Chapter 5 Section 2

Chapter 5 Section 2
I. Ions and Ionic Bonding
a. Atoms that lose their __________ electrons to another
_______, the valence electrons are transferred from
one atom to another. This allows both atoms to
become __________
b. An ______ is an atom or group of atoms that has an
c. When an atom _______ an electron it loses a negative
charge and becomes a _________ ion. When an atom
________ an electron, it gains a negative charge and
becomes a _________ ion
i. See figure 8, page 159
II. Polyatomic ions: _____ that are made up of __________
one type of atom
a. Can have a positive ______ negative _________
III. Ionic Bonding: the attraction between 2 _____________
charged ions
a. Ionic bonds _______ as a result of the ____________
between positive and negative ions
b. A compound that consists of positive and negative
ions is called an _______________
i. See figure 9, page 160
IV. Chemical Formula’s and names
a. When Ionic compounds form, the ions come together
in a way that _________ out the _______ on the ions.
The chemical _________ for a compound reflects this
b. A ___________ tells you the _____ of elements in the
c. (eg) Na (+1) + Cl (-1) = NaCl (0)
Properties of Ionic Compounds
a. Ionic compounds are usually hard, brittle, _________
that have ______ melting points. When dissolved in
water or melted, they ___________ electricity.
i. Figure 11, page 162
b. A crystal is an orderly, ____________ of ions or
atoms in a solid
c. In an ionic compound __________ is attracted to ions
of opposite charge that ___________it.
d. The __________ formed by the ions remains the same
no matter what the _______ of the crystal
e. When you heat a substance its energy ___________,
therefore the ions have enough energy to
overcome(_________) the bonds that join them, and
it melts into a _________
f. A solid ionic crystal _________ conduct electricity,
however, a melted or dissolved crystal ______conduct
VI. Hydrogen has ______ valence electron, so it is placed
above the ________ family even though it is a __________
and has different properties than the alkalis. It is very