Officers Report (Planning)_A4

Ref No:
Case Officer:
Mr N Parry
Proposal: Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of
planning permission ref:048702
Brookhill Landfill Site, Pinfold Lane Industrial Estate, Buckley, CH7
Flintshire County Council
Date Valid: 19 December 2013
Expiry Date: 13 February 2014
Consultation & Responses
Local Member for Buckley Mountain: Councillor Carol Ellis originally requested that
the application be referred to Planning Committee and requested a Committee Site
Visit in line with Planning Policy as Flintshire is the applicant. Councillor Carol Ellis
has had comments from members of the public that Flintshire County Council have
not got a valid permission. However, at the Committee Call Over meeting on 28th
April, 2014 it was concluded that the above reason for the application to go to
Planning Committee was not a valid planning reason. Councillor Carol Ellis then
agreed for the application to be determined under delegated powers and provided
an additional consultation response. In this additional consultation response
Councillor Carol Ellis requested that the application is reviewed after two years as
other means of handling waste may be up and running by then. Councillor Carol
Ellis also advised that regarding vehicles travelling to Brook Hill there have in the
past been complaints about Ewloe Place and Liverpool Road and requests that
vehicles use the A494 on to Pinfold Road.
Local Member for Ewloe adjoining ward: Councillor Dave Mackie: No comments to
Town Council: Buckley Town Council state that the application is recommended for
refusal on the grounds that the original working time controls were put in place to
protect the residents of nearby properties. The continued operations at the site
should have the same operational hours as previously and the Bank and Public
Holidays should be excluded from any working operations. It is assumed that
Sundays are not included in the removal or variation of the Condition.
Hawarden Community Council: No comments to date.
Head of Public Protection: No adverse comments to make regarding this proposal.
Head of Assets and Transportation: No objection to the proposal and do not intend
to make a recommendation on highway grounds. However, note that Public
Footpath Number 5 crosses the application site and should be safeguarded before
development commences.
Natural Resources Wales: No principle objections to the variation of condition 4.
The proposal is not likely to significantly affect any of the following interests: Deeside
and Buckley Newt Sites Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Connah’s Quay Ponds
and Woodlands Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Great crested newt.
Rights of Way: State that Footpath 5 crosses the site and Footpath 5A abuts the
site. A diversion will be required after the restoration is complete.
Ramblers Association: Mr. Howard White objects to this application on behalf of the
Ramblers Association. The reason for the objection is that the proposal directly
impacts on the definitive line of public path Buckley 5. Although this path is already
obstructed by fencing elsewhere this proposal would further obstruct the path and
fails to make any positive proposal to resolve the situation (which has been subject
of a Path Inquiry and Inspectors Decision). Due to technical issues with the
application Mr. Howard White spoke to the case officer who clarified the situation so
a second consultation response was made which confirmed the request to maintain
a holding objection while the justification for this continued obstruction of Public path
5 is investigated. Mr. Howard White also states that there seems considerable
uncertainty whether the quoted end date of 2016 is realistic. The Ramblers
Association would like firmer commitments from the Flintshire County Council as to
the reopening of public paths and open Space in this area and would ask that the
possibility of designating the nearby former railway line as a public path be
Local Issues Action Group (LIAG) c/o Mr. J. Iball: No comments to date.
Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water: Not consulted
Airbus: Not consulted
Coal Authority: Not consulted
Neighbours: Press Notice, Site Notice, Neighbour Notification
Three site notices posted on 16th January, 2014. One on site entrance, one on
access road entrance and one on fence of site just off public footpath from back of
industrial estate. Press Notice in The Chronicle on 30th January, 2014 and
Neighbour Notification.
Relevant History & Policies:
Site History
Brookhill Landfill site occupies the former Brookhill and Catherall’s Claypit. Planning
permission was granted for the landfill in 1992 by the former Alyn and Deeside
District Council under reference 4/0/21554 and landfill commenced in April 1999.
Permission was granted under reference 00142 for the waste transfer compound in
April 2001. Permission was granted under reference 042735 for the extension of the
waste transfer compound in August 2007. Several other permissions and approvals
relating to the landfill operations but not relevant to the waste transfer compound
have been granted since 1992. In February, 2011 permission was granted under
reference 046591 for a Variation of condition number 4 attached to planning
permission ref:042735 to extend the life of the development to 30/9/2011. In
November, 2011 permission was granted under reference 048702 for Retention of
existing transfer compound and proposed waste transfer slabs for green waste and
food waste. Extended hours were also permitted to cover bank holidays. This
permission expired in December, 2013.
