Concept Learning - Binus Repository

Materi Pendukung : T0264P25_1
Concept Learning
Li M. Fu
It is concerned with acquiring the definition of a general category
(concept) from a sample of positive and negative training examples
of the category.
It can be formulated as a problem of searching through a predefined
space of potential hypotheses for one that best fits the training
The search can be efficiently organized by general-to-specific
ordering of hypotheses.
Algorithms: Find-S and Version Space.
The main issue: inductive bias
A concept learning task
Concept learning as search
Find-S: Finding a maximally specific hypothesis
Version spaces
o The candidate elimination algorithm
o The boundary set representation
Inductive bias
Machine Learning Basics
Formal Definitions
Concept learning: c: X -> {0, 1}. What is T, E, P? Supervised or
unsupervised learning?
Training instance representation: (feature vector, positive/negative).
What is a feature vector? Given n binary attributes. how many
possible instances?
Hypothesis representation: feature vector. Admit don't care value (*
or ?). Same representation as instances, why? Given n binary
attributes. how many possible hypotheses?
Hypothesis function: h: X -> {0, 1}.
Instance space (X) versus hypothesis space (H)
Learning goal: Find a hypothesis h in H such that h(x) = c(x) for all
x in X.
Inductive learning hypothesis
Concept learning as search: Search for a hypothesis consistent with
the training instances. How to represent the hypothesis space for
allowing an efficient search?
General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses
A hypothesis viewed as a predicate defines a set of instances
satisfying the hypothesis
More_general_than_or_equal_to: hi >=g hj <=> for all x in X, hj(x)
= 1 => hi(x) = 1.
More_general_than: hi >g hj <=> hi >=g hj and hj not >=g hi.
More_specific_than: hi >s hj <=> hj >g hi.
Partial order versus complete order
Does >=g define a partial or complete order?
Generalization Operators
Introducing variables
Using property hierarchies (specific to general)
Dropping conditions
Introducing disjunctions
Specialization Operators
Instantiating variables with specific values
Using property hierarchies (general to specific)
Adding conditions
Introducing conjunctions
Inductive Inference (Induction)
Inductive Inference
The algorithm:
(1)Initialize h to the most specific hypothesis in H.
(2) For each positive instance x, if h is not satisfied by x, then
minimally generalize h so that it is matched by x; else do nothing.
(3) Output hypothesis h.
(1) Convergence
(2) Finding the correct concept
(3) In favor of the most specific hypothesis
(4) Multiple MSHs
(5) Data inconsistency
(6) Backtracking ?
The Version Space Approach
Consistent(h, D) <=> for all (x, c(x)) in D, h(x) = c(x), where h is a
hypothesis and D is a set of training examples.
Satisfy(h, x) <=> h(x) = 1
Version Space VS_{H,D} = {h in H | Consistent(h, D)}
The List-Then-Elimination algorithm
The Candidate-Elimination algorithm
Boundary set representation of the version space
o The general boundary (wrt H and D): G <=> {g in H |
Consistent(g, D) and these exists NO g' such that [g' >g g and
Consistent(g', D)]} (where >g: more general than)
The specific boundary (wrt H and D): S <=> {s in H |
Consistent(s, D) and these exists NO s' such that [s >g s' and
Consistent(s', D)]}
Version space representation theorem: VS_{H,D} = {h in H |
there exist s in S and g in G such that (g >=g h >=g s)}
The Candidate Elimination Algorithm
Version Spaces
Version Space Issues:
Convergence? Divergence? Note that the size of the version space is
monotonically non-increasing over time.
Convergence to the correct hypothesis
What training instances should be selected?
How can a partially learned concept (a partially converged version
space) be used?
Incremental learning
Conjunctive versus disjunctive concepts
Noise tolerance
Inductive Bias
The inductive bias of a concept learning algorithm L is any minimal
set of assertions B such that
for all x in X, (B and D and x) => L(x, D)
where L(x, D): classification of x by L after training on data D.
Types of inductive bias:
o (Hypothesis)preference bias (or search bias)
o (Language)restriction bias
An unbiased learned: Size of the hypothesis space? Why futile?
Inductive bias of the Candidate Elimination algorithm:
B = {c in H}
A simple proof: c in H and thus c in VS_{H,D}, and therefore c(x) =
L(x, D).
Inductive bias from the weakest to strongest:
o Rote learning: no bias
o Candidate-Elimination: c in H
o Find-S: "c in H" plus "all instances are negative ones unless
Concept learning can be cast as a search problem.
General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses provides a useful search
What are the limitations of the Find-S algorithm?
The version space approach is good for single concept learning.
What are the weaknesses of the version space approach?
What is the inductive bias of the candidate elimination algorithm?