base 24" x 21 1/2"
Collage sculpture/plaster base/objects glued on surface.
42' x 18 1/2" x 11". Base brown wood 16 1/2" x 12". Do not separate Base from
Steal Base 12" x 4" x 7 Rods/balls/Springs
"TREE MODEL FOR WATER SCULPTURE" (Drawings/other materials - Banker's Box)
H 5 1/2" x W 2 3/4" x 3 3/4" x 3 3/'4" x 3 3/4" x 3/34" Base 2" x 2" x 1"
Metal/Solder H 14 1/2" x 6 " Wood Base 5" x 6 3/4"
Metal/solder H 7 3/4" x 15 1/2" Wood Base 17 1/4" x 19"
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire and plaster. H 70" Base 14" x 17"
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire'plaster/wood. H 25" w 13' D 35"
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire/plaster. Plastic head. H 25" x w 13" x D 13"
Mixed Media 29" x 43"
*"LADIES DRINKING TEA" This work is precursor to work in visual perception
Mixed Media Oil/collage/venetian blind. 49" x 35 1/2' x 3"
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire/plaster. H 25 1/2" x 6 1/2" x 5".
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire/plaster. Black Acrylic finish. H 13 3/4" x 10" x 6"
Base 5 7/8" x 6".
Mixed Media. H 48" x 38" x 10"
Mixed media H 37" x 48 1/2" x 3:.
Mixed Media H 37" x 48 1/2" x 3"
Mixed Media W 38" x H 50 1/2" x 4 1/2"
Liquid Metal. Black Acrylic finish. W 6 3/4" x 3 3/4"
Liquid Metal Black Acrylic finish H 8" x 6 1/3' x 1/2" on plastic tray
"Past Media/Oil;Watercolor;Plastic"
Acrylic patterned box H 7 1/2" x W7 3/4". Partially /squeezed Oil and Watercolor tubes
arranged in Acrylic Box with different sized Acrylic Balls on top.
LAMINATE # 1 18" x 15"(In storage room on shelf)
LAMINATE #2 57" x 7" (One hanging above basement stairs)
LAMINATE #3 57" x 7" (In basement rack)
2 pieces: Male and Female" H 57" x 3 1/2" x 4 1/2"
11 1/2" on all sides. In Kitchen.
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire and plaster. Black Acrylic finish H 10 1/2" x 8
1/2" Base 7" x 9 "
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire and plaster. Black Acrylic finish
Vermiculite and Kean's cement. Black Acrylic finish W 7 3/4" x 6 1/2" Base 12" x 17" x
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire and plaster. Black Acrylic finish H 9 3/4" x 8
1/2". Black Micarta Base.
Kean's cement and vermiculite over wire and plaster. Black oil finish 12" x 8" x 161/2".
Black Micarta Base.
Vermiculite and Kean's cement. Black Acrylic finish. H 15 1/2" x 6 1/2"
Wax figure H 5 3/4' x 4" x 4"
"WOMAN Twisted and Kneeling"
Wax figure H 3 x 2" x 2".
Liquid metal over plaster. Black Acrylic Finish.
ACRYLICAST SCULPTURES (most signed with initials LS 1961 - 1970's) Toluene was
used to dissolve pieces together.
#1 Plastic with balls and red infused W 7 3/4" x6 1/2" Base 5 1/2" x 2 1/2:
#2 Blue Acrylic H 37 1/4" x 3 1/4' x 1/2" Base 13" x 2 3/4' x 1/2"
#3 4 Sides 4' x 2" x 1 3/16" Base 4" x 2" x 1 3/16"
#4 4 sided 3 78/" x 2 1/2' x 2 5/8" x 4 1/2" x 2" x 4" Base 3" x 3" 3"
#5 Plastic with attached balls H 7 1/4" x 4" x4" x 4"
#6 1 piece with balls and color 12 1/2" x 16". Base 6" x 13"
#7 3 sections with acrylic balls of all sizes/rods/one large panel 18" x 7 7/8"
and two smaller panels 29 1/4" x23 1/2";1 3/4" deep in front/metal base 4" x 22 1/2" 7" In back
#8 2 panels with red between. Third piece on top. 6" x 2 1/4' x 8 1/2".