Planning Policies
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
Local –Flintshire Unitary Development Plan (2011)
Policy STR1 - New Development
Policy STR10 - Resources
Policy GEN1 - General Requirements for Development
Policy EWP7 - Managing Waste Sustainably
Policy EWP8 - Control of Waste Development and Operations
Policy EWP11 - Development on or Adjacent to Landfill Sites
Waste development is also guided by Regional and National guidance,
including: Wales Waste Strategy 2002, Wise About Waste; Planning Policy
Wales Technical Guidance Note 21: Waste, November 2001 and; North
Wales Regional Waste Plan, November 2003 to 2013.
The proposal would comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
This is an application to extend the existing permission to continue to provide waste
transfer slabs for green waste and food waste. This is to temporarily manage green
waste and food waste that is collected from properties by Flintshire County Council.
The facility will enable the food waste and the residual waste transfer activities that
currently take place to continue at Brookhill until a permanent facility can be
The domestic waste baling and transfer facilities will continue to be required at
Brookhill for residual 'black bag' waste until the North Wales Residual Waste Project
comes on stream in 2017/18. The transfer compound pad was constructed in 2001
and had an end date of 30/9/2011. Planning permission 048702 for Retention of
existing transfer compound and proposed waste transfer slabs for green waste and
food waste was granted on 4th November, 2011 and had an end date of 31st
December, 2013. As there is no operational landfill void with Flintshire, this facility is
necessary to continue for the effective management of waste arisings until such time
as the alternative arrangements become available for the treatment and handling of
residual waste and food waste.
There is a landfill on the site and this is currently under restoration. Waste tipping on
the landfill site had ceased by the end of 2008. This current planning application will
have no implications for the restoration of the landfill. The application proposes no
other changes to the current operations at the site.
Site location:
The site is located within the boundary of Brookhill Landfill Site off Brookhill Way in
Pinfold Lane Industrial Estate, Buckley. The waste transfer compound is located
immediately to the south west of the landfill itself, adjoining the access road.
Temporary retention of the waste transfer facility will not interfere with the restoration
of the landfill dome, which is the most visible element of the landfill site.
Description of and the need for the development:
The site has been used for the disposal of waste, including household waste, since
1999 with the benefit of a planning permission issued by the former Alyn and
Deeside Council in 1992; this planning permission was time limited with the
importation of waste completed by the end of 2008. As an integral part of the
operation a planning permission was sought and granted in April 2001 for the
construction of a waste transfer compound, this facility allowed the transfer of waste
from waste collection road vehicles to dump trucks for transport within the landfill
site. This permission was due to expire on 30/09/11. The site also provided
temporary storage of waste when site operations so required. In November, 2011
permission was granted under reference 048702 for Retention of existing transfer
compound and proposed waste transfer slabs for green waste and food waste.
Extended hours were also permitted to cover bank holidays. This permission
expired in December, 2013.
Tipping ceased at Brookhill on by the end of 2008 and from then onwards all nonrecoverable wastes from the municipal collection have been exported to landfill sites
outside the County. The waste transfer compound at Brookhill has been retained as
a reception and bulking up area for the refuse collection prior to transportation to
landfill. The requirement for such a facility will remain until a suitable landfill or
alternative means of managing waste becomes available elsewhere.
Waste that is collected and has to be bulked before onward transfer for final disposal
outside the County has also been carried out at Standard Transfer station in Globe
Way, Buckley, but the Applicant considers that the facility at Brookhill is more
appropriate in future and would have a lesser impact on routes through Buckley.
The continuation of the existing 'black bag' residual waste transfer operations
together with the temporary provision of additional transfer facilities to manage green
waste and food waste at Brookhill has allowed for the relocation of the management
of these waste types away from the Standard Transfer Station with the benefit of
reducing the associated traffic using Liverpool Road in Buckley.
Transfer capacity is required because there is no available operational landfill within
Flintshire. The timescale to obtain the necessary environmental permit and
construct new landfill capacity at the nearby Parry’s Quarry is unknown, and in any
event the use of such site would only be possible via a competitive tendering
exercise. These sites are therefore not available as an alternative to continuing with
residual household waste transfer activities.
In addition, alternative means of managing Flintshire’s household waste are being
actively developed in collaboration with other North Wales Councils.
procurement process for the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project to
develop alternative facilities to manage Flintshire's residual household waste and
food waste is on schedule to become operational in 2017/18. As these alternative
sites become available, the relevant waste stream will no longer be taken to the
Brookhill site. The lead time for obtaining the necessary consents and build time is
such that a temporary waste transfer solution is required at Brookhill until these
alternative locations and means of managing residual waste comes on stream.
