TAS Employee Event Template - Agenda & Talking Points

<Event Location>
Event Plan Agenda (suggested)
Opening Remarks
5 minutes
(VZ Director/Manager-level Representative)
Overview of VZ Foundation
Domestic Violence support and
Telling Amy’s Story background
(VZ Foundation/HRBP Representative)
5 minutes
Telling Amy’s Story short video
15 minutes
Impact of Domestic Violence
(DV Agency Representative)
10 minutes
Domestic Violence in the Workplace
Employee Assistance Provider (EAP)
5 minutes
10 minutes
Closing Remarks
2 minutes
(VZ Director/Manager-level Representative)
1. Share Telling Amy’s Story with your church group, book club, etc.
a. Provide DVDs & link to DVD request form for additional copies –
2. If the air date is confirmed, watch Telling Amy’s Story and/or host a watch party.
a. Provide air date/time
b. Provide online Toolkit and Discussion Guide
3. If the air date is not confirmed, lobby your local PBS station to air the documentary.
a. http://www.pbs.org/stationfinder/
4. Know what to do if someone needs help.
5. Volunteer with your local DV organization.
6. Host a Verizon HopeLine cell phone drive in your community http://aboutus.vzw.com/communityservice/Phone_Drive_Tips.html
Talking Points for Telling Amy’s Story Employee Event
OPENING REMARKS (VZ Director/Manager-level Representative - 5 minutes)
 Welcome, everyone.
< VZ Director/Manager-level Representative introduces himself/herself and
describes his/her role in the organization>
Many of you may already know something about the subject of “Telling Amy’s
Story” – the documentary produced by Penn State Public Broadcasting that is
being aired nationally.
But if you do not…this documentary is what happened in the life of Amy Homan
McGee – a Verizon Wireless employee and Penn State graduate – leading up to
her death at the hands of her abusive husband in November 2001.
While every domestic violence homicide is a terrible tragedy…Amy’s story
especially touches us, because she was one of our own.
We believe this documentary, “Telling Amy’s Story,” is an unprecedented vehicle
that can change how society looks at this issue.
We believe it will encourage victims to seek help, and most importantly, we
believe it will save lives.
Telling Amy’s Story is courageous. It’s innovative. And it’s the perfect example
of the kind of groundbreaking initiatives that Verizon is proud to support.
This powerful documentary can be seen in English or with Spanish language
subtitles, as well as captioned for the hearing impaired. When coupled with the
online training and a formal program of community outreach, the documentary
airing in markets across this country has virtually everything it takes to reach the
broadest possible audience.
In my mind, “Telling Amy’s Story” is a model of how technology can help
transform social issues by connecting people to resources and information…and
in this case…to safety, security and support.
In fact, I think that this program is a shining example of how we characterize our
philanthropy at Verizon. It is “Technology that touches life.”
In fact, I think that this program is a shining example of how we characterize our
philanthropy at Verizon. It is “Technology that touches life.”
For instance, since HopeLine from Verizon’s national cell phone recycling and reuse program was launched in 2001, Verizon Wireless has:
 Collected more than 8 million phones
 Awarded more than $10 million in cash grants to domestic violence
agencies and organizations throughout the country
 Distributed more than 106,000 phones with more than 319 million minutes
of free wireless service to be used by victims of domestic violence.
 Properly disposed of nearly 1.7 million no-longer-used wireless phones in
an environmentally sound way and kept more than 210 tons of electronic
waste and batteries out of landfills.
I would now like to hand you over to <VZ Foundation/HRBP Representative>.
AMY’S STORY <VZ Foundation/HRBP Representative – 5 minutes>
Thank you <VZ Director/Manager-level Representative>!
< VZ Foundation/HRBP Representative introduces himself/herself and describes
his/her role in Verizon>
The Verizon Foundation has supported domestic violence awareness and
prevention as a signature social cause since 2006, providing more than $21M in
financial support to national and local nonprofit organizations that are addressing
this important social cause. This builds on the tremendous work that Verizon
Wireless has done to support domestic violence awareness and prevention
through its HopeLine program since 2000.
In addition to the monetary support provided by the Verizon Foundation,
employees have also contributed to eradicating domestic violence through their
volunteerism and generosity to our company-wide campaigns such as Dress for
Success and Shower for the Shelter.
