Attachment 4 Seasonal Changeover Guidelines SEASONAL CHANGEOVER GUIDELINES FOR SPORTS PAVILIONS INTRODUCTION The Seasonal Changeover Guidelines have been developed to enable clubs to clearly identify and record the condition of a facility before the seasonal changeover to ensure that broken or damaged equipment and maintenance items are identified and rectified by the responsible party. The guidelines require a joint pavilion assessment to be undertaken by both the entering and exiting clubs before the end of the season. Items for assessment include cleanliness, compliance with the conditions of the Seasonal Tenancy Agreement (including handover of keys, change of name on utility accounts and un/covering of cricket wickets). All clubs that have been allocated with a Seasonal Tenancy Agreement are required to participate in the seasonal changeover. For your assistance, the following definitions have been provided: “Entering Club” – the club that will be using the reserve and facilities at the commencement of the new season. For example: at the commencement of the summer season, a cricket club is the entering club. 2. “Exiting Club” – comparatively, the exiting club is the club that is leaving the facility at the end of a season. For example: at the end of the summer season, a cricket club is the exiting club. GUIDELINES 2.1 Pavilion Checklist A checklist has been designed to assist with the pavilion inspections. Although it is extensive, the checklist should take no more than one hour to complete. Definitions are provided in the checklist to help with the easy rating of each item. 2.1.1 Completing the Pavilion Checklist Representatives from all exiting and entering clubs should be present for the pavilion assessment, to ensure the pavilion checklist is completed to the satisfaction of all parties. The entering club(s) is responsible for approaching the exiting club(s) to arrange a meeting time for the joint pavilion assessment and key handover. The entering club(s) will assess the pavilion, in agreeance with the exiting club(s), before the commencement of the new season. Where there is more than one entering or exiting club, all clubs should be involved in the pavilion assessment and complete the pavilion checklist. The pavilion assessment will be made using the checklist. Pavilion assessments will occur at the changeover of seasons (i.e. during March and September each year). The checklist must be fully completed with name of the Facility and signed by both the entering and exiting club representatives (These representatives must not be the same for both clubs). Where more than one club is using a facility (either as the entering or exiting club), each club’s name and club representative’s name must be recorded on the pavilion checklist and signed by them. The pavilion checklist will not be deemed complete if it is not signed by all user groups of the facility, both the exiting and entering clubs. Exiting clubs should aim to achieve a ‘satisfactory’ rating for each applicable item on the checklist. Therefore, before handover, the pavilion should be thoroughly cleaned and any damaged, not working or broken equipment should be repaired before the end of the current season. 2.1.2 Non Compliance with the Pavilion Checklist Any checklist items graded as ‘unsatisfactory’ will be counter-assessed by Council. Should Council also deem the item as unsatisfactory, the exiting club will be requested to rectify the item to a satisfactory standard within 7 days of notification by Council. Should the item not be amended to Council’s standard within the 7 days, Council will charge the exiting club for reinstatement costs. Where there is more than one exiting club, any rectification works should be completed by the clubs jointly. The exiting clubs will be charged equal proportions for any rectification works required to be completed by Council. Clubs will have their name recorded if they do not repair / rectify items that have been graded as ‘unsatisfactory’. Where the facility is shared, all clubs that do not repair items will be recorded. This record will then be considered in light of the club’s requests for grants, capital works applications and future ground allocations. Pavilion assessments that are either not fully completed by clubs, or not received by Council four weeks after the commencement of the new season, will be undertaken by Council. The cost for Council to undertake a pavilion assessment will be charged to the entering club at $50 (as it is the entering club’s responsibility for arranging the pavilion inspection). Council will assess pavilions at random. Assessments undertaken by Council that are not consistent with the most recent pavilion checklist will require joint reassessment by the entering club and a Council officer. 2.1.3 Failure to Complete Checklist Pavilion checklists will be delivered to coincide with the grounds allocation process. Grounds allocations will be made upon receipt of the completed and signed changeover assessment. Clubs that do not provide a fully completed and signed changeover assessment will be charged $50 for Council to undertake an assessment. Pavilion assessments must be signed by both parties to be made valid. Clubs that have a tenancy agreement for more than one season are still required to complete a pavilion assessment. Clubs that have a tenancy agreement for more than one season and do not return a completed pavilion assessment during their tenancy will have their name recorded and, as a result, will risk the future allocation of a ground(s). 