The existing transfer compound comprises of a concrete slab measuring 21 metres
by 21 metres and is surrounded by concrete retaining walls topped with litter-proof
secure fencing. The food waste transfer slab is of a similar construction and
measures 20 metres by 10 metres. Appropriate drainage systems are in place to
ensure that any potentially contaminated run off can be collected and treated in the
leachate treatment plant within close proximity to the landfill site.
The additional pad allows for the separate loading and unloading of food waste
collected by the Council's specialist food waste collection vehicles. Food waste is
stored in appropriate covered containers and is emptied daily.
The required life of the facility is until alternative locations to manage or transfer
waste become available. It is proposed to limit the life of the development to the time
scales that the temporary facility is required, and to restore those parts of the site
which are no longer required by the Council immediately following cessation of use.
Brookhill landfill has been capped and is currently in the process of restoration.
When the existing transfer activities have ceased, the restoration of the waste
transfer compound itself is estimated to take between 6 and 8 weeks.
Site boundaries:
The site is located within an area of existing industrial development and is well
screened from the surrounding developments and units on the industrial estate. The
application site is remote from residential housing and other sensitive development.
Environmental assessment:
It was not considered that the nature and scale of the proposal involved issues of
more than local importance and consequently Environmental Impact Assessment
was not required. An environmental statement is not required as the site area is
below the appropriate thresholds.
Pollution Control:
For operational reasons the waste must be treated on an impermeable slab with
appropriate drainage systems in place to prevent the escape of contaminated run off
into surrounding soil or watercourses. Contaminated run-off or leachate will be
collected and treated in the nearby leachate treatment plant. Access routes will be
established for vehicles depositing material and for the removal of bulked material
from the site. The site is covered by appropriate Environmental Permitting regime
which will need to be amended as appropriate.
Wildlife conservation:
The Deeside and Buckley Newt Sites SAC lies within a short distance of the
Application Site. The Applicant has provided mitigation ponds for the loss of habitat
in relation to landfilling operations at Brookhill in the past and the site has been
securely fenced to prevent the return of newts that have been translocated. The
proposed development would not have any adverse impact on the SAC and there
are measures in place for species protection across the entire landfill site. A
condition is proposed to ensure that existing protected species provisions at the site
remain in force. The consultation response from Natural Resources Wales enforced
this position.
The application Site is accessed via a dedicated access within Pinfold Lane
Industrial Estate. The existing site access is of a high standard. The majority of the
traffic to and from the site will be by means of Pinfold Lane at the Ewloe Barn traffic
light controlled junction which has direct access on to the A494, A55 and A550
principal highway network, and avoids traffic movements to and from the residential
areas of Buckley. Some traffic will continue to access the site via Buckley,
depending upon collection round routing.
The surrounding road network is capable of handling the anticipated vehicle
numbers, which is predicted to be an average of 50 visits to the site per day by
standard refuse collection vehicles and specialist food waste vehicles. There would
be no unacceptable adverse highways or traffic impacts resulting from the proposed
development. No amendments to existing access or highways arrangements are
proposed. The proposed development will result in a reduced use of Standard
Transfer Station with the benefit of reducing the associated traffic using Liverpool
Road in Buckley. The proposed development will minimise the impact of highway
movements and continue to provide a more effective waste management service.
The application site is not open to the general public and no provision needs to be
made for public access or parking.
Traffic associated with the site uses both Pinfold Lane and Ewloe Place. Traffic
routing on public highways cannot be controlled by conditions of a planning
permission but the applicant has confirmed that it will minimise traffic impacts on
residents on both routes by splitting the traffic between them.
Public Footpath number 5 is affected by the development within the Pinfold Lane
Industrial Estate, including Brookhill Landfill Site. The definitive route of the footpath
is unable to be walked due to built development and fencing. The proposed
development would not create any additional obstruction of the footpath, nor would it
prevent the creation of new footpaths proposed as part of the restoration of the
landfill site. However, the footpath will remain obstructed by buildings and structures
outside the control of the applicant. A footpath diversion has not yet been concluded
and the proposed development therefore continues to impact on the definitive route.
The footpath issue insofar as it is affected by development at Brookhill Landfill Site
will be resolved after restoration of the landfill is complete. The proposed
development will not prevent the restoration of the landfill being carried out.
