2 Consultation on the concept design

Community Issues
Community Issues Report
JULY 2013
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Roads and Maritime Services
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans
Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
July 2013
Prepared by
Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited
Level 27, Ernst & Young Centre
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Amended By
Initial draft
Revised draft
Revised draft
Revised draft
.................................................................................. Lucy Band
........................................................................ Carolyn McCallig
Approved by:
............................................................................... Greg Collins
................................................................................... July 2013
................................................................................... Client, file
Executive summary
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is proposing to replace the existing bridge over
Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road at Sandy Point. The proposed work would
comprise construction of a new bridge over Deadmans Creek and would include
realigning Heathcote Road on the approaches to the bridge. The proposed works
would also involve improving the road drainage system at the intersection of St
George Crescent and Heathcote Road, about one kilometre south of the existing
bridge. Following commissioning of the new bridge, the existing bridge would be
The replacement bridge is needed to improve safety for motorists and other road
users crossing Deadmans Creek on Heathcote Road. This aligns with RMS’s
ongoing commitment to provide a safe and efficient road network for NSW road
During the concept design planning phase, RMS undertook a process of community
and stakeholder consultation. In November 2012, RMS distributed a community
update to local residents in Sandy Point and nearby suburbs. This community update
outlined the proposal to replace the bridge and invited the community and
stakeholders to view and discuss the concept two community information sessions
on 10 November 2012 and 14 November 2012. The concept design was also
publically displayed at the Liverpool and Engadine Motor Registries.
At the community information sessions, members of the project team, including RMS
engineers, designers and communication officers responded to questions raised by
members of the community. About 75 community members attended these sessions.
From 5 November 2012 to 30 November 2012, RMS sought written comments from
the community regarding the concept design. A project telephone number was also
provided for verbal inquiries. Feedback was received from 53 community members
and 92 issues were raised.
This Community Issues Report summarises the issues raised during the consultation
period for the concept design and outlines RMS responses to these issues.
This report is available for viewing on the RMS website. It also forms part of the
review of environmental factors (REF) prepared for the preferred option (refer to
Appendix E of the REF).
Where possible, RMS has incorporated the community feedback into the design for
the proposed replacement bridge.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Executive summary........................................................................................... i
Contents .......................................................................................................... ii
Introduction and background ..................................................................... 1
Consultation on the concept design .......................................................... 5
Proposal...................................................................................................... 1
Proposal objectives ..................................................................................... 1
Purpose ...................................................................................................... 1
Existing road and infrastructure ................................................................... 2
Crash history ............................................................................................... 2
Options selection......................................................................................... 2
Community update ...................................................................................... 5
Community information sessions ................................................................. 9
The respondents ......................................................................................... 9
Issues raised by the community ................................................................ 11
Conclusion............................................................................................... 19
Appendix A
Community Update November 2012
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
(blank page)
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
1 Introduction and background
1.1 Proposal
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) proposes to replace the existing bridge over
Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road at Sandy Point. The proposed work would
 Realigning Heathcote Road in the vicinity of the bridge
 Improving drainage at the intersection of St George Crescent and along the
alignment of Heathcote Road in the vicinity of the bridge.
 Demolishing the existing bridge, following the commissioning of the new bridge.
The proposal would provide a wider, safer alignment for this section of Heathcote
Road, with key the features including:
 Two 3.5m lanes, one in each direction.
 Shoulders with widths of 2.0 metres and a 0.6 metre wide median on the bridge
and approaches.
 A raised road alignment, providing for increased flood immunity from 1 in 5 years,
to 1 in 20 years flood level.
 An improved road alignment, with reduced grades and better curve geometry.
 Widening the left turn lanes into and out of St George Crescent at the intersection
Improved drainage at the intersection of St George Crescent.
The key features of the main bridge structure would include:
 A new 11.6 metre wide concrete bridge, upstream from the existing structure.
 Retaining walls on the bridge approaches to support the raised level of the
 A temporary personnel crossing of the creek during the construction period.
