Mapping of Competence against Common Induction Standards What Managers Should Do Who is this aimed at? Any member of your staff team who has not completed one or more of the Induction Training Modules. The workbooks can also be used for refresher courses. What do I need to do? 1. Check which courses staff have not completed. 2. Check what each of the courses cover and what the key learning outcomes of each course is. These are in the back of each workbook. 3. Decide if your member of staff clearly shows, through their work practice and understanding, that they already have the knowledge and practical ability in their job. If you feel they have not – you should book them onto the relevant training course. If, however, you feel your member of staff does already demonstrate they have the knowledge and practice that the Training is designed to provide, then, as an alternative to attending the course, you can choose to follow the following competency mapping route instead. You need to request the relevant workbooks. Workbooks must be completed and submitted to the Moorfoot Learning Centre within 6 months of the date issued. Please note; workbooks that are not submitted within 6 months will not be accepted. Using the Competency Mapping Route For each Induction Training course there is a Workbook to be completed by the member of staff. Each workbook consists of a number of written questions or exercises that the member of staff will need to complete. These are based on the key learning outcomes for that particular course. Staff may need some support to complete the workbook. Once the member of staff has completed the workbook they will need to sign the Statement of Authenticity. © Moorfoot Learning Centre It is the manager’s responsibilities to assess your member of staff’s competence based on the work submitted and their current work practice. Your judgements will be based against the learning outcomes for that course and the national minimum standards. All questions must be answered. If the Learning Outcomes are met and competency is demonstrated If your member of staff has shown that they meet the learning outcomes and you feel they have sufficiently demonstrated their competence, you should sign and date the workbook at the back. The workbook can then be sent to the Moorfoot Learning Centre for standardisation. The workbook should be sent to the Training and Development Consultant for your service area at the Moorfoot Learning Centre. What if my member of staff has not demonstrated the required level of competency? If the member of staff has not met the learning outcomes of the workbook through this process, you will need to review the situation. You will need to clearly record this on the workbook. You will also need to record on the workbook that you will follow this process up by now booking the member of staff onto the training for this module. They would at this point be expected to attend the training, as the work practice route has shown them not to have the knowledge and practice that is required. You do not need to send the workbook for standardisation. Standardising of completed Workbooks Workbooks will be held at the Moorfoot Learning Centre until the next standardisation dates. Standardisation will be at regular intervals through out the year. Workbooks will be 100% standardised if the manager has not assessed the Module previously. If a manager has consistently assessed workbooks then a sampling system will be implemented. A decision will be made and clearly recorded. After standardisation books and feedback will be sent back. If the standard is met The workbook will be returned with a certificate. The achievement will be added to the staff’s training record. If the standard is not met The workbook will be returned with a feedback sheet asking for any additional information or clarification. The manager needs to support the staff then resubmit the workbook before the next standardisation. © Moorfoot Learning Centre Support for Managers Training and Development consultants for service areas will offer advice and support to assist managers where they have queries. Where there are concerns around the consistency of managers’ assessments, this will be raised with them by the appropriate Training and Development Consultant. Retention of workbooks after Standardisation Once the standardisation process has been completed workbooks will be returned to the manager. The manager must store these securely. The completed workbooks must not be given back to members of staff. All staff undertaking Competency Mapping using this route will have full access to the Moorfoot Learning Centre complaints procedure. If you are unhappy with how the accreditation is being done, or with the decision made you can challenge this by putting a complaint in writing to the Workforce Development Manager, Moorfoot Learning Centre, Floor 1, West Wing, Moorfoot Building, Sheffield, S1 4PL © Moorfoot Learning Centre