Policy context:
It is considered that the development is in compliance with all the relevant policies in
terms of location and design and as a facility for the management of waste. The
development will continue to assist in the achievement of Welsh Assembly
Government waste recycling, diversion of waste from landfill and sustainability
objectives. The development is in accordance with the objectives and policies set
out in the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan. Policy EWP7 - Managing Waste
Sustainably and Policy EWP8 - Control of Waste Development and Operations are
particularly relevant to the proposed development. The Collections, Infrastructure
and Markets Sector Plan and the newly published TAN 21:Waste recognises a
continued need for a network of facilities to manage waste. Flintshire has the
disadvantage that there are currently no facilities capable of accepting direct delivery
of residual household wastes for treatment or disposal and is therefore reliant on
transfer facilities for the management of household waste arisings. There is a clear
temporary need for facilities to allow for the sorting and bulking of waste.
Amenity and nuisances:
The resulting proposal represents a functional design solution which has minimal
impact on the surrounding community. The Application Site is located within an
industrial area and the nearest residential property is some distance away. Control
over emissions from waste management facilities is a matter for Natural Resources
Wales under its Environmental Permitting regime and the body has confirmed that
its standard odour control condition has been imposed on the operation of the
compound. Welsh Assembly Government guidance in TAN 21 Waste is that local
planning authorities should not impose conditions in respect of emissions unless
there is a valid and specific planning reason to do so. Waste Management Services
as part of the Environment Directorate of Flintshire County Council deploys odour
control equipment at the compound when odour is detected.
In respect of stockpiling waste, skips containing waste are placed on the access
road for collection and removal to landfill on the same day. Any skips containing
waste still on site at the close of daily operations are taken back to the transfer
compound and sheeted. They are taken off as the first load on the following day.
The current permitted hours of working are Monday to Saturday: 07:00 to 18:00
hours and on Bank and Public Holidays between the hours of 07:00 to 18:00.
Sundays, Christmas Day and Boxing Day: No working The reason for the extended
hours to the previous planning permission is the difficulties that are faced in the
management of the household waste collection over Bank Holidays. The applicant
has confirmed there is no proposal to work on Sundays and the only activity at the
site on Sundays would be three or four wagons leaving and entering the site as is
the existing situation.
The Council must be satisfied that the development proposal is the Best Practical
Environmental Option (BPEO) for the waste, management processes and location.
The site is an existing operation and is capable of servicing waste from across the
This application is to renew the existing development, alter hours of operation and
provide for additional development to allow waste transfer operations to continue on
a temporary basis until alternative provisions become available.
The waste transfer compound is at present essential to the disposal of the Council’s
municipal waste arisings. These facilities will be required until such time as
alternative provision is made for waste management within Flintshire. The
temporary retention of the compound will not affect the restoration of the landfill itself
but it will result in the continuation of the use of the site by waste haulage traffic and
the perpetuation of whatever adverse impacts arise from the handling of waste on
the site, however, these are considered to be localised to the immediate vicinity of
the site, and otherwise related to traffic movements only.
By consolidating residual waste transfer activity to a single site will improve
operational efficiency and reduce the throughput of traffic currently passing through
the residential areas of Buckley to visit the Standard transfer site, which will provide
an improvement to the residential amenity.
The site is only required on a temporary basis for residual 'black bag' and food waste
until the North Wales Residual Waste Project becomes operational in 2017/18.
The site is covered by appropriate Environmental Permitting regime which will need
to be amended as appropriate. The development is in accordance with the
objectives and policies set out in the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan. Policy
EWP7 - Managing Waste Sustainably and Policy EWP8 - Control of Waste
Development and Operations are particularly relevant to the proposed development.
It is recommended therefore that permission be granted for the development.
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the
Human Rights Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which
is necessary in a democratic society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act
and the Convention.
Recommendation Code: / To grant planning permission subject to the following:-
1. The development hereby permitted shall be deemed to have commenced upon
the date of issue of this certificate of permission.
REASON: To comply with Sections 91 to 93 of the Town and Country Planning Act
2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the
submitted application details, drawings and supporting documentation except as
may be modified by the conditions attached to this planning permission.
approved details comprise:
Application Form received by Flintshire County Council on 19 December
Supporting Statement received by Flintshire County Council on 19
December 2013.
Drawing No. 1445/1/003 “Site Location Plan”. Dated May, 2011.
Drawing No. 1445/1/002 “Slab Sections”. Dated May, 2011.
Drawing No. 1445/1/001 “Proposed Waste Transfer Slab for Green Waste
and Food Waste - Plan”. Dated May, 2011.