1.2 Proposal objectives
The key objectives of the proposal are:
 Provide a wider bridge over Deadmans Creek.
 Provide a safe road environment for motorists along Heathcote Road in the
vicinity of Deadmans Creek.
 Minimise impacts on the environment and locality.
 Improve the flood immunity of the Deadmans Creek crossing.
 Develop a cost-effective solution.
1.3 Purpose
The proposed replacement of the existing bridge over Deadmans Creek is needed to
improve the safety conditions for motorists and other road users crossing Deadmans
Creek on Heathcote Road.
The strategic need for the proposal is aligned to RMS’ ongoing commitment to
provide a safe and efficient road network environment for NSW road users.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
As part of the proposal, RMS undertook a period of community and stakeholder
1.4 Existing road and infrastructure
Heathcote Road is an arterial road, which is an important link between south-west
Sydney and the Princes Highway at Heathcote. It services commercial, local and
through traffic from Liverpool to Wollongong and the Holsworthy Army Base.
Heathcote Road is mostly located in a semi-rural environment and the signposted
speed limit varies from 70km/h to 100km/h along its length. It is bordered by
undeveloped land, with some residential suburbs at the Liverpool end of
Heathcote Road.
The section of Heathcote Road which comes under the proposal is signposted at
80km/h and has a narrow, steep and winding curve when approaching Deadmans
Creek in either direction and does not meet today’s design standards.
The existing bridge is a six-span structure with a total length of 37.1 metres.
The existing carriageway is 6.6 metres wide with one lane in each direction.
Crash history
In the period between 2002 and 2011, seven crashes were recorded on Heathcote
Road, from north of the bridge to the intersection at St George Crescent.
These crashes included one injury and four incidents where vehicles required towing
from the scene.
In addition, the existing bridge over Deadmans Creek was damaged in 2012 as a
result of two crashes involving heavy vehicles. The recent crash history suggests
there is a risk of vehicles either crashing or clipping each other while travelling on the
This proposal would provide an improved road alignment on the northern and
southern approaches and widen the Deadmans Creek crossing, improving road
safety for all users.
Options selection
RMS investigated a range of potential options to replace the existing bridge over
Deadmans Creek. The design development process involved input from RMS
business units Bridge Section, Infrastructure Asset Management and the Transport
Management Centre.
A series of preliminary investigations were initially undertaken within the study area
to identify environmental and engineering constraints. Based on these investigations,
a range of options were developed.
A workshop was held in May 2012 to assess the options that had been prepared.
The objective of this workshop was to:
 review the various road and bridge alignment options.
 select a preferred alignment option for further refinement.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
The options were assessed against a range of criteria including:
 Road safety benefits.
 Environmental impacts.
 Geotechnical and hydrological constraints.
 Engineering requirements and constraints (including alignment and grading).
 Traffic impacts and site access availability.
 Estimated project cost.
 Ease of construction.
Four options were identified. A description of each of the options is provided below.
1.6.1 Design options to replace the bridge
Four design options for the project were investigated for the life of the project’s
 Option 1A: Replace the existing bridge with a wider, longer bridge, which would
be located upstream (west) of the existing crossing and demolish the existing
bridge after commissioning the new bridge.
 Option 1B: Replace the existing bridge with a wider, longer bridge, which would
be located downstream (east) of the existing crossing and demolish the existing
bridge after commissioning the new bridge.
 Option 2: Retain the existing bridge for northbound traffic using Heathcote Road
and construct a new bridge for southbound traffic using Heathcote Road. Once
the new bridge has been completed, demolish the existing bridge and extend the
new bridge on the upstream (west) side for an ultimate two-lane configuration.
 Option 3: Widen the existing bridge on the downstream side (east) of Deadmans
1.6.2 The preferred option
Option 1A was selected as the preferred option and is the subject of the REF. Option
1A would best achieve each of the proposal objectives and assessment criteria
identified in Section 1.2 and 1.6 of this report. In particular, the development of an
improved alignment for the Deadmans Creek Bridge would improve the safety of this
section of Heathcote Road and reduce the likelihood of crashes in this area.
