NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90172) 2010 — page 1 of 3 Assessment Schedule – 2010 Chemistry: Describe atomic structure and bonding (90172) Evidence Statement Q Evidence ONE (a) Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence BOTH formulae correct. ONE formula correct. BOTH formulae correct. OR Describes NaCl as having an ionic bond / ionic compound with electrostatic forces / transfer of electrons. AND A diagram / explanation showing the formation of ionic bond. AND A diagram / explanation showing the formation of ionic bond. OR Identifies SCl2 having covalent bonds. OR Lewis Structure of SCl2 / explanation of covalent bond. AND Lewis Structure of SCl2 / explanation of covalent bond. OR Recognises that the forces are much stronger in NaCl than SCl2 (weak covalent negates). AND Explains that NaCl is made up of ions held together by strong ionic bonds. AND Explains that NaCl is made up of ions held together by strong ionic bonds. OR Correctly names the particles in NaCl and SCl2. OR SCl2 is made up of molecules of strong covalent bonds. AND SCl2 is made up of molecules (of strong covalent bonds) held together by weak intermolecular forces. THREE of: NaCl SCl2 (b) The bond between Na and Cl involves a transfer of Na’s outer valence electron to Cl’s valence shell to form an ionic bond. Candidates may choose to use diagrams in answer. ( ) These non-metal elements share valence electrons in order to get full octets. This is a covalent bond. (c) Sodium chloride is an ionic compound. In solid ionic compounds, ions are held together by strong ionic bonds / electrostatic forces between ions. To melt sodium chloride, these very strong ionic bonds need to be broken. This requires a lot of energy / bonds are harder to break, so sodium chloride will have a high melting point. Sulfur dichloride is a (covalent) molecule with weak intermolecular forces between the molecules. (It is made up of non-metal atoms, so it will have covalent bonds.) To melt sulfur dichloride, the weak intermolecular forces need to be broken. This requires little energy / bonds are easier to break, so sulfur dichloride will have a lower melting point than sodium chloride. OR SCl2 is made up of molecules held together by weak intermolecular forces. AND Links melting point to the type of attractive forces in ONE compound. Must relate to amount of energy required. AND Links melting point to the type of attractive forces in ONE compound. Must relate to amount of energy required. NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90172) 2010 — page 2 of 3 TWO (a) (b) Any TWO correct Any TWO correct Any THREE correct (All diagrams must follow convention with electrons shown as either dots or crosses and clearly paired as appropriate). (All diagrams must follow convention with electrons shown as either dots or crosses and clearly paired as appropriate). (All diagrams must follow convention with electrons shown as either dots or crosses and clearly paired as appropriate). AND AND K2O is an ionic solid / network / lattice held together by strong ionic bonds between the ions. K2O is ionic AND has charged particles / ions (NB: electrons negate). TWO of the following three ideas linked: In the solid state in K2O, these ions are fixed in place and not free to move. But in the liquid state, the ions become mobile as ionic bonds are broken and the ions can carry a charge. OR CO2 covalent / molecular AND has no charge. liquid K2O has mobile ions. CO2 is a covalent molecule. OR K2O is ionic and CO2 is covalent / molecular. In both the solid and liquid state, there are no ions or free electrons to carry the charge, only molecules / molecules are not charged particles so cannot carry an electric current. THREE solid K2O has no mobile ions. K2O and CO2 are fully discussed with respect to ionic bonding in K2O and particles present for both, and their states are accurately linked to electrical conductivity. as a molecule, CO2 has no mobile charged particles in either state. PCl3 is a (covalently bonded) molecule. The attractive forces between the molecules are (weak) intermolecular forces. Correctly identifies PCl3 particles as molecules Correctly identifies PCl3 particles as molecules Correctly identifies PCl3 particles as molecules A refers to the first part of the cooling curve, where the PCl3 is liquid and the temperature is decreasing. Over this time, the molecules are: Separation: moving closer together Energy: losing energy Motion: slowing down Attractive forces: weak intermolecular bonds present (becoming stronger) AND that there are intermolecular forces between the molecules. AND that there are intermolecular forces between the molecules. AND that there are intermolecular forces between the molecules. OR Interprets graph correctly by describing TWO of the four points for Part A AND Part B. AND Interprets graph correctly by: AND Interprets graph correctly by explaining what is happening for each of the points for Part A AND Part B. B refers to the second part of the cooling curve, where the liquid PCl3 is solidifying. During this time, the molecules are: Separation: packed closely together Energy and Attractive forces: forming (stronger) intermolecular bonds as energy is released, so no change in temperature (counts as TWO points) Motion: only vibrating Answers must relate to CHANGES occurring during Part A, not simply a description of a liquid for Part A. EITHER Explaining what is happening in Part A AND one point from Part B. OR Explaining what is happening in Part B AND one point from Part A. OR Explaining 3 of 4 points for Part A AND Part B. AND Although cooling is still occurring, the temperature is constant because energy is released as intermolecular bonds are forming. NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90172) 2010 — page 3 of 3 Judgement Statement Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence 2A 2M 2E+1A