Intervention Criteria Sheet Steps: 1. Determine the severity of abnormalities seen, using the Severity Table below. 2. Contact the AFM or AWO for advice if appropriate or required. 3. Take action in accordance with the Intervention Criteria below. Intervention Criteria Criteria are based on the severity of signs, as classified by the table below: Observations (based on the Severity Action required Table below) None Normal ( on monitoring sheet) 1 or more “mild to moderate” signs (based on below) Increase frequency of observations to twice daily (seek AFM/AWO advice where appropriate so that treatment and care can be given) 1 or more “severe” signs (based on below) Euthanasia. If in doubt, seek second opinion from AFM/AWO. Severity Table Appearance Weight changes Behaviour, Activity, response to provocation Altered respiratory pattern/depth Other signs Mild to Moderate Slight to moderate piloerection with no dehydration (skin tenting); slight evidence of decreased grooming. Slight to moderate weight decrease (5-15% compared to weight at start of experiment) Subdued but responsive, decreased alertness, decreased interaction with peers. Severe Piloerection with clear evidence of dehydration (skin tenting); poor coat condition; not grooming; hunched. Significant weight decrease (>15% compared to weight at start of experiment) Lethargic/dull; unresponsive or minimally responsive to activity and provocation. Very slightly altered rate and depth of Obviously altered rate and depth of respiration, without other signs consistent respiration; may be accompanied by signs with pain or distress consistent with pain or distress Seek AFM/AWO advice re: appropriate action or euthanase if animal is in moderate or severe pain or distress