8th Grade Choir Teacher: Miss Laurey Lehman Telephone: 573-590-8268 Email: llehman@fulton58.org Website: fulton58.org Classroom Goal The goal for 8th grade choir is to help students develop their voices and their general knowledge of music. The students will participate in rehearsals and performances that will demonstrate what they are learning throughout the year. Supplies All students will need the following supplies each class period: 1. Music (this will be given to them throughout the year and will stay in the music classroom) 2. Pencil (ALWAYS) 3. Planner General Rules 1. Always do your best! 2. Be prepared for class. 3. Respect yourself and others. 4. No gum, food, or drink 5. Participation is essential. This is a performance-based class. Participation in class will help prepare students for performances. What Will We Do in Choir? Sing! Do your best. You will be expected to give your best effort and to have a positive attitude. You will learn how to read music and to use your voice to the best of your ability. Grading Students will receive a daily grade based on good behavior and participation. Students will also be graded on performance attendance and behavior at performances. Students may also be assigned in-class assignments for a grade. The grading scale used for this class is printed in the Fulton Middle School Student Handbook. IMPORTANT: If a student has a failing grade in 8th Grade Choir at the end of a term, they will be removed and their schedule will be adjusted accordingly. Extra Credit If a student attends a choir or band concert, play, musical, or dance production, they can receive extra credit if they bring in a ticket or program. Each event is worth 5 extra credit points and will be applied to the final grade. There is no limit on the amount of extra credit a student can receive. Attendance Daily class attendance as well as attendance at the performances, is extremely important in this class. Each student is a valuable member of the group and must be dependable. If a student has missed a large amount of classes and does not demonstrate knowledge of the material to be performed, then the director reserves the right to pull that student from the performance. The student will need to complete a make-up assignment for the points that he or she missed. If a student has a conflict, the teacher must be notified in writing as soon as possible. Upon teacher approval, a student may be excused from the performance. If there is a family emergency or the student becomes ill on the day of the final performance, a note from the parent or guardian should be given to the teacher as soon as the student returns to school. Lack of transportation to the performance is not a valid excuse. If transportation is an issue, try to make arrangements with one of the other members of the 8th Grade Choir. If arrangements can still not be made, please contact me. If a student is excused from a performance, a make-up assignment will be given. Upon completion of the assignment within the given time, the student will receive full credit for the performance. Any student that misses both the Fall and Winter Concerts will not be able to participate in the Central Methodist University Music Contest on Feb. 28th. This is a great experience for students to travel together and perform as representatives of Fulton Middle School and those that have proven their dedication will be able to have that honor. As this class is an elective, it is a privilege to represent FMS as a member of the 8 th Grade Choir. I expect your 100% commitment to this group as it takes everyone giving their all to make it great. Performances Students will perform local concerts as well as perform at Fayette Music Festival in late February. Students will wear khaki pants, black dress shoes, black socks (if applicable), and a choir shirt to every performance. Choir shirts will be ordered by the school and then purchased by the students as part of the uniform. More information regarding attire will be given as soon as possible. If a student needs assistance with their attire, he or she should contact Ms. Lehman. Concert Dates *Fall Concert: Tuesday, Oct. 21st: 6:30pm – FMS Gym *Winter Concert: Tuesay, Dec. 16th: 6:30pm – FMS Gym *CMU Music Festival: Friday, Feb. 27th: TBA – Fayette, MO *Evening of the Arts: Tuesday, March 3rd: 6:30pm – FMS Gym *Spring Concert: Thursday, May 14th: 7pm – FMS Gym Choir Contract Statement of Understanding Student I understand that I have made a commitment to be a member of the Fulton Middle School 8th Grade Choir. I understand that all performances are mandatory. I also understand that a successful choir program is built on teamwork, respect, and responsibility. I will try my best to be a positive and contributing member of the Fulton Middle School 8th Grade Choir. If I have a problem or concern, I know that the director is available for consultation at any time. _____________________________ Student Name Printed ________________________________ Student Signature Parent or Guardian I understand that my student has made a commitment to be a member of the Fulton Middle School 8th Grade Choir class. I understand that all performances are mandatory. I will do everything in my power to help my student have a positive and successful time as a member of the Fulton Middle School 8th Grade Choir. If I have a problem or concern, I know that the director is available for consultation at any time. _____________________________ Parent or Guardian Name Printed ________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature This statement of understanding is due back to the director on August 27, 2013 for full credit. It is worth 50 points and must have both signatures.