Date: August 1, 2012
Time: 4:30 pm
Present: David Peele
Benjie Forrest
Joe Landino
Lynn West
David Peoples
Janie Spencer
Place: Vernon James Research and Ext. Center Michael Dunsmore
Absent: Kenneth Harrell
Mac Hodges
Worth Forbes
Janie Spencer
Chairman Peele called to order the meeting of the Board of the Northeast Region High
School for Biotechnology and Agriscience at 4:34 pm on August 1, 2012 at the Vernon
James Research and Extension Center. Melinda White proceeded with roll call.
Resource personnel present are Rebecca Stanley, New Schools Project, Joyce
Loveless, New Schools Project, Jewell Tetterton, NCDA&CS, Hal Davis, Principal of the
Northeast Regional School of Biotechnology and Agriscience, Joe Austin, attorney with
Ward and Smith, Rob Hines, Dept. of Public Instruction and Mary Wayt from the
Roanoke Beacon Newspaper.
Benjie Forrest led the Board in prayer.
Chairman Peele led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Peele presented the agenda for additions and or deletions. There were no additions or deletions to agenda as presented.
Chairman Peele then offered two sets of minutes for consideration
– the June 13 th scheduled meeting and the July 6 th telephone meeting. Chairman Peele gave an overview of the July 6 th telephone meeting. David Peoples motioned with a second by
Benjie Forrest to approve the minutes of June 13th as presented. A motion was made by Benjie Forrest with a second by Lynn West to approve the July 6 th minutes as presented.
Long Range Planning Committee
– David Peoples reported on three items. The first item was acquiring property for the school for expansion as it grows. Mr. Peoples reported that he and Chairman Peele met with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Johnson who own property that joins with the Vernon James Center property which would allow for permanent facilities for the school. A power point presentation was shown which showed the property and the buildings on the property. The Johnsons indicated that they are receptive to an offer to sell their property but they want to sell their entire properties. They own two parcels that are deeded under two separate deeds. An
agreement was made by the committee to have an appraisal done on the Johnson’s property. The appraisal would indicate if it would be presented to the Board to purchase the property. A contractual agreement has been made with an appraiser at the cost of
$2,250.00 and it should be completed in approximately 4 weeks. The Johnsons have been contacted to make them aware that an appraiser would be contacting them. The second item is the creation of by laws for a nonprofit foundation. He reported that Joe
Landino, Agnes Powell, himself and Cheryl Young, Washington County attorney and
Assistant County Manager met to discuss the creation and filing of laws to file with the
Secretary of State’s office and the IRS for creation of a nonprofit foundation for fundraising purposes. Miss Young has offered her assistance on a pro bono basis in agreement with the Washington County Board of Commissioners to start the process of the foundation and the bylaws. He has presented a draft copy of the bylaws to Ms.
Young, Joe Landino and Agnes Powell and is hoping to have a copy to present to the
Board on August 15 th , 2012 so the filings can take place before his retirement. The third item was to report on a meeting he had with Greg Rockmore of Williams Scotman on
July 17 th , 2012 to discuss modular facilities for the school. He presented a power point which gave an overview of the meeting and included examples of different types of modular facilities.
Old Business:
Motor Pool Update
– the application process had been completed with Motor Poole services. Principal Davis also reported that he is in discussion with Wesley Stokes,
Washington County schools to keep an old activity bus on site to transport students on site for research activities.
NERSBA Signage – Principal Davis reported that he has moved forward with having signage placed inside the school prior to the first day of school, August 13 th . He will meet with Jewell Tetterton to discuss placement of the outside signage.
New Business:
Teacher leave/benefits under Senate Bill 125
– Rob Hines, DPI:
One of the rights that the Board has under Senate Bill 125 is to make decisions on annual leave for teachers and school employees. Senate Bill 125 allows all teachers to participate in the state health plan and state retirement system. The Board has the right on how they want to choose to handle annual leave for the teachers who are coming from another school system in the state. Accrued annual leave can be honored or the
School can establish their own policy for annual leave. If the Board decides not to honor teacher leave then the district that they are coming from is required by law to pay them for the leave that has been accrued up to 240 hours. It was noted that there are teachers that have taken a leave of absence from their respective school systems, with the exception of one teacher who has come from another state, and it is believed that while the teachers are in leave of absence their leave will stay with the school systems that they have come from until they decide to separate permanently or return. If the
Board makes the decision to honor the leave and the teacher decides to leave and go to a private sector teaching position then the Board accepts the liability for the leave that has accrued. If the Board creates their own policy then it becomes a part of the contractual agreement. It was noted that the school calendar has 10 days of annual leave built in. Joe Austin, attorney with Ward and Smith, counseled the Board to use the “blank canvas” that has been provided by Senate Bill 125 at least for the first year and make their own policy concerning annual leave. The question was asked why a teacher that comes from another system could not have accrued annual leave automatically converted over to sick leave then the Board would not have liability for
paying the sick leave should they decide to leave. Rob Hines with DPI will investigate this further and report back at which time the Board can make an informed decision.
