Grade level /subject Chemistry/NOS Lesson/Ionic Compounds 11th Grade/ 4th Bell Context description Core ideas in this framework are explanatory ideas that will help students’ to demonstrate an understanding of the natural world through ionic bonding. Atomic theory and structure is an abstract concept that proves difficult for many students. Several of the activities included here simplify the structure of the atom to a point that arguably introduces errors; however, they are meant to help students conceptualize the ideas of the atom in a manner they can grasp. Even before describing to students what we believe to be in an atom, it is important for them to understand how and why we believe what we do. Students have understanding of the larger molecules from last year’s biology class (organic) and this year the history and breakdown of atoms has added to their prior knowledge. Students have been building knowledge using the periodic trends of ionization energy, atomic or ionic radii, electronegativity, and electron affinity. These trends increase and decrease depending on the characteristics of each group, which in turn will allow student’s understanding of the positive and negative charge of ions when they give up or take valence electrons which follows the Law of Conservation of Mass, which allows for the explanation of empirical evidence that is tested in the natural world. Students should know how to write basic chemical formulas. Students should understand and be able to apply the law of conservation of mass. Students should understand that subscripts are used to designate the number of atoms in a compound. This is in stark contrast to coefficients used in a chemical equation; coefficients are used to designate the number of molecules or formula units needed in order for the chemical reaction to take place. Standards met CHM.912.3a Use a Periodic Table to answer questions (e.g., electron configurations, groupings). NGSS- Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations CHM.912.2a Represent a chemical compound with a ball and stick model or chemical formula. NGSS-Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications CHM.912.2c Identify that two elements combine to form a compound. 3.1.c.1␣–␣Balancing Equations 3.1.b␣–␣Chemical␣Bonding Approved 02.18.2013 NGSS- Formulate and revise explanations and models using logic and evidence (critical thinking) CHM.912.4a Identify the reactants and the products in a chemical reaction 3.1.c␣–␣Chemical␣Reactions NGSS-Recognize and analyze explanations and models Concept addressed Objectives Students will be able to investigate ionic and binary ionic compounds by identifying the reactants and products of a balanced chemical equation. This introductory lesson is the first of a series of 5 lessons that will end in Stoichiometry. The concepts of proportional relationships between two or more substances during a chemical reaction can be a difficult ideal for students. By using their prior knowledge of the nuclear charges in atoms and the periodic trends, students will evaluate, by steps, ion reactions when combined with other ions, thus, allowing students to make connections and to understand the proportional relationships. Students will be able to: 1. Relate the electron configuration of an atom to its chemical reactivity guided by both theory-based inference and naturalistic explanations. 2. Determine an atom’s number of valence electrons, and use the octet rule to predict what stable ions the atom is likely to form due to the Periodic Law and periodic trends. 3. Identify the evidence of the reactants and products of ionic compounds when balancing chemical equations by showing the consistency and compatibility of each reaction. Academic language Approved 02.18.2013 1. Octet Rule – a concept of chemical bonding theory that is based on the assumption that atoms tend to have either empty valence shells or full valence shells of eight electrons and that they share these electrons to make a full energy level of eight. 2. Ion – an atom, radical, or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons and has a negative or positive charge. 3. Cation – an ion that has a positive charge 4. Anion – an ion that has a negative charge 5. Reactants- the ions needed to combine for products 6. Products – the end result of an ionic compound 7. Balanced chemical equation 8. Law of Conservation of Mass Learning strategies Materials needed Safety Needs The language function in this lesson will be used to help students with the scientific vocabulary that is used to understand how ions form and with which energy level and why. There will be some discourse between students concerning how the cations (positive ions) react with anions (negative ions) and why. Also, the syntax of forming structures of sentences will be used as an example for how the structures of ions form. Word Identification Strategy- will be used to help students with language function Self-Questioning Strategy-will be used to help students with reflection Visual Imagery Strategy-will be used to help students make connections between the cations and anions Inference Strategy-will be used to help students with the abstract concepts of ionic bonding Listening and Note-Taking-will be used for additional literacy strategies Preliminary quiz- Increase and decrease of Atomic