An artist’s impression of the preferred option is shown in Figures 1–1 to 1–2b.
Since the community update that presented the proposal in November 2012 some
design refinements have been made based on community, stakeholder and agency
feedback and the results of ongoing technical investigations.
Further discussion of the options considered and the preferred option as well as
design refinements will be provided as part of the REF.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Figure 1-1
An artist’s impression of the proposed replacement bridge over Deadmans Creek, along Heathcote Road.*
Figure 1-2a Southern approach looking north to the proposed bridge.
Figure 1-2b Northern approach looking south to the proposed bridge.
* Source: MR512 – Heathcote Road Bridge Replacement and Road Approaches Concept Design, RMS 2012
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
2 Consultation on the concept design
Community update
In November 2012 a Community Update was distributed to residents in the suburbs
of Sandy Point, Pleasure Point, Voyager Point, Hammondville, Wattle Grove and
Holsworthy (refer to Appendix A). Figure 2-1 to Figure 2-3 show the community
update letterbox distribution zones.
The Community Update outlined the project development process and invited the
community to attend one of the community information sessions on the concept
design of the preferred option. A copy of the Community Update is provided in
Appendix A.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Figure 2-1
Letterbox distribution Zone 1
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Figure 2-2
Letterbox distribution Zone 2
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Figure 2-3
Letterbox distribution Zone
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
2.2 Community information sessions
RMS held two community information sessions in November 2012 at the Sandy Point
Community Centre, 200 St George Crescent, Sandy Point. The sessions were held on
Saturday 10 November 2012 and Wednesday 14 November 2012. Approximately 75
community members attended the community information sessions.
At the community information sessions, members of the project team including RMS
team members which included engineers, designers and communications staff,
displayed the concept design for the preferred option and responded to questions raised
by the community. Community members had the opportunity to respond to RMS on the
concept design in writing by completing a feedback form, provided at the community
information sessions and returning it to RMS by the 30 November 2012. Written
comments were also accepted via email and a project telephone number was provided
for enquiries.
The concept design was also placed on display at the Liverpool and Engadine Motor
2.3 The respondents
RMS sought community feedback on the concept design from 5 November 2012 until 30
November 2012.
This Community Issues Report categorises the community responses, summarises the
issues raised and outlines the RMS responses to the issues raised by the community.
This Community Issues Report will form part of the REF prepared for the preferred
RMS received 53 submissions in response to the concept design for the preferred option
(Option 1A) from members of the community.
For the purposes of this report, the 53 respondents were categorised by the type of
stakeholder making the submission, these categories included:
 Sandy Point resident.
 Not specified.
 Community group.
 Pedestrian/cyclist.
 Road user (non-resident).
 Government agency.
 Other.
 Other local resident.
Figure 2-4 and Table 2-1 shows the percentage of respondents by the above
stakeholder categories. The majority of respondents (36 people or 68 per cent) were
Sandy Point residents.
It should be noted that for the purposes of this report, respondents were categorised
according to the information they supplied on their feedback forms and emails. RMS is
aware the categories listed above are not mutually exclusive. For example, a resident of
Sandy Point would almost certainly be a road user. However, for simplicity of reporting, it
was necessary to specify one category per respondent. For this reason, a reference to a
respondent as a road user in this report indicates the respondent is not a resident of
Sandy Point or has not provided a residential address in the community feedback form.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Figure 2-4
Stakeholder categories
Table 2-1
Stakeholder categories
Number of respondents
Sandy point resident
Not specified
Road user (non-resident)
Community group
Government agency
Other local resident
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
2.4 Issues raised by the community
The 53 respondents raised 92 issues. For the purposes of this report, the 92 issues were
sorted into the following five categories:
 Access.
 Safety for road users.
 Design.
 Environmental impacts.
 Other.