Design and Access Statement received by Flintshire County Council on 19
December 2013.
REASON: To define the planning permission area and to ensure that the use and
operations are carried out in accordance with the approved schemes.
3. A copy of this decision notice and all approved plans and schemes and all
documentation subsequently amended, approved or agreed in accordance with this
permission shall be kept at the operators site office and made known to any
person(s) given responsibility for the construction of the facility, and the
management, or control of waste activities/operations at the site for inspection
during all normal office hours.
REASON: To assist the monitoring and compliance of the development with the
permission, conditions and approved documentation.
4. The development hereby permitted shall cease on an agreed date with the Local
Planning Authority to coincide with the opening of the North Wales Residual Waste
Treatment Plant facility and the site shall be cleared of all stockpiles, materials,
debris, plant, machinery and structures related to this development within 6 months
of the cessation of the development.
REASON: To ensure that the site is not left in a derelict state. In the interests of
public safety and the amenity of the area. To maximise the potential for the future
development of the site. To comply with Policies STR1, GEN1 and EWP8 of the
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
5. The site and access route shall be maintained in a good state of repair
throughout the duration of operations permitted by this planning permission. All
heavy goods and light goods vehicles entering and exiting the site shall be sheeted,
or the loads otherwise contained or secured, in order to prevent the discharge of
loose materials and debris onto the highway. No mud, dust, debris or litter
originating from the development herby approved shall be carried onto the public
REASON: To prevent mud and debris from being carried out of the site onto the
highway. In the interests of highway safety and amenity of users of the highway. To
minimise the offsite dispersal of dust and debris by means of vehicular traffic. To
control the generation of dust. In the interests of business and recreational amenity.
To comply with Policies STR1, GEN1 and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary
Development Plan.
6. The development hereby permitted shall only be carried out between:
Monday to Saturday: 07:00 to 18:00 hours
Bank and Public Holidays: 07:00 to 18:00 hours
Sundays, Christmas Day and Boxing Day: No working
REASON: To limit impacts associated with the development. In the interests of
residential, business and recreational amenity. To comply with Policies STR1,
GEN1 and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
7. Excepting in an emergency, all waste material deposited on the waste transfer
pad in accordance with this development shall be removed on a daily basis and no
such material shall be stored on the transfer pad over night or at such other times
when the facility is closed.
REASON: In the interest of public amenity and to deter birds, pests and other vermin
and to comply with Policies STR1, GEN1 and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary
Development Plan.
8. The noise levels arising from the development shall not exceed the following
levels at any neighbouring noise sensitive properties or land uses:
In the period 07:00-18:00 hours Monday to Saturday and Bank and Public
Holidays 55dB LAeq (1 hour) free field measurement;
Where evening or Sunday working is authorised under the provisions of
Condition 6 above, 45 dB LAeq (1 hour) (free field).
REASON: To control noise produced by the development. In the interests of
residential, business and recreational amenity. To comply with Policies STR1,
GEN1 and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
9. All practicable means shall be employed to control the generation and dispersal
of dust arising from operations on the site. Dust control measures shall include:
the use of a water spray and/or bowser to damp down dust prone areas;
control of vehicular speed within the site access and application area;
regular sweeping and removal of excess material from trafficked areas;
avoidance of moving and handling materials and stockpiles in dry windy
weather conditions without regular wetting of dust prone surfaces and
minimising the generation of airborne dust during the loading and unloading
of road vehicles by minimising the drop height of the materials into / from the
Notwithstanding the dust control measures referred to above, if visible dust emission
should cross the site boundary, the site operations, except for emergency operations
in connection with the safety of the site giving rise to such emission, shall be
stopped until such time as there is no longer any visible dust emission from the site.
REASON: To prevent dust being generated in sufficient quantities to result in
perceptible dispersion beyond the boundary of the site. In the interests of business,
recreational and residential amenity. In the interests of highway safety and the safety
of persons within the vicinity of the site. To minimise the potential adverse health
effects from exposure to dust. To comply with Policies STR1, GEN1 and EWP8 of
the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
10. Within 3 months of the date of this planning permission, a scheme shall be
submitted to the Local Planning Authority detailing the location and management of
storage containers / skips to minimise the storage and handling of such containers
along the site access road. Upon written approval the scheme shall be implemented
in full with immediate effect.
