Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes: Pick-a-Project Choose at least 40 points of work. All work is expected to be in a final form and of very high quality. Make sure the essential questions are answered. **You may choose to complete more than 40 points. Your top 40 points will be added to the grade. ** YOU MUST INCLUDE REFERENCES/SOURCES FOR EACH ASSIGNMENT!!! 1. Research a scientist who contributed to the plate tectonic theory or is involved in volcanoes or earthquakes. Write a story about them on the day they announced their discovery or on their job. Include background information. (350-500 words) (10 pts) 2. Construct an interview of a famous scientist in the field of Earth Science. (350-500 words) (10 pts) 3. Research a major earthquake or volcano and make a diary of that experience as if you were there. Include location, type, destruction, deaths, and use your 5 senses (350-500 words) (10 pts) 4. Write a poem and/or song about a topic covered in this chapter. (5-10 pts based on length) 5. Write a paper that would discuss what the earth would be like if we didn’t have plate tectonics (350-500 words) (10 pts) 6. Create a crossword puzzle with at least 20 words. ( After you create your puzzle you can highlight it and copy/paste it into a word document. Include a key. (5 pts) 7. Create a game. 20 questions and a related game board (20 pts) 8. Create a timeline of the development of seismology use pictures and be creative (10 pts) 9. Find 5 websites that would be good/credible sources for plate tectonics. Include the website address (link), title of website, a paragraph summary of the website, and three key topics (ie. Boundaries, history, images) that can be found on that website. (20 pts-4 per site) 10. Create a digital children’s book. Must be creative, pictures and story line. (20 pts) 11. Find 3 news articles online about seismic activity. Copy/Paste the article and describe the boundary and answer the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, why) about the KEY IDEA of the article in complete sentences. (5 pts/article) 12. Create your own assignment. Check with teacher about the rigor. Must be approved before hand! 13. Create a short test about plate tectonics, volcanoes or earthquakes. Include 5 true and false, 5 matching, 5 multiple choice, and 5 fill in the blank questions. Make sure you questions are over material from our class. You must also include a key for the test. (10 pts) 14. Show movie clips and explain why the statements they are making are true or false. (5-10 pts)