Figure 2–5 and Table 2-2 provides a summary of the number of responses for each
issue category. The issues of Access and Safety for road users concerned the majority
of respondents. Another 20 per cent of respondents were concerned with design, and
the impact design can have on motorists safety.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Figure 2-5
Issue Categories
Table 2-2
Issue categories
Safety for road users
Environmental impacts
Number of responses
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
To assist with further analysis the five issue categories were further split into the
following eight issue subcategories:
 Safe access to and from St George Crescent onto Heathcote Road.
 Safety improvements on the proposed bridge and surrounding road network.
 Number of lanes on the proposed bridge.
 Safe pedestrian and cyclist access on the proposed bridge and along Heathcote
 Flood mitigation on the surrounding road network and drainage on the proposed
 Operational noise impacts for local residents due to increased traffic.
 Flora and fauna impacts of the proposed bridge.
 Funding for construction and estimated cost of the proposed bridge.
Figure 2-6 and Table 2-3 provides a breakdown of the subcategories and the number of
times raised by respondents.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Figure 2-6
Issues by subcategory
Table 2-3
Issues by subcategory
Issue subcategory
Safe access to and from St George
Crescent onto Heathcote Road
Safe pedestrian and cyclist access on
the proposed bridge and along
Heathcote Road
Safety improvements on the proposed
bridge and surrounding road network
Number of lanes on the proposed bridge
Operational noise impacts for local
residents due to increased traffic
Flora and fauna impacts of the proposed
Flood mitigation on the surrounding road
network and drainage on the proposed
Funding for construction and estimated
cost of the proposed bridge
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
of Percentage
A summary of the issues raised by the community is provided in Table 2–4 accompanied by a responses to each issue subcategory.
Table 2-4
RMS response by subcategory
Issue category
Issue subcategory
Safe access to and from St George
Crescent from Heathcote Road
Safety of the intersection of St
George Crescent and Heathcote
Improved entry and exit onto
Heathcote Road from Sandy
RMS response
A full upgrade of the St George Crescent intersection does not form part of the scope of this project, which is
to widen or replace the bridge over Deadmans Creek; This narrow bridge represents a safety issue for road
users. Funding has been provided to RMS to address the safety of road users using the bridge.
For the period between 2002 and 2011, seven crashes were recorded on Heathcote Road from north of the
bridge to St George Crescent. At this time, the crash data does not support the need to upgrade the
intersection and as such, funding to carry out a full upgrade of the intersection has not been provided to
Following further investigation of the areas drainage, RMS is proposing to improve drainage on the southern
road approach to the bridge. This requires some modifications to be made to the St George Crescent
intersection. Although these modifications are principally designed to improve drainage, widening the left turn
lanes into and out of St George Crescent at the intersection will improve the provision of left in/left out turn
facilities at the intersection, thereby improving safety for all road users wishing to turn left at this location.
The NSW State Government has identified Heathcote Road for a future corridor strategy, which would
investigate its operation and needs into the future. Any major upgrade to the St George Crescent intersection
will need to be considered as part of that overall improvement package. As part of the development of this
improvement package RMS would submit a case to Transport for NSW for funding to investigate Heathcote
Road as other projects, priorities and resources allow. If funding is secured, RMS will review the St George
Crescent intersection at that time.
Safe pedestrian and cyclist access
on the proposed bridge and along
Heathcote Road
Provision of a cycle
lane/pedestrian path.
Pedestrian and cyclist
connectivity with Heathcote
The proposed bridge would not provide a separate pedestrian or cycle path as there are no existing paths
along this road for a path over the proposed bridge to connect to hence would be an isolated section with no
'connectivity' lines.
Some suggestions were also made to retain the existing bridge for pedestrian access and as a corridor for
emergency vehicles. This section of Heathcote Road is a narrow two lane road with sign-posted local speeds
of up to 80km/h and has no dedicated footpath or cycleway and again would be an isolated section with no
'connectivity' lines. Reuse of the existing bridge would not be feasible unless additional major road work is
completed and due to the current alignment, would not be suitable for reuse in any future road upgrade.
