Uploaded by Wade Crossman

Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree (EDDT) Report

Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree (EDDT)
The Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree (EDDT) is a standardized, norm-referenced
scale designed to assist in the identification of children who may qualify for the federal
Special Education category of Emotional Disturbance (ED). The five ED characteristics
that appear in the federal criteria for ED are: an inability to learn that cannot be
explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors; an inability to build or maintain
satisfactory relationships with peers and teachers; inappropriate types of behavior or
feelings under normal circumstances; a general pervasive mood of unhappiness or
depression; and a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with
personal or school problems.
(Mean = 50; SD = 10)
Rater: Father
T-Score Qualitative Label
Inability to Build or Maintain Relationships
70 Moderate Clinical
Inappropriate Behaviors or Feelings
95 Very High Clinical
Pervasive Mood/Depression
70 Moderate Clinical
Physical Symptoms or Fears
>100 Very High Clinical
Total Score
High Clinical
Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
High Clinical
High Clinical
Social Maladjustment
Mild At Risk
Level of Severity
High Severity
Educational Impact
High Impact
Rater: Mother
T-Score Qualitative Label
Inability to Build or Maintain Relationships
82 Very High Clinical
Inappropriate Behaviors or Feelings
97 Very High Clinical
Pervasive Mood/Depression
92 Very High Clinical
Physical Symptoms or Fears
>100 Very High Clinical
Total Score
>100 Very High Clinical
Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
Social Maladjustment
Level of Severity
Educational Impact
High Clinical
Moderate Clinical
Mild At Risk
High Impact
Rater: Teacher 1
T-Score Qualitative Label
Inability to Build or Maintain Relationships
83 Very High Clinical
Inappropriate Behaviors or Feelings
85 Very High Clinical
Pervasive Mood/Depression
88 Very High Clinical
Physical Symptoms or Fears
93 Very High Clinical
Total Score
92 Very High Clinical
Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
High Clinical
Moderate Clinical
Social Maladjustment
Moderate Clinical
Level of Severity
Educational Impact
Mild Severity
High Impact
Rater: Teacher 2
T-Score Qualitative Label
Inability to Build or Maintain Relationships
83 Very High Clinical
Inappropriate Behaviors or Feelings
>100 Very High Clinical
Pervasive Mood/Depression
85 Very High Clinical
Physical Symptoms or Fears
95 Very High Clinical
Total Score
98 Very High Clinical
Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
High Clinical
Moderate Clinical
Social Maladjustment
Moderate Clinical
Level of Severity
Moderate Severity
Educational Impact
High Impact
Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree (EDDT)
Erin Sticca and Cheryl Heath, Jonathan’s special education teachers, each completed
the Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree rating scale. Responses returned from
Jonathan’s teachers revealed significant levels in: inability to build or maintain
relationships and inappropriate behaviors or feelings. Elevated ratings in these areas
indicate that Jonathan may have difficulties maintaining relationships with peers and
may display unusual behaviors/strange perceptions and feelings.