Northeast Regional School - North Carolina Cooperative Extension

Northeast Regional School
Biotechnology and Agriscience
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: May 16, 2012
David Peele
Benjie Forrest
Joe Landino
Lynn West
Kenneth Harrell
David Peoples
Michael Dunsmore
Janie Spencer
John Farrelly
Mac Hodges
Worth Forbes
Time: 4:30 pm
Place: Vernon James Research and Ext. Center
Chairman Peele called to order the meeting of the Board of the Northeast Region High
School for Biotechnology and Agriscience at 4:30 pm on May 16, 2012 at the Vernon
James Research and Extension Center. Melinda White proceeded with roll call.
Resource personnel present are Tony Habit, New Schools Project, Rebecca Stanley,
New Schools Project, Jean Woolard, State Board of Education, Jewell Tetterton,
NCDA&CS, Hal Davis, Principal of the Northeast Regional School of Biotechnology and
Agriscience, Agnes Powell, local fundraiser, Clint Johnson from the New Schools
Project, Brad Evans from Ward and Smith and May Wayt from the Roanoke Beacon
Benjie Forrest led the Board in prayer.
Chairman Peele led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Peele then offered the agenda for consideration. A motion was made by
Kenneth Harrell with a second by Lynn West to approve the agenda with one item
added – property to be discussed under closed session. Motion approved unanimously.
The minutes were then presented as posted on the website. Lynn West noted that she
could not find the minutes on the website. It was decided that the minutes would be
approved at the next board meeting.
Long Range Planning Committee – David Peoples reported that the committee has not
met since the last board meeting in April. For informational purposes he reported that
he had a conversation with the director of facility services for the Duplin County School
System in regards to the modular facility that some of the board members saw on their
recent visit to Duplin County. The facility is 12,700 sq. feet and will accommodate 150
students and a staff of 7. The facility was 5 years old when they purchased it. The cost
for this unit is approximately $500,000.00.
He feels that we will need to start with a
facility larger than this for the school year beginning in August of 2013.
Principal David Reports – Principal Davis presented an enrollment update – 48 students
have applied and the interview process has started. He provided a breakdown of the
students of who these students are and what LEA they are coming from. It was noted
that the applications have grown from 19 reported in April to 48 being reported now. He
also asked for clarification from the Board concerning the number of students that can
be accepted. It is his understanding that we can accept up to 60 students and any more
than that it will then go to a lottery system. It was stated that no more than 62 students
can be accepted with the percentages determined by the averages of the enrollments of
the participating 5 LEA’s per Senate Bill 125. It was also noted that per our permit for
the septic system only allows for 62 students. Principal Davis then asked for
clarification regarding students returning to their home LEA’s to participate in
extracurricular activities. Principal Davis will call Superintendent Farrelly to get an
understanding from him as to what is being told in regards to this issue from his office.
It was noted that the Board has always agreed that students will not be able to return to
home LEA’s to participate in extracurricular activities. A motion was made by Benjie
Forrest for the Board to go on record to say that the students of the Northeast Regional
School of Agriscience and Biotechnology not be allowed to participate in extracurricular
activities generated by the five partnering LEA’s for the first year. Motion failed.
Principal Davis then asked for direction on the item of transportation. The biggest
concern that he has had from parents during interviews is the transportation issue. It
was noted that Senate Bill 125 states that the participating LEA’s that provide
transportation to students enrolled in their unit shall provide transportation to students
domiciled within their participating unit to the School. Principal Davis then asked for
direction in regards to off-site field trips. It was decided that Principal Davis would make
final decisions in regard to off-site field trips.
Principal Davis then presented two drafts of a 2012-2013 academic calendar for the
Board to consider. One is considered as a traditional calendar and an alternate
calendar that is tied more to the North Carolina State University calendar. David
Peoples made a motion with a second by Benjie Forrest that Principal Davis prepare a
calendar where classes start on August 13th and the calendar for the first year not to
exceed 200 days. Motion approved unanimously. Principal Davis then presented a
draft 2012-13 daily schedule. Principal Davis then asked for direction on the school
finances and upcoming purchasing needs for the school. Principal Davis will send an
email to the Finance Committee with proposed dates to have a meeting to discuss the
school financial needs. Principal Davis then presented faculty job descriptions for the
Board’s review. He would like to begin advertising for teacher positions to get them on
board as soon as possible. The next item for the Board’s attention is banking services
for the School. He suggested that the local banks in the area be asked to come in and
make proposals of their services. Chairman Peele appointed Principal Davis to meet
with Steve Toler, Finance Officer for Washington County schools to find out how
Washington County Schools will be handling the finances as they are the fiscal agents
for the school.
The next item presented is signage for the school. Principal Davis feels that we need a
sign(s) that help to identify the school. Because the school is on North Carolina Dept. of
Agriculture and Consumer Sciences property, their permission will need to be obtained
before signs can be placed. Principal Davis will draft a plan with a clear idea of where
the signs will be placed and put this on the agenda for next month. The next item is that
Principal Davis would like to have NC Services and Jostens to come and make
presentations to the Board regarding the resources they can provide to the school.
Jostens has a program for entering freshman to help them make the transition from
middle school to high school. Principal Davis can have them come and offer services
for the first year and then have each company come in the beginning of 2013 and make
a formal proposal to the Board.
Principal Davis then apprised the Board that three faculty members can receive
extended summer employment. There was no discussion on this item.
Principal Davis asked for clarification on the process for the hiring of faculty and staff for
the school. Principal Davis will recruit and recommend to the Board his
recommendations for faculty and staff. Chairman Peele suggested a committee of the
Principal, Joyce Loveless and Rebecca Stanley for the interview Process.
Financing as a charter school and not a traditional public school: The school has
immediate needs that need funding. This will require the borrowing of money until ADM
money becomes available. Benjie Forrest asked what the personal liability of the Board
members would be, i.e would they need to pursue some protection as far as liability.
The lawyer feels, pursuant upon further research, the Board will have some level of
immunity as well as some State officer’s coverage that will protect the members of the
Board. David Peoples made a motion with a second by Benjie Forrest that the Board
grant the Chair and any designee he wishes to assist him, to go out and explore loan
options for the school to meet capitol and operating needs of the school. Joe Landino
suggested that the Board develop a plan with specifics. It was clarified that the motion
is only to explore areas for funding and develop contacts with different lenders. With no
further discussion the motion was passed unanimously.
Benjie Forrest made a motion with a second of Lynn West for the board to discuss the
position to be taken on behalf of the Board to negotiate a price in material terms of a
proposed contract in the acquisition of real property by purchase, option exchange or
release. - G.S. - 143-318.11(a) (6).
David Peoples made a motion with a second by Benjie Forrest to come out of closed
session. Motion approved unanimously.
A motion was made by Benjie Forrest to adjourn the meeting with a second from
Kenneth Harrell. Chairman Peele adjourned the meeting at 7:01 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Melinda White