Retaining the existing bridge would also require ongoing maintenance to an aging infrastructure.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Issue category
Issue subcategory
Safety for road users
Safety improvements on the
proposed bridge and surrounding
road network
Increased driving speed on the
proposed bridge.
Safe exit from St George
Crescent onto Heathcote Road.
Number of lanes on the proposed
Proposed bridge should be two
lanes in each direction.
Proposed bridge should be
designed to accommodate for
future developments.
Environmental Impacts
Operational noise impacts for local
residents due to increased traffic
Noise reduction barriers should
be placed along Heathcote
Existing noise impacts in Sandy
Point due to traffic and heavy
Flora and fauna impacts of the
proposed bridge
Incorporation of wildlife
underpass/crossing into the
Impacts to fauna and flora from
proposed bridge.
RMS response
RMS acknowledges that the wider bridge and approaches may result in some increased driving speeds
along this section of Heathcote Road. However, on balance, RMS considers that the improved vertical
alignment, improved sight lines and sight distance, two metre wide shoulders and a central 0.6 metre median
to separate traffic will improve safety for all vehicles using this route.
The proposal involves providing a new, wider two-lane bridge. While the provision of a dual carriageway was
considered, it was not deemed viable due to existing infrastructure and environmental constraints.
RMS understands no decision has been made on the Gandangara land release or the Moorebank intermodal
development proposals. The proposed two-lane bridge is designed to meet current traffic demands and
identified safety risks.
The NSW State Government has identified Heathcote Road as a candidate for a future corridor strategy,
which would investigate its operation and needs into the future. Design has considered the implications of a
potential future upgrade of Heathcote road and the proposed bridge fits well with any future upgrade. No
immediate upgrade to the number of lanes on Heathcote Road is proposed at this time.
The noise impacts of this proposal have been assessed in developing the REF. Potential impacts on amenity
may result from traffic noise. However, given the proximity of the existing road to houses within Sandy Point,
the rural nature of the proposal site and the proposed improved road surface of the proposal, changes in
amenity due to increased noise from the proposal are expected to be minimal.
The proposed bridge would be about 36 metres longer than the current bridge. This would ensure that the
current level of fauna and flora access and connectivity along Deadmans Creek underneath the bridge and
its approaches is maintained and may result in improved access due to the proposed increased length and
resultant area underneath, allowing for improved travel between upstream and downstream areas.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Issue category
Issue subcategory
Flood mitigation on the surrounding
road network and drainage on the
proposed bridge
Dredging of Deadmans Creek
would assist in flood mitigation.
Heathcote road, on the Liverpool
side of the existing bridge will
still be flood liable.
Funding for construction
RMS response
The proposed replacement bridge would be higher than the existing bridge, which will not only improve the
vertical alignment but also help to increase the flood immunity of the bridge. At this stage no full scale
dredging of Deadmans Creek is considered necessary or proposed. Flooding and drainage impacts of the
proposal have been assessed in detail and will be available in the REF. Another element of the proposal is to
upgrade the drainage system in the vicinity of the intersection of St George Crescent and Heathcote Road.
The proposal for widening the crossing over Deadmans creek is funded by the State Government, as part of
the RMS Infrastructure Asset Management budget.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
3 Conclusion
RMS has considered and responded to the issues raised by the community in relation to the
concept design for the proposed replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along
Heathcote Road, Sandy Point.
RMS has taken the issues raised during community information sessions into account during
the assessment of the REF.
RMS will place on the website the REF for community and stakeholder information.
Following the determination of the REF, work will start on the detailed design of the project.
Once the design is finalised, a further update will be provided to the community before works
Information on the progress of the project will continue to be updated on the project website.
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Appendix A
Community Update November 2012
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report
Replacement of the bridge over Deadmans Creek along Heathcote Road Sandy Point
Community Issues Report