Total RNA extraction

Total RNA extraction.
Total RNA for Whole Genome Expression can be isolated using following methods:
Cells grown in suspension:
 TRIzol® Reagent (Cat#15596-018), Invitrogen followed by RNeasy® Mini
Kit see RNA Clean Up in the handbook (Cat#74104) Qiagen
 RNeasy Lipid Tissue Kit see special protocol for cells in the handbook
(Cat#74104) Qiagen. Make sure not to use carrier RNA in the purification.
 AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit- see special protocol for Simultaneous Purification
of Genomic DNA and Total RNA from Animal Cells in the handbook
(Cat#80204) Qiagen.
FACS sorted cells:
Sort cells into RLT buffer included in the RNeasy Mini Kit (Cat#74104) Qiagen,
continue on to purification. Make sure not to use carrier RNA in the
Tissue (fresh or frozen):
 TRIzol® Reagent (Cat#15596-018), Invitrogen followed by RNeasy® Mini
Kit see RNA Clean Up in the handbook (Cat#74104) Qiagen
 RNeasy Lipid Tissue Kit see special protocol for tissue in the handbook
(Cat#74104) Qiagen. Make sure not to use carrier RNA in the purification.
 AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit - see special protocol for Simultaneous Purification
of Genomic DNA and Total RNA from Animal Tissue in the handbook
(Cat#80204) Qiagen.
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