Organic Semiconductor Solution Preparation Procedure No.: Procedure Title: Revision: Group: Physics CR-??? Organic Semiconductor Solution Preparation 1 Date: Author: 23rd March 2009 Organic Semiconductor Solution Preparation 1. Decide what solution concentration and volume are needed for your requirements (See attached Notes On Solution Concentration Units). Ensure that you know what mass of solute and volume of solvent necessary to make your solution. 2. Place a piece of cleanroom paper beside the scales to work on. 3. In the fumehood, clean a spatula using a cleanroom wipe, which has been damped with acetone. Always be sure not to contaminate stock containers of material, as some of these are extremely difficult/costly to replace. It is good practice to take your own smaller stock of material and use this to make your solutions rather than repeatedly using the main stock bottle. Note it is best to use a clean vial, which has been covered in tin foil to store material; this prevents excessive exposure to UV light, which can cause photo-degradation. 4. Measure the mass of solute (material) into a clean sample vial as follows: a. Place the vial onto the scales and allow the reading to stabilise. b. Press the “Zero” button. c. Remove the vial from the scales and place it on the cleanroom paper. d. Using the spatula, decant a small amount of material into the vial e. Replace the vial on the scales and allow the reading to stabilise; the mass of solute will be displayed on the scales. f. Repeat this steps d-e until you have the desired mass in the sample vial. Do not decant material into the vial when it is on the scales. Stray material on the scales can give rise to inaccurate readings as well as get stuck under the pan and cause damage to the scales. 5. The solvent may now be added to the vial, using a graduated pipettor in the fumehood. Decant the required volume of solvent into the vial as follows: a. Set the required volume on the graduated pipettor using the adjustment wheel at the top of the pipettor (units set in L). Allow the pipettor to “rest” for at least a minute, after changing the volume; this results in a more accurate dispensed volume. b. Pour a small amount of solvent from one of the Winchester stock bottles into a clean beaker. c. Place a pipette tip onto the graduated pipettor. d. In air, depress the plunger until the first stop is encountered. Place the tip of the pipette into the solvent and slowly release the plunger, to draw the liquid into the pipette tip. Dispense the solvent back into the beaker. This is known as pre-wetting the pipette and increases the accuracy of the process. e. Now depress the plunger to the first stop again, in air. Once again place the tip into the solvent and draw up the full volume allowed by the first stop graduation. f. Withdraw the pipette from the solvent and insert the tip into the vial. Hold the pipette at 45 degrees to the horizontal and touch the tip onto the side of the vial. Slowly depress the plunger to decant the solvent, until the first stop is encountered. Then depress the plunger to the second stop. The pipette is calibrated to deliver the required amount of solvent, only if this procedure is followed. g. Dispose of the pipette tip into the sharps bin by pointing the pipette tip at the entrance of the bin and pressing the tip removal button. NOTE. Do not lay the pipettor flat while a wet tip is in place, as the solvent will damage it; Always keep the pipettor upright when using it to prevent contamination by organic solvents/samples. 6. Place a clean magnetic stirrer bar into the solution. 7. Place a cap onto the sample vial and seal with parafilm; the vial may now be handled outside the fumehood. 8. To ensure complete salvation of the material, the sample should be placed on a heated stirrer for at least 2hrs at an appropriate temperature. Notes On Solution Concentration Units Concentration of Polymer Solutions Due to the distribution of their molar mass it is best to use the mg/mL unit for measuring the concentration of polymer solutions. This is a simple expression of the concentration of a solution and only requires the mass of solute and the volume of the solvent. The concentration is then given by the ratio: Concentration = Mass of Solute Volume of Solvent Example: Prepare a 4 mL solution of 75 mg/mL PMMA in acetone. Mass of PMMA = Concentration Volume of Solvent = 75 mg/ml 4ml = 300 mg Dissolve 300mg of PMMA in 4 mL of acetone. Molarity The most common unit of solution concentration is molarity (M). The molarity of a solution is defined as the number of moles of solute per one litre of solution. Note that the unit of volume for molarity is litres, not millilitres or some other unit. Also note that one litre of solution contains both the solute and the solvent. Molarity, therefore, is a ratio between moles of solute and litres of solution. To prepare laboratory solutions, usually a given volume and molarity are required. To determine molarity, the formula weight or molar mass of the solute is needed. The following examples illustrate the calculations for preparing solutions. If starting with a solid, use the following procedure: Determine the mass in grams of one mole of