2.2 Maintenance Attachment 2 of the Seasonal Tenancy Agreement, ‘Pavilion Maintenance Responsibilities’ outlines the clubs’ and Council’s responsibilities for pavilion maintenance. Should any maintenance items be identified on the pavilion checklist that are Council’s responsibility, they need to be forwarded to Council’s Customer Service line on 9298 8000. This will ensure all maintenance requests are logged into Council’s customer requests system and processed in a timely manner. Any follow up on requests also needs to be directed to this number. Clubs must gain Council’s approval for any works to be undertaken in the pavilion. This includes making alterations to the existing conditions of the building, e.g. erecting walls, changing the height, layout or structure of any fixtures. Should any alterations be identified that have not been granted Council approval, the party responsible for the works will be identified and either of the actions listed below will result. Where the responsible party cannot be identified, all the current entering and exiting clubs will be held jointly responsible. Should the work be deemed inappropriate to the nature / purpose of the building or poorly constructed, and presents a high health and safety risk, the responsible party (as described above) will be requested to reinstate the pavilion to its original condition. If the work is not undertaken within four weeks of advice from Council, the work will be undertaken by Council and charged to the responsible party. Should the work be deemed appropriate to the nature / purpose of the building and constructed to a good standard, the responsible party may be requested to amend the work to fully meet Council’s building and safety standards. If the work is not undertaken within four weeks of advice from Council, the work will be undertaken by Council and charged to the responsible party. 2.3 Utilities The entering club must arrange to have all utilities accounts (e.g. gas, electricity, telephone) read and changed to the club’s name at changeover. The pavilion checklist should indicate that utility account names have been changed. 2.4 Keys Council has provided keys for its facilities. Where the facility is used by more than one group, the sets of keys will be shared between users, a list of keys that have been issued will be provided to assure all keys are accounted for. NOTE: NO TAGS NAMING THE PAVILION ARE TO BE PLACED ON ANY KEYS, ALSO NO KEYS TO BE LEFT IN PAVILION (as spare set) AT ANY TIME. Upon changeover, the exiting club is required to transfer all reserve and pavilion keys to the entering club. All key holders should be listed on the pavilion checklist. Council is prepared to provide keys to the entering club if the exiting club does not provide all sets of keys. In this instance, the exiting club will be charged a fee per key that Council is required to replace. 2.5 Cricket Wickets The pavilion checklist includes making appropriate arrangements for the un/covering of cricket wickets. It is the entering and exiting clubs responsibility to jointly arrange for the un/covering of cricket wickets. Council is responsible for delivering / collecting soil to assist with the wicket un/covering process. The following procedures should be followed to arrange for the un/covering of cricket wickets: 2.5.1 At the completion of the summer season It is the responsibility of the cricket club(s) to advise the winter club(s) of the final date of use of the cricket wicket. Council will provide the soil for covering of the wicket. For this to occur, user groups need to notify Council’s Leisure Services Officer on 9298 8000. Council standards for the covering and uncovering of wickets can be found in section 8.6 of the Seasonal Tenancy Agreement, ‘Standard For Synthetic Wicket Covering’. 2.5.2 At the completion of the winter season The winter club(s) should advise the cricket club of its final date of use of the sports ground. The uncovering of the cricket wicket should be undertaken in accordance with section 8.6 of the Seasonal Tenancy Agreement, ‘Standard For Synthetic Wicket Covering’, which provides specifications for the stockpiling of soil etc. (please note the requirements for soil removal from edges of wickets, and the separating of the waterproof layer from the stockpiled soil). Once the clubs have determined arrangements for uncovering the cricket wicket, user groups need to notify Council’s Leisure Services Officer on 9298 8000 to arrange for the collection of the stockpiled soil. 3. