Application to attend - Truman Partners In Prevention

General Conference Information
April 9 - 11, 2015, Kansas City, Missouri
This regional conference educates students and professionals about student leadership, peer education and prevention
strategies in relation to alcohol, drugs and other wellness topics. Whether you are actively working in peer education,
prevention or law enforcement, would like to come network with your peers, or are just interested in learning more
about these topics, you are encouraged to attend! This conference has something for everyone!
Who should attend?
This will be a great learning opportunity for college students and professionals, whether you are working in prevention,
residence life, Greek life, student activities, or another discipline. Geared toward the college population, this conference
offers program presentations and workshops for student peer educators as well as prevention and student affairs
professionals. We will host a special workshop for prevention professionals and student affairs professionals as well as
special sessions for law enforcement.
Why should I attend?
Prevention on college campuses is not an easy task! Any opportunity to learn new techniques and strategies and
network with other students and professionals is an opportunity not to be missed. We also realize that limited budgets
make it difficult for many to attend some of the larger, national conferences, so we want to bring some of the national
speakers to you in a more affordable format! Thanks to underwriting by the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Drug
Abuse, we can offer you a dynamic, informational, and highly affordable conference.
Conference Features
1. Five pre-conferences for administrators, peer education advisors, law enforcement, and students!
2. A fantastic lineup of keynote speakers and panel discussions!
3. A full lineup of sessions for law enforcement and campus public safety personnel!
4. Awards for peer educators and peer education programs on campuses in the Midwest!
In addition to a variety of pre-conference workshops and keynote speakers, session topics may include:
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Peer education and prevention programming
Social norms theory
Program Evaluation and Assessment
Law enforcement strategies to reduce underage drinking
High risk and underage drinking
Sexual Health
Sexual assault and sexual violence
Coalition building and advocacy
Risk management
GAMMA and health promotion in Greek systems
Tobacco prevention and cessation
Mental Health Issues and Suicide
And many more!
Student Application for Meeting of the Minds April 9th -11th , 2015
To be eligible to receive MOPIP funding, students MUST be available to leave Truman by 2:30pm on Thursday, April 9.
Sessions will take place on Friday and Saturday afternoon. There may be flexibility to leave Friday night or Saturday
morning if needed. People staying for the entire conference should be back to Kirksville by no later than 5 pm on
Saturday, April 11. If selected for funding, students will be required to submit at $25 deposit.
Name: _________________________________________________________ Phone #: __________________
Please check if you are currently a SA, MOPIP or GAMMA member?
Check One: Fr SO
Projected Graduation Date: _____________
Do you plan to present a proposal for Meeting of the Minds?
(Deadline is February 20,
If so, list any potential topics you have identified: __________________________________________________
Why do you want to attend Meeting of the Minds?
What do you hope to gain from attending Meeting of the Minds 2015?
How do you think you will be able to contribute to prevention at Truman after the conference?
With what student organizations are you currently involved?
Have you ever attended Meeting of the Minds before? YES
Deadline for application is Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Submit via e-mail to or
campus mail Dr. Michelle Cannon-Breland, Student Affairs.