David Peoples made a motion that the Board establish an interim policy that the same benefits of the state/teacher retirement system be offered to the existing teachers until a permanent policy can be put in place. There was no second to the motion so the motion dies for lack of support. Michael Dunsmore made a motion with a second by
Benjie Forrest to grant 10 days of annual leave that will be built into the school calendar with the exception of employees from other LEA’s whose rate of accrual will be honored based on their current years of service. This policy is for one school year which will expire June 30, 2013. The motion is passed unanimously.
Report from Principal Davis:
School Calendar Update/Transportation - Principal David presented a draft 200 day calendar for the 2012-2013 which outlines the annual leave, teacher work days, system designated workdays, staff development and holiday. The first day of school is August
13 th , 2012 with the last day being June 19 th , 2013. The question was asked of Rob
Hines, representative from DPI, if the school needed to get special permission to start school earlier than August 27 th . He said he did not feel this was necessary. The start time is 8:15 am and the dismissal time will be 2:30 pm. Motion is made by Benjie
Forrest with a second by Michael Dunsmore to adopt the calendar with the start and stop times as presented. It was asked how the beginning date and the ending dates would affect transportation with the other LEA’s involved as they have a 180 day calendar and NERSBA has a 200 day calendar. Mr. Davis presented a copy of an email regarding transportation funding for the additional cost incurred by the participating LEA’s. The email explained that NERSBA will be looked at as any early college school and that the involved LEA’s will be held harmless from the transportation funding formula meaning that the extra cost of providing transportation to NERSBA can be reimbursed with proper documentation. There was concern expressed by the representative from Washington County Schools regarding the additional cost of 20 days of transportation necessary due to
NERSBA’s 200 day calendar and the 180 day calendar that the other LEA’s have adopted. The other concern expressed is the supervision of the students who will be transported to Plymouth High School before coming to NERSBA. This will cause the teachers at Plymouth High School to start the school day 15 minutes early. Principal Davis explained that the planning period for
NERSBA teachers is from 7:30 am to 8:12 am and that he would prefer students arrive no earlier than 8:00 am which is the reason for students be transported to Plymouth
High first and then transported to NERSBA. The Washington county school representative reiterated that Washington County did not mind helping with transportation as long as it “meshed” with their current schedule. Principal Davis expressed that he will work closely with the Transportation Departments with the LEA’s involved.
Child Nutrition – Principal Davis expressed his thanks to Shirley Pelletier for all of her help with Child Nutrition. Washington County Union School will prepare meals and deliver them each day. He has received lunch applications and will distribute them at the Student Parent orientation session August 2 nd , 2012.
Banking Services – Steve Toler, Finance Officer with Washington County Schools, has suggested that the school establish an acct. with a local bank for monies that would not come from DPI, Golden Leaf etc. BB&T and Gateway has been contacted to obtain proposals for banking services. Benjie Forrest motioned with a second from Joe
Landino to authorize the principal to move forward with the bank account. The question was asked as to where the funds would come from for this acct. The money will come from fundraisers, prom etc. It was noted that an account of this type is common in a school. Motion approved unanimously.
Substitute Teachers - Principal Davis recommended Ms. Barbara Hux, a former teacher, and Ms. Nancy Talley, who is a former teacher with Washington County schools to be employed as substitute teachers for NERSBA. Benjie Forrest motioned with a second from Lynn West to employee substitutes as recommended. Motion approved unanimously.
Personnel: Principal Davis reported that one of the teachers originally employed has decided that she did not want to teach. Cierica Rhodes has offered her resignation. A motion made by Benjie Forrest with a second from Lynn West to accept the resignation as presented. Motion approved unanimously. He then asked for the Board’s permission to call references for a potential replacement interviewed recently. It was noted that Rebecca Stanley from New Schools Project was present at the interview and she noted that the applicant was a strong candidate. A motion was made by Benjie
Forrest with a second from Michael Dunsmore to allow Principal Davis to call references and offer employment to the candidate.
Student Focus Groups - Principal Davis provided a handout which gave a breakdown of student enrollment of the 58 students that have been accepted. He reported that he held student focus groups with the students each night for a week with excellent attendance by the students.
Student Parent Orientation – Principal Davis reported that he will he will be having an orientation for parents and students on Thursday, August 2 nd , beginning at 7:00 pm.
Approval of July 2012 to June 2013 Operational Budget – Chairman Peele presented a handout and a power point of the 2012-13 proposed operational budget for the school.
He discussed the different line items of the budget and the funding by source. A question was raised regarding the ADM money and the 20 day rule with the start date of
NERSBA being 2 weeks earlier than other
LEA’s. ADM money is received for every student according to where they are attending on the 20 th day. Rob Hines, DPI explained that the 20 day rule is the same day for every school regardless of their start date. He feels the 20 th day will be 20 days from August 27 th but he will verify. Benjie
Forrest motioned with a second by Michael Dunsmore to adopt the budget as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Peele announced that the next meeting will be held August 15 th , 2012 with
Vice-Chair Mac Hodges presiding.
With no further business a motion was made by Benjie Forrest with a second from
Michael Dunsmore to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.
Minutes submitted by: Melinda White