
Changes to Premvet 5
Version 2.20.00 - November 2003 -> April 2004
 Access Permissions
The following access permissions have been added or changed.
138 Can the user re-allocate master records?
 DataMajor
The reports run via Management Related and the Ad-Hoc options have had a print/file option
added to save having to re-enter the criteria for printing. The 'Print/Save' option will appear
AFTER the report has been displayed so you can still check the data is valid prior to printing.
A set of summary figures from the diary will be exported to DM. These include: Diary Name
and Number, on a per day basis: Hour of Day, the Number of slots, Number block booked,
Free slots and Booked slots. If you have un-timed slots they will be included under hour '0'.
Details will be imported (where possible) using a time period of 6 months prior and 1 month
beyond the date the tables are re-built.
Some sample reports are included in stored report - Stats - Diary.
Diary Usage overall
Diary Usage by day of the Week
Diary Usage by Period
Operation Diary Usage (Assumes diary name contains 'opera')
You can use the ODBC link to obtain custom reports.
New build option -o notext on the re-build line. This, if set, will ignore all clinical comments
e.g. only include priced work and procedures.
Ad-Hoc Reports: These have had on-screen help added and Clinical contains/Ana code options
have a question to include the client details on the results.
Management Reports
The following fields have been added to the selection screen:
Is a Client
Yes No or Ignore
Last Cons Date
Limit the report to records where the last
Consultation (animal) or Visit (Client) date is
greater than (or equal to) the date entered.
What classification is the animal in.
Will limit the report to records where the
specified recall is present. If the recall option
is specified you can enter any of the recall
related option is the 'Special' fields.
Animal Age
There are now two fields for age, Minimum
and Maximum. If the age is prefixed with a 'M'
it will be assumed you are wanting months
otherwise it will default to years.
The Species field supports multiple species e.g. Can|fel will list
both canine and feline records.
New Reports
Tidy Up -> isdead - Will list all animals still alive where the text EUTH, CREM or PTS appears
on the clinical text - clinical line will be shown.
Update -> Look for Breed update Species - Will only update Species if it is currently blank.
Recalls -> Uptake - Give % up-take on the Primary Recalls for Canine and Feline.
Recalls -> No Vacc - List records (cat and dog) where there is No primary vaccination on file.
Financial -> Large - Income from Farm work Income from Equine work
Financial -> Branch - Income by record type and branch.
Financial -> VAT - Zero VAT transactions, will list all clinical lines where VAT was NOT
Script Options
New options:
SET UPDATE LOYALTY has been added to the scripts. As the name suggests it
allows you to globally update the Animal Loyalty Points.
With regard to the Loyalty Multiplier: If you are adding some loyalty points and the
multiplier is zero it will be set to 1, if you are removing points (entering zero) and
there is a multiplier it will drop to zero. You cannot set just the multiplier.
SET UPDATE CLASS will update the animal Classification.
 TreeView Master Records
These can be re-allocated via an invisible menu option ('M'aster on TreeView prompt
line). You will be prompted for the number to make the new master, which must be an
existing record on the Tree, the system will move this to the start of the existing chain.
The client sheets are automatically moved to the new master.
This is protected with access permission 138.
This option has been disable on PDSA system.
 Equine Fort Dodge
The FDI section of the software has been expanded to include the Equine version. You
access this via Setup -> FDI -> Equine.
Setup notes are in a separate set of release notes.
 Find a client
If (new style selection) you enter surname,animal name the system will automatically
bypass the animal name/address questions. The same facility is available when
accessing a client via the diary. You can use part names e.g. mel,fi will look for all
surnames starting MEL and all animals starting FI.
 Pop Up Recalls
In addition to popup recalls when it is due you can also have Pop_Up recalls when one
has NOT been set. You can specify up to 26 recalls to be checked for, each recall is
species specific, that is don't tell me fluffy the Hamster does not have a Rabies recall set.
You specify them in params.txt using the format:
Pop_Recall<letter> <recall> <Species> <Species> <Species> etc.
<letter> Starts with A and goes to Z, do not leave gaps, the letter has no relationship to
anything other than to make the lines different. <recall> is the recall number to check
for and <species> is the Species it applies to. e.g.
Pop_RecallA = 1 Canine Feline Equine
Pop_RecallB = 3 Canine
Pop_RecallC = 5 Reptile
This will setup three different pop-up's: as recall 1 is always the primary vaccination for
the species it will tell you on Dog, Cat and Horse records if there is no Vaccination.
Recall 3 may be Rabies so the 2nd entry will trip on any dogs without one. The third
line will trip on Reptiles that do not have recall 5 set.
Note: If the recall exists but the interval is zero then the pop-up's will NOT trip.
 Cross Updating
The method used to check for the system currently talking to other sites has been
changed to allow you to use ADSL/Internet for cross updating. If you are using the
Internet or a VPN for Cross Updating we would recommend you do not set the x_send
times to any more frequent than 5 minute intervals.
