Partner profile checklist medium to high risk

Partner Profile and Checklist – medium and high risk
Partner profile and checklist – medium and high risk activity
This form should be used in conjunction with the College’s Partnerships Policy which sets
out the process for the development, approval and delivery of partnership arrangements. It
should be completed by the relevant College contact, not sent to the partner institution to
Please attach the initial Collaborative Provision proposal form prior to sending to
Quality and Academic Support office.
This form should be used for the following activities:
partnership programme (medium risk)
dual award (medium risk)
joint award (high risk)
validated provision (high risk)
franchised provision (high risk)
with the following types of institutions:
other UK HEIs or publicly funded UK institutions (low risk partner)
EU or international HE institutions with identifiable policies, procedures and academic
standards that are consonant with those in the UK (medium risk partner)
International institutions with no experience of UK HE policies, procedures and academic
standard and/or appreciation of the QAA Code of practice in relation to collaborative
provision (high risk partner)
College contact
Name, department and contact details of the proposer at the College:
Proposed partner
Name and full address of the proposed partner:
Name and role of contact at the proposed partner:
3. Proposed activity
For joint awards only
Does the proposed partner have the legal authority to award a joint degree? Please provide
evidence to verify.
Partner Profile and Checklist – medium and high risk
Quality assurance information
Please describe the proposed partner’s quality assurance arrangements:
What evidence is there that the administration and quality management systems of the
partner institution are compatible with the College’s requirements?
For UK non-HEIs and non-UK institutions - are these bodies subject to the scrutiny of
national governments, external agencies /organisations. If yes what has been the published
outcome of such scrutiny (please provide web addresses if applicable):
Learning and other resources
It is the normal expectation that a site visit to the partner will have been completed
Does the proposed partner possess sufficient resources to discharge effectively its part of
the proposed partnership arrangement?
Please describe briefly those resources that have been checked:
IT support
Other learning support resources eg laboratories
Partner Profile and Checklist – medium and high risk
Academic support
Pastoral support
Welfare support
Will there be any constraints on students’ access to physical resources at the partner
Has an assessment been made of the expertise and experience of the academic staff at the
partner institution to deliver their part of the proposed partnership arrangement at the
appropriate level?
What access do staff at the partner institution have to staff developmental/educational
Specific requirements
Please detail any specific requirements that need further consideration:
Language issues – for example is there a need for native-speaking External Examiners
Professional/statutory/regulatory body accreditation issues
Compliance issues with regard to UK legislation – for example disability, freedom of
information, equal opportunities, data protection, employment law
Insurance – different countries have differing rules for the types of insurance that are
required as well as available
Health and safety assessment
Partner Profile and Checklist – medium and high risk
Financial arrangements
Please complete the attached full economic costing form.
If the potential partner is overseas are there likely to be any difficulties with the financial/tax
regulations pertaining to that country?
Due diligence and financial sign-off
This form has been reviewed by the following (please tick as appropriate)
1. School accountant
2. Human Resources
3. Academic Support and Quality office
4. External Relations Department
5. Vice-Principal
6. Director of the Graduate School
7. Chair of the Research Degrees Examination Board
8. Head of School
9. School Head of Graduate Studies
10. Chair of School Education Committee
11. School Director of Administration
12. Other (please specify)
This form should be signed off as follows depending on the nature of the risk:
High risk partner and high risk activity
All other combinations
the Principal
the relevant territorial Vice-Principal
Name: ………………………………………………
Signature: …………………………………………..
Date: ………………………..………………………
On completion this form should be sent to the Quality and Academic Support Office, Room
7.38, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Waterloo campus
Partner Profile and Checklist – medium and high risk
Full economic costing for cost benefit analysis (even though a central charge may not
be made directly it must be factored into costing)
The following are indicative of the sorts of costs that might be incurred, not all will be
relevant in all circumstances and there may be additional costs not specified here that
need to be taken into account
Preliminary costs
Initial visits – flight costs
Initial visits – hotel costs
Academic staff time including travelling and
programme/module outline development per hour
Market research where relevant
Input from ASQ office on advice on memoranda per hour
Legal advice if required @ £400 approx per hour
Start-up costs
Programme/module material development
New equipment and software (eg server capacity for
distance learning)
Student numbers
Expected tuition fee income @ per student (see Note
Any other income
Annual costs
Staff visits – flight costs
Staff visits – hotel costs
Teaching programme delivery – academic time
Supervisor support time
Programme/module material
Administrative support costs
Additional insurance where relevant
Additional fees and expenses for External Examiners (if
overseas visit required)
Additional allowances for staff working overseas
Access to College facilities eg additional licencing
Other costs (please specify)
Current HEFCE rules are that for joint degrees, where the partner is not HEFCE-funded ie
overseas institutions, the FTE returned to HEFCE must reflect only the amount of time spent
at the College. Where both institutions are HEFCE-funded, only one institution can include
the student.