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Any conflicts that arise between clubs as a result of this process or the interpretation of these guidelines are to be expressed in writing to the Leisure Services Officer. Council will investigate the dispute with all involved parties and determine an outcome. Council’s decision on the issue will be final. Pavilion Checklist Reserve Name: .................................................................................... Date of Inspection: ............................................................................... Name of Entering Club(s): .................................................................... Entering Club(s) Representative Name and Position in Club: 1 ……………………………………………………………………………… 2 ……………………………………………………………………………… 3 ……………………………………………………………………………… Name of Exiting Club(s): ...................................................................... Exiting Club(s) Representative Name and Position in Club: 1 ……………………………………………………………………………… 2 ……………………………………………………………………………… 3 ………………………………………………………………………………. Please accurately complete each section in the checklist, assessing the condition of the pavilion in relation to each category. The assessment is to be undertaken by the entering club or where there is more than one entering club, the assessment must be jointly undertaken. Not all items identified within the checklist are the responsibility of Council to repair / reinstate. Please see Attachment 3 of the Seasonal Tenancy Agreement, ‘Pavilion Maintenance Responsibilities’ for an outline of items that are Council’s and the club’s responsibility. The following definitions are provided to guide you in your assessment of each category: “Satisfactory” – equipment is not broken and is clean, electrical equipment is tested and tagged. “Unsatisfactory” – equipment is broken or damaged (e.g. broken tiles, holes / dented walls, heaters not working, lights, fans, doors) and/or dirty (e.g. dirt, grease, grime, rubbish, mould, marks) then club must give details of work required. “Not Applicable” – this box should only be ticked if the item is not present in the facility. Where the item is present, a grading of satisfactory or unsatisfactory should be given. 1. Pavilion Condition Assessment Please rate the condition of the pavilion for each of the categories, based on the definitions provided. a) Team shower and toilet areas Area Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Showers Toilets Hand basins Hand dryers / mirrors / Club Responsibility Bench seats Internal plumbing Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Ceiling Internal doors External doors Partitions Lights Replacement of light globes club responsibility Skylights Windows Exhaust Fans Rubbish / rubbish bins Other list) items (please Waste Department b) Team change areas Area Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Showers Toilets Hand basins Hand dryers / mirrors Club responsibility Bench seats Internal plumbing Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Ceiling Internal doors External doors Partitions Lights Replacement of light globes club responsibility Skylights Windows Exhaust Fans Rubbish / rubbish bins Other list) items (please Waste department c) Umpires room Area Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Showers Toilets Hand basins Hand dryers / mirrors Club Responsibility Bench seats Internal plumbing Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Ceiling Internal doors External doors Partitions Lights Replacement of light globes club responsibility Skylights Windows Exhaust Fans Rubbish / rubbish bins Other list) items (please Waste Department d) Disabled shower and toilet areas Area Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Showers Toilets Hand basins Hand dryers / mirrors Club responsibility Bench seats Internal plumbing Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Ceiling Internal doors External doors Partitions Lights Replacement of light globes club responsibility Skylights Windows Exhaust Fans Rubbish / rubbish bins Other list) items (please Waste Department e) Social room Area Fire Extinguishers Electrical Equipment Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Date Last serviced / / Club responsibility including Testing & Tagging Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Operable walls Ceiling Internal doors External doors Lights Replacement responsibility of light globes club Skylights Windows Window furnishings (curtains / blinds / shutters) Ceiling Fans Club responsibility Heater / cooler Tables / chairs Servicing of heater club responsibility air conditioning club responsibility Club responsibility Drawers / cupboards / benches Rubbish / rubbish bins Waste Department Other list) items (please f) Multi-purpose / meeting room Area Fire Extinguishers Electrical Equipment Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Date Last serviced / / Club responsibility including Testing & Tagging Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Operable walls Ceiling Internal doors External doors Lights Replacement responsibility of light globes club Skylights Windows Window furnishings (curtains / blinds / shutters) Ceiling Fans Club responsibility Heater / cooler Tables / chairs Service of heater Club responsibility air conditioning all clubs responsibility Club responsibility Drawers / cupboards / benches Rubbish / rubbish bins Waste Department Other list) items (please g) Kitchen Area Meets current health regulations Fire Extinguisher/blanket Electrical