Gifted Support Parent Inventory For use in developing student’s IEP Student’s Name__________________________________________ Grade _____________ Parent Name(s) __________________________________________ Parent Email ____________________________________________ Best Phone Number_______________________________________ 1. In general, what is your evaluation of your child’s academic progress? Have there been particular successes or struggles? 2. How would you assess your child’s ability to use higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation) and problem solving skills? 3. What special interests or talents does your child have? 4. What can the gifted support program do to help your child meet his goals and/or enrich his learning opportunities? Are there any specific topics your child would enjoy studying? 5. It’s early!—but has your child shared any career and/or college interests with you? 6. Are you able to serve as a resource for either community service or internship opportunities for our students? If so, how? 7. Would you like me to call you to discuss any issue you would rather not commit to writing? Is so, what time would be most convenient? Parent Signature_________________________________________ Date______________