Instructions to Authors for submission to the Journal of Business and Economic Models (JGBEM) 1. Submission. The contents of the papers shall be the sole responsibility of the authors and publication shall not imply the concurrence of editors or publishers. All submissions should preferably be in Word format All manuscripts shall be subject to an editorial pre-screening process to assess suitability for the journal Subject to the pre-screening, manuscripts shall be processed in a single anonymous peer review system, using independent expert referees Final responsibility for the selection and acceptance of articles rests with the Editor Submission of an article to the journal indicates formal acceptance by the author(s) of these peer review conditions and procedures 2. The manuscript. Manuscripts must be typed with a double spacing throughout, on one side of A4 paper only, with a 4cm left-hand margin. The text and references should be checked thoroughly for errors before submission. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the typescript is correct in style, syntax and spelling (Oxford English Dictionary). Papers should normally be divided into headed sections. 3. Title page. The first page of the typescript must contain: the full title; the affiliation and full address of all author(s); a running title of not more than 75 letters and spaces; an abstract of not more than 200 words; the name, full postal address and email of the author who will be responsible for correspondence and correcting of proofs. 4. Abbreviations. Any word or words to be abbreviated should be written in full when first mentioned followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. 5. Illustrations. All illustrations of any kind should be submitted as sequentially numbered figures. Illustrations should not be inserted in the manuscript but supplied either after the main body of text or uploaded as separate files. 6. Tables. Tables should be numbered and headed with short titles. As with illustrations, they should not be inserted in the manuscript but supplied either after the main body of text or uploaded as separate files. 7. Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements should appear at the end of the text. 8. References. The Harvard system is used. When quoted in the text style is:…Smith (1972)…or (Brown and Jones, 1972) or …Smith et al. (1972a). References are listed alphabetically after the text. Journal and book titles should be written out in full. Examples are: Brigham, E. F. (1965) The determinants of residential land values, Land Economics, 41, 325-34. Phelps-Brown, H. (1981) Labour market policy, in Changing Perceptions of Economic Policy (Ed.) F. Cairncross, Methuen, London, pp. 68-113. 9. Footnotes. These should be numbered consecutively in the text and gathered at the bottom of each corresponding page. 10. Proofs. Proofs will be sent electronically to the 'corresponding' author for correction. These must be corrected and returned within 48 hours otherwise publication may be delayed. Alterations to proofs other than corrections of printer's errors may be charged to the authors. 12. Copyright. Submission of a paper to JGBEM will be taken to imply that is presents original unpublished work, not under consideration elsewhere.