PR48/01 - Wrotham Parish Council

News release
3 June 2010
Green-lidded recycling bins mean cardboard banks can go
Now that almost every resident in Tonbridge and Malling can use their green-lidded bin service to
dispose of cardboard (along with food waste and garden waste), Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council
has decided to remove cardboard banks from recycling sites across the borough. All the cardboard
recycling banks will be removed by the end of June.
Cllr Owen Baldock, Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Environmental
Services, says: “The green-lidded bin service is being used so well by residents that the amount of
cardboard being collected from cardboard banks at recycling sites across the borough has dropped off
significantly. The recycling banks cost thousands of pounds a year to provide, so it makes sense to
save this money. There are still a few households who have so far been exempt from the greenlidded bin service and we will be contacting these residents to see if they can now be included within
the scheme.”
The Council is advising residents that large pieces of cardboard that won’t fit into their green-lidded bin
can be stacked neatly or tied with string and placed next to the green-lidded bin on collection day.
Cardboard can still be taken for recycling to any of the Household Waste Recycling Centres run by
Kent County Council, such as those at North Farm, Long Field Road, Tunbridge Wells and the Tovil
Centre, Burial Ground Lane, Maidstone or to the site run by Medway Council in Cuxton.
For more details, please contact the Council’s Waste Services team at
or call 01732 876147.
Media contact: Linda Moreau, Media & Communications Manager
Tel: 01732 876009 or email: