Fieldwork Presentations (ED 311) (10 points) Each student will prepare a brief PowerPoint and oral presentation for the class. These presentations will be shared late in the semester to demonstrate how the field work experiences have enhanced your learning to teach literacy in the early grades. Refer to the course objectives on the syllabus to frame your presentation, i.e., your presentation should demonstrate how your field experiences contributed to your learning course objectives. Be sure to provide concrete examples from your each of your experiences to support your points (i.e., Tuesday placement, Wednesday work at Sandy Knoll, and Thursday teaching episodes at Cherry Creek). Steps to follow: 1. Prepare a PowerPoint that clearly provides evidence of what you have done that meets each objective. If you cannot think of anything that meets the objective, provide some thoughts on what you wish you could have experienced in the field work that would have met the objective. Be clear on what you actually did and what you wish you could have done. 2. Prepare a 10 minute oral presentation that shows how your field experiences have enhanced your learning this semester based on these objectives. 3. Be ready to do your presentation on the due date. 4. Submit your Powerpoint to via an email attachment before the date of your presentation. Presentations will be evaluated using the rubric below. Fieldwork Presentation Rubric (10 points) Name _____________________________ Points _____/15 Excellent Powerpoint clearly demonstrates an understanding of each objective and how it looks in practice; oral presentation enhances and expands the information in the PPT Satisfactory Powerpoint demonstrates knowledge of the objectives but application of the objectives in practice is unclear; oral presentation simply reads information from the PPT Needs improvement Powerpoint does not clearly demonstrate that student understands the objectives and can apply them; oral presentation does not address objectives or their application thoroughly. No information beyond what is in the PPT is shared. 5 points Powerpoint is professional in appearance and goes above and beyond the usual 3-4 points Powerpoint is professional in appearance using simple formats; oral presentation is 0-2 points Powerpoint is less than appealing to the audience; oral presentation is weak in use of hyperlinks, animation, sound, etc.; oral presentation is done with poise and confidence adequate but lacks a confident, knowledgeable tone and unconvincing 3 points Entire presentation demonstrates excellent language and mechanics skills 2 points Presentation and/or Powerpoint have some language and/or mechanical errors 0 -1 points Presentation and/or Powerpoint lacks professional quality in language and/or mechanics skills 2 points 1 points 0 points