EDA Founding Meeting Agenda Sample

Sample EDA Founding Meeting Agenda
7:00 PM – Call to Order
Appoint Chair
Appoint Secretary
Record Attendance
Approve the Agenda
7:10 PM – (small meetings) Go around: each person can introduce themselves and
say a few words.
7:15 PM - Function of an EDA and description of the executive positions.
7:25 PM – Nominations from the floor
7:30 Presentations from Nominees
Each nominee will have 2-3 minutes to introduce themselves and
share their plans for the EDA with the members.
7:45 PM – Voting and Counting of Ballots
Ballots Cast
Ballots Counted
Results Announced
8:00 PM - Meeting Adjourned
Announcement of the next meeting of the EDA Executive.
8:05 PM –Informal Meeting – Discussion of annual plan, including budget,
election readiness, fundraising and membership development goals, and potential
social and political events.
Be sure to have a sign in sheet to get everyone’s name and contact information,
especially email addresses, and what kind of volunteer work they would like to do, what
kind of skills they have to offer. Have membership forms on hand – either membership
booklets or forms printed from the web site (buy a receipt book if you’re printing forms
from the web site. Our membership booklets have carbon copies.)