#9 "Extrusions 1" Base: solid clear acrylicast 11 7/8" x 3 3/8" x 18 1/2"
#10 "ICE" CUBE on Steel Stand. Three roughened sides. 13 1/2" x 11"
Plain sides. 10 3/4" x 11". One corner damaged. Place this corner down.
Triangle stainless steel rods. H 48". Top each side 11 1/2".
#11 Single panel W 4 3/4" x H 30" Metal Base 5" x 9 5/8"
#12 Single panel W 6 1/2' x 19' Metal base 6" x 12 3/"
#13 Single panel W 8 7/8" x 24 5/9" Metal Base 6" x 8 7/8"
#14 Four panels encasing images of Seated Nude in different colors to enhance depth
of images. W 8 7/8" x 14" Base 3' x 14".
#15 Blue acrylicast W 7 1/4' x 25 1/2" Base 6" x 7 "
#16 Single panel W 13 1/2" x H 21 1/3" Metal Base 7" x 20"
#17 Single panel W 14' x 21' Metal base 4 3/4" x 14/"
#18 Single panel W 28 1/2" x 62 3/4" Metal Base 38 1/2" x 17 3/4" in LR
#19 "Twin Towers" 2 panels with red in part of plastic.20 5/8" x 3" x 1 1/4" on triennial base.
#20 13 1/4" x 21" Metal base 7" x 70"
#21 21 1/2 " x 15 3/4" x 1 1/8" Plastic base 16" x 8" Small plastic balls attached on
side/some red paint
#22 Blue acrylicast w 6 1/4' x 18" Metal base 6" x 12 1/2"
#23 Acrylicast with balls 6 1/8" x 17 1/4' Metal base 6' x 12 1/2"
#24 Acrylicast Blue with clear Triangle and ball in front 6 1/8" x 17 1/4' Base 4" x 4" x 1/2"
H!5"x 13/4" x 1/2"
#25 Acrylicast 2 1/2" x 2 1/2: x 3 3/4". Has seven sides
# 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 4 pieces Abstract cut outs of women with cross legs. 2 mounted on bases 6"
x 23 1/2"
H 40 3/4" W at lower part 32 1/4" 1/2" thick plastic
#31 4 pieces together. Red strips on inner edges. H 21" W 9 1/2" Plastic base 15 1/2" x
11 3/4" x 1 1/2". Base unfinished. Needs mirror glued to surface of base.
#32 2 Blue pieces V shaped, hole in one side deliberate H 39 1/2" x 12 1/2 " Blue plastic base
12 3/4" x 2 1/2"
#33 Blue circle with one flat end for mounting. Needs base. H 23" to flat side W 23 1/2"
round side.
# 34 Double panel with acrylic balls on inside of panels. H 36 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 3/4" Base 10" x
10" x 1".
#35 White plastic square for hanging on one hook as diagonal. Painted on two sides in reds,
yellow, purples, pinks. 26 1/2" x 26 1/2". Hang with light behind.
#36 Grey plastic with acrylic balls and small pieces of white plastic. W 22 1/2" x 17' x 1"
Base 22 1/2" x 5 3/4".
#37 Panel with abstract curves on one side. Red in the plastic. Triangles protruding on other
side. W at base 10" x 36 1/2 " x 3/4 " Base 10" x 11".
#38 Panel with textures/acrylic balls of different sizes/ tubes on both sides. W 34" x
H 68 1/4" x 1/2'". Metal base and frame.
#39 "Extruded Materials around the bottom of Two Vertical Panels". Base:: solid clear
acrylicast 21" x 3 1 1/2" x 16"
"THREE FACES" x 2 Panels (Good Condition)
Mosaics of three faces on one panel facing other panel.
Mirrored inside. 33" x 15 1/2' x 2 3/8"
"Vanity" with missing pieces of tile.