If background integration is on and a card is locked for more than 1 min the 'Practice
Name' on all other screens will change to XUD:Card xx spinning to alert other users
there is a problem.
Billing addresses will automatically be cross-updated if they are changed.
 Search for Code
There is an option (after the last 'is this correct' question) when running the report to
pass it off to DataMajor. You can use all the normal menu option to set the criteria you
require and the system will convert it to a Datamajor script and automatically run it.
Because of this you are now allowed to select 'Screen' as the output type - if you elect
not to run the report via DM it will revert automatically to the printer.
The output format is (where possible) identical to that you would obtain if the report
was run the old way. This includes the filed output (search.csv).
When the report is run it will leave a file 'sfc.sql' in the main SQL folder. This will be
overwritten each time the search for code option is used. You can use the existing
utilities to re-name and add the reports as a DataMajor Stored Report.
 Invoice Production
With new style menus it is assumed that if the user has access to printing a bill (21) they
also have access to print an invoice. This behaviour is slightly different to the classic
menus where the user needs access to permission 41 to generate an invoice.
You can alter this by setting 'Invoice_Is_Bill = No' in params.txt. When this is
set the 'Invoice Production' and 'Fee Notes' will use access permission 41 (new style
If you do not want to add a surcharge to dead animals you can add 'Surcharge_DD =
No' to params.txt. This will apply to Invoices and Fee Notes.
 Stock Control
Nett Nett Pricing: If the params.txt entry 'Stk_Net_Add' is set to Yes then when
the Supplier/Manufacturer discounts will be added together and then applied rather than
the 1st the Supplier then the Manufacturer's. This applies to the stock card only - the
valuation will show the individual discount levels.
Flags: You have up to eight flags (Yes/No) on each card; you can now allocate a
description to each flag to remind you what they are for. The system will pop-up the list
whenever the flags are used. The descriptions are set via params.txt with the line:
Stock_Flag_X = Description
(Where X is the flag number).
Flag 1 is preset be the system to indicate prices have changed via the price update disk
and the description is preset.
 Diary
Expired block bookings will be removed automatically when they have expired.
The 'Block book every WWW starting' option has had an end date added. A new option
to book a specific day has been added; this is identical to book a range of dates except
the start/end date are the same.
When you are adding (or deleting) a 'Standard Block Booking' you now have the option
to apply it to all the diaries there and then. The default is Not to apply it so the
behaviour mimics the pre-upgrade version.
The overview page will default to the current date selected and not today's date.
The 'No Show' report will add the diary name the appointment was for on the clinical
The params.txt option 'Log_Diary_Cancel' currently only logs the reason why the
client cancelled. An additional params.txt option Log_Diary_details has been added.
This if set, will add an additional line with the Diary name and appointment date and
 Batch History Report
A new Clinical History report has been added (option 23) that will printout stock item,
batch number and expiry date.
You should use the setup option to specify what analysis codes your batch traceable
items are under. You do not need to alter any of printout/date options - these have been
preset to:
Print out using nroff format
Ask for dates (default being the current date)
Exclude financial information.
 Definition Files
.NOtify - You can specify multiple .NO options (up to 10)
.QU - If you specify a number before the question - that will limit the number of
characters the user can enter e.g. .QU 15 Enter Something This would limit the answer
to be 15 characters or less.
.SY logas Text - If you are logging all forms generated via the params.txt option
Log_Ops_Form then it can look 'odd' just the text 'Form: (xyz.def)' - if you add .SY logas
Text to Add to the .def file then the 'Text to Add' will be added to the clinical screen.
.SY NoLog - This will switch OFF the logging for the definition file being printed.
.DUPLEX - This will (if using groff and a LaserJet 4 compatible printer) enable the
Duplexing option (print on both sides of the paper). By default the duplexing will use
long style binding, entering .Duplex 2 will switch to short side.
 Mail and Messaging
If you set the params.txt entry Real_Mail = Yes then the built-in messaging system
will call the system E-Mail. This will allow for In-Box's, Outbox's, and all the good things
that full E-Mail will offer.
The F5 function key will prompt you for user and up to 10 lines of text as normal,
however this will be passed to E-Mail rather than stored locally. The 'All' option (will
translate to the user 'all' which you should add to your aliases file. The group option (19) will be translated to groupX (where X is the group number) and if you do use them
they should be added as aliases.
Main menu -> = -> Personal will map over to calling your mailer.
The system will no longer show 'Personal Messages' on the main menu screen - rather if
you have ANYTHING in you system mailbox it will show 'Yes'.
The default mailer (from Other Application menu and above) is set to mutt for dumb
terminals. If you want to change this add 'Default_Mailer = xxxx' to params.txt.
 Protocols
You no longer need to add '\' to continue lines when using the 'Save' option - the system
will assume the lines continue until it finds a closing quote '"'.