solute, the molar mass, MM. Decide volume of solution required, in litres, V. Decide molarity of solution required, M. Calculate mass of solute (m) required using mi = MMi M V Example: Prepare an 800 mL solution of 2 M sodium chloride in water. MMNaCl = 58.45 g/mol mNaCl = 58.45 g/mol 2 mol/L 0.8 L = 93.52 g NaCl Dissolve 93.52 g of NaCl in about 400 mL of distilled water; then add more water until final volume is 800 mL. If starting with a solution or liquid reagent: use the following procedure: When diluting more concentrated solutions, decide what volume (V2) and molarity (M2) the final solution should be. Volume can be expressed in litres or millilitres. Determine molarity (M1) of starting, more concentrated solution. Calculate volume of starting solution (V1) required using M1V1 = M2V2 Note: V1 must be in the same units as V2. Example: Prepare 100 mL of 1.0 M hydrochloric acid from concentrated (12.1 M) hydrochloric acid. M1V1 = M2V2 (12.1 M)V1 V1 = = (1.0 M)(100 mL) 8.26 mL conc. HCl Add 8.26 mL of concentrated HCl to about 50 mL of distilled water, stir, then add water up to 100 mL. Percent Solutions Mass percent solutions are defined based on the grams of solute per 100 grams of solution. Example: 20 g of sodium chloride in 100 g of solution is a 20% by mass solution. Volume percent solutions are defined as millilitres of solute per 100 mL of solution. Example: 10 mL of ethyl alcohol plus 90 mL of H2O (making approx. 100 mL of solution) is a 10% by volume solution. Mass-volume percent solutions are also very common. These solutions are indicated by w/v% and are defined as the grams of solute per 100 millilitres of solution. Example: 1 g of phenolphthalein in 100 mL of 95% ethyl alcohol is a 1 w/v% solution. Conversion Between Percent Solutions You may wish to convert mass percent to volume percent or vice versa. If so, follow this procedure: A 10% by mass solution of ethyl alcohol in water contains 10 g of ethyl alcohol and 90 g of water. 1. The formula for determining the volume of the component (ethyl alcohol in our example) is: Volume = Mass of ethyl alcohol Density of ethyl alcohol 2. Determine the volume of the total solution by dividing the mass of the solution by the density of the solution. 3. Determine the percent by volume by dividing the volume of the component by the volume of the solution. Let’s solve 1, 2, and 3 above as follows: 1. Mass of ethyl alcohol = 10 g (given) Density of ethyl alcohol = 0.794 g/mL (from handbook) Volume = Mass of ethyl alcohol Density of ethyl alcohol Volume = 10 g 0.794 g/mL = 2. 12.6 mL Mass of solution = 100 g (given) Density of solution (10% ethyl alcohol) = 0.983 g/mL (from CRC handbook) Volume = 100 g 0.983 g/mL = 101.8 mL = Volume of ethyl alcohol Total volume of solution 3. Volume percent of solution Volume = 12.6 mL 101.8 mL = 12.4% Reverse the procedure to convert volume percent to mass percent. Calculating Molarity From Percent Solutions To determine the molarity of a mass percent solution, the density of the solution is required. Use the following procedure: 1. Determine the mass of solution by multiplying the volume of the solution by the density of the solution. Mass = Volume Density 2. Determine concentration in percent by mass of the solute in solution. Change to the decimal equivalent. 3. Calculate the molar mass of the compound, MM. 4. Multiply mass (step 1) by mass % (step 2) and divide by molecular mass (step 3) to find the number of moles present in the whole solution. 5. Divide the number of moles (step 4) by the volume in litres of the solution to find the molarity of the solution. Example: Determine molarity of 37.2% hydrochloric acid (density 1.19 g/mL). Mass of solution = 1,000 mL x 1.19 g/mL = 1,190 g Mass % = 37.2 % = 0.372 Molar mass of hydrochloric acid = 36.4 g/mol Mass Mass% MMHCl = = Molarity = moles/liters = 12.1 moles/1 liter = 12.1 M 1.190 g 0.372 36.4 g/mol 12.1 moles Soft Lithography Set-up 1. Spin Cast an SU8 film on your substrate of choice with the appropriate parameters to achieve a film of the desired film thickness. 2. Using a tweezers, place and position the sample on the mount and turn on vacuum at wall mounted regulator to fix the sample in position. Ensure that the hose is connected to the mount. 3. In the fumehood, wet the printing surface of the PDMS stamp using a swab with acetone. Briefly dry the excess solvent from the surface using the nitrogen gun. 4. Affix the stamp to the sapphire plate with the printing surface exposed and position so that the surface is level with the sample. 5. Using the vertical kinematic screw mount bring the PDMS stamp into contact with the surface. 6. Allow the arrangement to stand for 1 minute. 7. Position the shield around the apparatus and turn on the UV lamp for 10s. 8. Once the UV has been turned off, allow the sample to stand for 10 minutes for the SU8 to cure. 9. Unscrew the kinematic mount to withdraw the PDMS stamp from the sample surface; if the PDMS remains stuck to the surface remove manually with a tweezers 10. Turn off vacuum at the wall mounted regulator and pull off the hose attached to the mount. Remove sample from mount and hard bake on a hotplate for 10 minutes at 90oC to complete the curing of the SU