Radius, electronegativity, electron affinity, and ionization energywith white boards Worksheet/Supplemental: Keeping Track of Atoms Activity Sheet for balancing equations w/index cards Exit Ticket- definition of Octet Rule Students – pencil and journal There are no safety needs in this lesson, as students will be working in groups, manipulating elements (index cards) to balance equations. Hook: Students create drawings representing reactions that they have experienced. This could be something as simple as wood being burned turns to ash or sunlight being absorbed by plants to produce sugar, etc. Walk the class through the idea that instead of drawings, compound formulas combined with the use of mathematical terms (+, =) can be used to illustrate chemical reactions. The teacher should ask how chemical reactions obey the law of conservation of mass. Instructional Approved 02.18.2013 outline Segment 1: Preliminary Quiz asking students how each trend increases or decreases across or down the periodic table. Students will hold up white boards with answers of decrease or increase- (10 min) Transition 1: After, students will be asked to pull out journals to make notes for the graphs needed that will accompany the balancing chemical reactions activity and then form groups. Segment 2: Students will work in pairs and observe each other's work as they try to balance each chemical reaction with index cards. In alternating fashion, one student will say aloud what it is he/she is doing to balance each reaction. The other student will either agree or disagree with their explanation. If there is disagreement, the first student will repeat the process using the suggestion by their partner. If there is agreement, they will proceed to the next problem. (20 min) Transition 2: Students will make note of their chemical equations for the next segments discussion. Segment 3: Students start discussing balancing simple ion equations and naming the new compounds by using the suffix “ide” along with a discussion of Transition Metals and why roman numerals are used to name them in addition to the suffix “ide”. –(10 min) Transition 3: Students will clean up area for last task Segment 4: Summary of lesson-Lesson ends with this statement: I am building a bike. The materials needed are tires, frame, pedals, handle bars, chain, etc. I require a specific amount of each material (this is the coefficient in the chemical equation). In other words, in order for the formation of a bike to take place, you need 2 tires, 1 frame, 2 pedals, etc. This building process can be expressed as follows: 2 tires + 1 frame + 1 seat + 1 handle bar = 1 bike Segment 5: Exit Ticket- Write down the names of the following four compounds – CaO, Co2O3, SnCl4, and AlCl3. –(5 min) Transition 5: Students will hand in Exit Ticket and prepare to leave class. Modifications Approved 02.18.2013 Texts are language sensitive and manageable in length with paraphrasing encouraged Students are heterogeneously grouped. Teacher is available to assist students during the activity. New information is contextualized through equations. New vocabulary is recycled throughout the lesson. Assessments of learning Internet sources should be selected based on the students’ reading level. Balancing Chemical Equations activity sheet in French for 2 students Formative: A preliminary quiz will be administered before instruction. For each question, students will hold up a white board with their answer above their heads (while looking straight ahead). In this fashion, the teacher can appreciate the scope to which students know the necessary background information for the day's activity, and students will NOT be able to see each other's answers. Summative: The teacher will circulate as each group works through each of the problems. The teacher should actively engage the students asking them pointed questions as to why they chose the means to balance each reaction. If a satisfactory response is elicited, then the teacher will sign off on the problem. At the conclusion of the activity, the students will be assigned 5 chemical reactions to balance on their own. (At the teacher's discretion, this problem set may be in the form of additional classwork or as homework.) Analyzing teaching Students understood the learning objectives that included balanced chemical equations Students showed knowledge of content by finishing the worksheet on reactants and products Teacher will use the worksheet to analyze the data to monitor student progress and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction if needed. Some informal techniques were used with a discussion of suffixes for metals and transition metals. Use of activities to promote independence and problem-solving Use of varied resources to support learner needs Communication of clear learning goals Maintenance an environment that is conducive to learning for all students Fair and equitable treatment of all students Creation of a safe learning environment Use of strategies to motivate students to work productively and assume responsibility for learning Approved 02.18.2013 Clear and effective communication connecting prior knowledge of electron configuration, periodic trends, and ionic charges Understanding of and adherence to professional ethics, policies and legal codes Engagement in continuous, purposeful professional development Approved 02.18.2013