If <ESC> is pressed on a menu and the label [Menu] exists the system will jump directly
to that label.
 PuTTY - Terminal Emulator
There may be times you need a vanilla basic terminal emulator, a copy of PuTTY is
included with this update and will be installed in your Windows share (common). This
emulator does NOT support the ability to handle Windows integration. Copy the program
to your desktop, the only configuration needed is:
Terminal -> Keyboard -> Click SCO -> Backspace click ^H
Windows -> Set Translations -> CP437
Windows -> Click change size of font
-> Untick Display scrollback
Session -> Save
 GA fees - AP fees based on Weight and Time
You may want to price procedures based on a fixed fee, animal weight and length of
time. A new price method (6) has been added, when used it will base the price on:
Fixed Fee (Band 1) PLUS
Animal Weight times (Band 2) PLUS
Multiplier times (Band 3)
The test option will be based on an animal weight of 10Kgs.
 Admin Menu
The 'Admin' menu (when you login as admin) has had some new options added to it:
Edge - Startup the backup software to allow manual backups
Disk - Generate recovery disks
Admin - A menu driven option to add users, reset the modem, change a user's
password, and look at some log files.
With the 'Admin' option - the admin user will need some authorisation granted to it - if
you want to use this option please contact support and they can make the required
changes. The same authorisation will be required for Edge if full backups are required.
If you use the Admin menu to add a new premvet user it will add them under group 1.
 Clinical Screen
If Clinical_Inc_Vat = Yes is set in params.txt the clinical screen will default to
showing a single Vat Inc price.
The 'list' option can be used to switch over to show 'old' fees/drugs split, VAT and
analysis codes. The Quit option will also revert to showing the Fee/Drug split (the 'Short'
option will switch back).
 Misc and Bug Fixes
The system will keep a log of all Centaur tote sheets scanned during the year - you will be
warned if you are re-scanning a sheet.
If you use ^17 to prompt for ID chip in AP you will now be forced to enter something - you
cannot leave it blank.
The AP Metacharacter ^33=1 can be used to suppress displaying an AP description - all
other AP features are still effective.
Access Permissions 107/108 (Suppress Date/User ID) will work on payment routines as well
as work done.
The system will check and use O.S. supplied utilities BEFORE it looks for third party
applications e.g. /usr/local/bin will now be checked for LAST rather than first.
The Status Reports within Kennel Booking have had a 'Q'uit option added to allow you to
skip the report.
The Aged Debtor report will include the surgery number the animal is registered at in the
CSV file.
E-Mail Lab attachments - if the file already exists - duplicate or Lab error then it will NOT be
overwritten, a new file will be created. A new .deliver script is available that will not add
the unidentified work to card 1 - it will add it to the 'new' area allowing users to pick from
the list.
Clinical Reports - Nroff'ed output - these will now include page numbers. If the animal has
been marked as a referral then the referring practice name and address will also be included
on the report. Reports without fees will include the User Id.
Setting OOH_Vets = Yes in params.txt will force the system to ask for the referral practice
details. The system must be asking for the additional screen details (Ask_Additional =
Ops list - Next/Back options will go back/forward using the operation date rather than record
The default on the 'Down Arrow' from the clinical screen has changed to the 1st record on
the system rather than they're being no default.
Today Bills/Receipts - this will show batch number.
Fee note from the Clinical/Tree screen - if the definition file is present it will be
included at the bottom of these bills.
Tree View - Update: When you update all records from the Tree screen the Surgery Number
will NOT be transferred unless you have 'Tree_Transfer_Branch = Yes' set in
Classifications: The number available has been increased to 95.
Ref 1 - The Ref 1 name on the Additional screen can be changed by setting Ref1_name =
<what you want> in params.txt (don't add the <>).
Date 1 - The Date 1 name on the Additional screen can be changed by setting Date1_name
= <what you want> in params.txt (don't add the <>).
Stock History - For items with logging switched on, when sold via Automatic Pricing the
Quantity currently in Stock will be logged.
Diary - Booking an appointment prior to the current date - you will now be asked to confirm.
Dockets - If the definition file '' is present it will replace the default heading. The
same reserved words as apply.
Cash Discounts - By default the cash discount will apply to fees. If you add
Cash_Discount_Ask = Yes to params.txt you will be prompted for Fees or Drugs to
allow the discount to be added to the drugs column.
Centaur Tote Sheets - By default the system will printout what has been processed. If you
wish to suppress this add Scan_Order_Printout = No to params.txt
Clinical Records: Showing the Day of the Week previously switched off showing the
transaction time this no longer happens.
Tree_Discount_Same - this will also transfer any classifications from the master card. The
same applies to new animals, if New_Animal_Carry_Discount is set.
Disp. Fee - With Class_Ignore_Dfee set to Yes (Never adjust the Dispensing fee) - Cards
with 100% discount (via the MR) on BOTH Fees AND Drugs e.g. Breakages etc - the Disp
Fee will be zeroed.