Big Book: Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome
Big Book
Social Studies SOL 3.1, 3.4abc
Rome is located on the
continent of Europe. Rome is
a peninsula, land surrounded
on three sides of water,
located near the
Mediterranean Sea.
The ancient Romans influenced
the present world in terms of
architecture, government, and
The architects of ancient Rome used arches in the construction of their
buildings. Examples of these Roman arches are mimicked in present day
A large stadium or amphitheater built in Rome in 80 A.D. Capable of seating
50,000 spectators; the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public
spectacles. Although in the 21st century it stays partially ruined due to damage
caused by devastating earthquakes and stone-robbers, the Colosseum is an
iconic symbol of Imperial Rome and its breakthrough achievements in
earthquake engineering.
Representative Democracy: A government in which people
vote for (elect) a smaller group of citizens to make their rules and
laws for everyone.
As well as the gladiatorial games, other public spectacles were held in the
Colosseum. Such spectacles included: mock sea battles, animal hunts,
executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based onClassical
Small pieces of tile or glass Three dimensional figures
set into wet plaster or
that can be made out clay,
cement to create a picture. wood, or stone to represent
a person, object, or animal.
Mediterranean Sea
Limited Rich Soil
Rome was a city
built on many hills.
The sea allowed for
Farming took place
on hillside known as
terraced farming.
Road Builders
1. On what continent can you locate
2. Ancient Rome is surrounded by which
ancient Rome?
body of water?
A. Australia
A. The Nile River
B. Europe
B. The Mediterranean Sea
C. Africa
C. The James River
D. Asia
D. The Atlantic Ocean
3. What style of architecture did the
ancient Romans use in the
construction of their buildings?
A. Arches
B. Columns
C. Pyramids
D. Longhouses
4. Ancient Romans adapted to their
environment by
A. farming on hillsides.
B. trading on the Mediterranean
C. road building.
D. all the above.