REASON: To prevent congestion on the site access road and to comply with
Policies GEN1 and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
11. Details of any floodlighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the
Minerals and Waste Planning Authority prior to installation. Lighting shall be installed
in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To reduce the visual impact from the development. In the interests of
business, recreational and residential amenity. To comply with Policies STR1,
GEN1 and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
12. The site shall be secured by fencing and shall be locked outside of operational
hours. Where additional fencing is either required, or existing fencing needs to be
modified, details of the fencing shall be submitted for the written approval of the
Local Planning Authority and upon approval shall be implemented with immediate
REASON: To define the boundary of the site and prevent unauthorised access. In
the interests of public safety. In the interests of business, recreational and residential
amenity. To ensure that the site is secure from large animals and unauthorised
human access out of normal working hours. To comply with Policies STR1, GEN1
and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
13. The scheme of reasonable avoidance for the Brookhill site shall continue to be
applied, including the provision for protected species fencing and shall be checked
and maintained at regular intervals. Where additional protected species fencing is
either required, or existing protected species fencing needs to be modified details of
the protected species fencing shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local
Planning Authority and upon approval shall be implemented with immediate effect.
REASON: To prevent protected species from entering the site and to comply with
Policies GEN1 and EWP8 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
14. On discontinuance of use of the site all waste materials, structures, plant and
machinery related to this development shall be removed from site within 6 months of
the cessation of the development under the provisions of Condition 4 above.
REASON: To ensure that the site is not left in a derelict state. In the interests of
public safety and the amenity of the area. To maximise the potential for the future
development of the site. To comply with Policies STR1, GEN1 and EWP8 of the
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
15. On discontinuance of use of the site a restoration scheme shall be submitted for
the written approval of the Local Planning Authority and the site shall be restored in
accordance with the approved restoration scheme.
REASON: To ensure that the site is not left in a derelict state. In the interests of
public safety and the amenity of the area. To maximise the potential for the future
development of the site. To comply with Policies STR1, GEN1 and EWP8 of the
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
16. On discontinuance of use of the site a scheme of after-care shall be submitted
for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority and the site shall be subject
to the approved after-care scheme.
REASON: To ensure that the site is not left in a derelict state. In the interests of
public safety and the amenity of the area. To maximise the potential for the future
development of the site. To comply with Policies STR1, GEN1 and EWP8 of the
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights
Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic
society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants
1. This permission relates to the following particulars received by the Local Planning
- Application Form received by Flintshire County Council on 19
December 2013.
- Supporting Statement received by Flintshire County Council on
19 December 2013.
- Drawing No. 1445/1/003 “Site Location Plan”. Dated May, 2011.
- Drawing No. 1445/1/002 “Slab Sections”. Dated May, 2011.
- Drawing No. 1445/1/001 “Proposed Waste Transfer Slab for
Green Waste and Food Waste - Plan”. Dated May, 2011.
- Design and Access Statement received by Flintshire County
Council on 19 December 2013.
2. You are reminded that this permission must be carried out strictly in accordance
with the above specified plans and the conditions referred to upon this certificate of
decision. If any amendments are proposed, you should NOT proceed without first
obtaining the written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
3. Any development carried out without compliance with the plans and particulars
forming this permission, or without full compliance with the conditions of this
permission, is entirely at the owners/developers risk and will not prejudice the Local
Planning Authority in respect of any decision it may make to take formal
enforcement action.
4. The reason for granting planning permission is to ensure that an adequate
network of waste management facilities is maintained to safely treat household
waste. The development accords with the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
policies GEN1 – General Requirements for Development, STR1 – New
Development, STR10 – Resources, EWP7 – Managing Waste Sustainably, EWP8 –
Control of Waste Development and Operation, and EWP11 – Development on or
adjacent to Landfill Sites. Furthermore, the development accords with National,
Regional and Local Policy for Waste Management. The development is for a modest
scale food waste, green waste and household waste transfer slabs located within a
former landfill site which is currently undergoing restoration. The development does
not compromise the use of the land. The potential for adverse impacts arising from
noise, dust and odour is limited due to the small scale and low residence time, and
the use of existing on site controls such as odour spray system. The site is
previously developed and wildlife impact is negligible. The proposal is not
environmental impact development on account of the small scale and limited extent
of any potential adverse impacts. The development site is not close to residential
housing and detrimental risk to the amenity is low.
5. The site is within close proximity to the Buckley Claypits Sites of Special
Scientific Interest and Special Area of Conservation for great crested newts. You are
reminded of your obligations to maintain the appropriate wildlife licence with the
Welsh Government and responsibilities towards European designated land, species
and habitat.
Date of Recommendation: 29th April, 2014