Employees here at <Work Location> alone have contributed more than <insert $
value of DV campaign donations> worth of clothing, toiletries, household and
other supplies for local domestic violence agencies through these campaigns – a
special word of thanks to <DV Campaign Coordinator Names> for all their hard
work coordinating those campaigns here in <Work Location>.
Verizon has a strong and longstanding relationship with Penn State
University…and it was through that relationship that we found out about the plan
to produce a program that would use Amy’s story to help people understand the
signs of domestic violence and intervene…before it is too late.
Verizon stepped up…and we funded this program through the Verizon
Foundation…because we believe that by telling Amy’s story, we can help raise
awareness and bring hope to those who suffer in situations of domestic violence.
In May, we launched this documentary at a national premiere event in
Washington, DC. Nearly four hundred people – key leaders from government,
nonprofits, law enforcement and social services – gathered to see this film and
talk about its powerful message.
From actress Mariska Hargitay of Law and Order SVU, to Lynn Rosenthal, the
first-ever White House Senior Advisor on Violence Against Women, and Tom
Perrelli, the Associate Attorney General of the United States…these leaders and
advocates saw this film for what it is: an unprecedented tool to bring this issue
into the national spotlight.
This documentary makes me very proud of the collaboration between our
company and the courageous leaders at Penn State Public Broadcasting and the
It took a circle of support, vision and commitment to make this documentary and
build this program. It also took brave and honest people – Detective Fishel,
Judge Grine, Sgt Mulfinger and Amy’s co-workers and manager at the Verizon
Wireless store.
And most of all, it took the enormous courage and grace of Amy’s family to let
her story be told. Everyone involved in this project embraces the same vision.
We believe that, through this documentary and community outreach, we can help
people recognize the signs of domestic violence…and empower them to help
friends and co-workers who are in abusive relationships. We believe this
program will give victims the courage and the information they need to find
shelter and support. And we believe, sincerely, that lives will be saved.
Now, let’s watch “Telling Amy’s Story.”
– 10 minutes>
 To help us continue this dialog and expand this network of committed and caring
people, I am proud to introduce our partner, <DV Agency Representative Name
& Organization>.
– 5 minutes>
 Thank you <DV Agency Representative> for sharing those important insights
with us about the issues around domestic violence in our local community. Now I
would like to invite <Employee Assistance Provider (EAP) Representative> to
share some information about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services
and resources that Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield provides to employees who
find themselves faced with domestic violence in their own lives.
<Employee Assistance Provider (EAP) Representative> shares a brief overview
of the services and resources available to employees who are faced with a
domestic violence situation>
Q&A/DISCUSSION < Coordinator/HRBP Representative – 10 minutes>
 Thank you <Employee Assistance Provider (EAP) Representative> for sharing
this information about (EAP) services and resources that are available to
employees who find themselves faced with domestic violence in their own lives.
We will now open up the discussion for any questions you might have for any of
our speakers today.
CLOSING REMARKS <VZ Director/Manager-level Representative – 2 minutes>
 Thank you to <DV Agency Representative> and <Employee Assistance Provider
(EAP) Representative> for joining us today. And our sincere thanks to <VZ
Foundation/HRBP Representative> and everyone else who helped coordinate
this event!
We appreciate your being here and caring about this issue, caring about people
like Amy.
But we want you to leave today with a commitment to take action…and be a part
of the solution.
First – Share Amy’s Story. Share it with your friends…your church group…or the
parents on your child’s sports team. Or host a watch party using the DVD that
you can pickup here after the event!
And if your local PBS station has not scheduled an airing…lobby them to air
“Telling Amy’s Story.” You find out status on your local station by going to
www.verizonfoundation.org/employee/tas and clicking on the appropriate link.
Third – Know what to do if someone needs help. Talk to (EAP or HR
representative attending) if you need more information.
We have some takeaways for you today – please take a copy of the DVD and a
purple domestic violence bracelet as you leave the room. We also have some
leaflets that you can take that provide more background on the Telling Amy’s
Story program and tips on how to host a viewing event in your local community.
We will follow up with you shortly to ask for your feedback on today’s event, so
be on the lookout for a follow-up email from <Coordinator Name> with that
Finally – If you want to do more, volunteer with one of our great domestic
violence partners like <DV Agency>. They can talk to you about volunteer
Amy Homan McGee died because of domestic violence. With our actions, we
can help give a different ending to other victims’ stories. And with our actions, we
truly can help save lives.
Thank you for the support and commitment you give to this important initiative
and this critical cause.