Equipment Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Date Last serviced / / blanket only required if cooking food Club responsibility including Testing & Tagging Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Operable walls Ceiling Internal doors External doors Lights Replacement responsibility of light globes club Skylights Windows Window shutters Ceiling Fans Exhaust fans Sinks / Basins Drawers / cupboards / benches Stove Refrigerator Club responsibility including Testing & Tagging Internal plumbing Rubbish / rubbish bins Other list) items (please Waste Department h) Storage areas (please tick) The exiting club has satisfactorily cleared all storage spaces Yes No OR The entering club is willing to allow the exiting club to keep items in storage (in designated store rooms only) at the facility. Yes No i) Building Works Are there any ‘new’ or incomplete building works in/outside the pavilion (e.g. additional fixtures or permanent fixtures that have been modified by the exiting club, e.g. dividing wall, permanent seating, bars etc)? Yes No If yes, please provide details……………………………………………………………… ................................................................................................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… j) Fire Extinguishers In accordance with the ‘Seasonal Tenancy Agreement’, clubs are required to maintain, service and replace when necessary all fire extinguishers. Are there fire extinguishers in the pavilion? If yes, has it been serviced prior to change over? 2. a) Yes Yes No No External Pavilion Condition Building Works Is there any damage, modifications / additions / alterations / incomplete works undertaken by the Club to the external of the pavilion? Yes No If yes, please provide details __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Roof Damage Is there any evident roof damage to the pavilion (including spouts, gutters and eaves)? Yes No If yes, please provide details _________________________________ External public toilets (toilets located from the outside of the pavilion) Area Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Work Required Showers Toilets Hand basins Internal plumbing Floor surfaces Wall surfaces Ceiling Internal doors External doors/gates Partitions Lights Replacement responsibility Skylights Windows Other list) items (please of light globes club 3. Name Change of Utility Accounts (more than one Club) Clubs are required to pay all utilities during their period of tenancy. An arrangement for the changing of utility account names is recommended in accordance with the summer and winter seasons (1 October to 31 March and 1 April to 30 September respectively). This practice ensures that clubs pay for the utility usage they accrue over the period of their tenancy. Has the entering club arranged for meter readings and the changing of account names to the club name? Yes No Where more than one club is using a facility the users are required to negotiate proportional payments for utilities. 4. Keys Any lost keys must be reported to Council’s Facilities Department immediately. NOTE: ANY LOCKS/ PADLOCKS NOT ON THE COUNCIL KEYING SYSTEM WILL BE REMOVED. Handover of Keys The exiting club has handed over all listed keys of pavilion to the entering club. Yes No Entering Club(s): Upon receipt of the keys, please complete the key holder register on the next page the information required is. The Key Number is the number on the front of the key e.g. A23.1 The issue number is the number stamped on the reverse side, this will be a number from 1 to 50 depending on the amount of keys cut of that key IT IS NOT THE 000075 NUMBER IT WILL ONLY BE A ONE OR TWO DIGIT NUMBER Thank you for your time and patience in this matter and any inconvenience this might cause but it is essential to be able to keep track of the amount of keys issued at any time. KEY DISTRIBUTION CLUB NAME Key Number Please complete this form including every key PAVILION ................................. Issue No Name and Address of Key Holder Position Telephone 5. Declaration We the undersigned have jointly undertaken an inspection of the above named pavilion on behalf of our respective clubs / organisations and agree that the completed pavilion checklist is an accurate assessment of the condition of the facility. Keys have been handed over and utility account names changed to the entering club(s). Entering Club(s) Representative: .................................. .......................... Signature Date ....................................... .......................... Signature Date ....................................... .......................... Signature Date Exiting Club(s) Representative: .................................... .......................... Signature Date ....................................... .......................... Signature Date ....................................... .......................... Signature Date Please return form to: Robert Morton Leisure Services Knox City Council 511 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South 3152 Please contact Robert Morton on 9298 8335 if you have any questions regarding the completion of the Seasonal Changeover Guidelines.