Data Mining Tasks
Data mining is a combination of database and artificial intelligence technologies.
Although the AI field has taken a major dive in the last decade, this new emerging field
has shown that AI can add major contributions to existing fields in computer science. In
fact, many experts believe that data mining is the third hottest field in the industry behind
the Internet, and data warehousing.
Data mining is really just the next step in the process of analyzing data. Instead of
getting queries on standard or user-specified relationships, data mining goes a step farther
by finding meaningful relationships in data. Relationships that were thought as not
existed, or ones that give a more insightful view of the data. For example, a computergenerated graph may not give the user any insight; however data mining can find trends
in the same data that shows the user more precisely what is going on. Using trends that
the end-user would have never thought to query the computer about. Without adding any
more data, data mining gives a huge increase in the value added by the database. It allows
both technical and non-technical users get better answers, allowing them to make a much
more informed decision, saving their companies millions of dollars.
"Data mining is the process of discovering meaningful new correlations, patterns,
and trends by shifting through large amounts of data stored in repositories, using pattern
recognition technologies as well as statistical and mathematical techniques" (SPSS).
However, really data mining turns database into knowledge base which is one of the
fundamental components of expert systems. Instead of the computer just blindly pulling
data from a database, the computer is able to take all the data and interpret it, which is a
huge step to make. If it was not for existing AI technologies this field could not have
emerged as quickly; if at all.
Data mining allows companies to focus on the more important information in
their data warehouses. Data mining can be broken down into two major categories.
Automated prediction of trends and behaviors, and automated discovery of previously
unknown patterns. In the first category, data mining automates the process of finding
predictive information in large databases. Questions that traditionally required exhaustive
hands-on analysis can now be quickly answered directly from data. In the second
category, data mining tools sweep through databases and identify previously hidden
patterns in one step.
"Data mining is rather a new term for a challenge that has been growing for many
years: how to scan very large databases to retrieve the high level conceptual information
of the greatest interest" (Lindsay). With the advances in data acquisition and storage
technologies, the problem of how to turn measured raw data into useful information
becomes a important one. Having reached sizes that defy even partial examination by
humans, the data volumes are literally swamping users. For example, large US retail
chains now mine their data bases with sophisticated data mining programs to look for
general trends and geographic clustering in purchases that are not easily visible in the
huge multitude of products and sales.
Data mining has come from an evolution of searching through data trying to find
useful business information. There are four major steps: Data Collection, Data Access,
Data Warehousing & Decision Support, and finally Data Mining (Pilot).
Data Collection started in the 1960s. This is a static data delivery system that
came from pulling information from computers, tapes, and disks. For example, what is
the total revenue in the last five years. Data Access is the next step and it started in the
1980s. This allowed dynamic data delivery at the record level. Data access mainly uses
relational databases using SQL. A Sample Query would be: What were unit sales in
Florida last October.
Then in the 1990s came Data warehousing and decision support. This allowed
dynamic data delivery at multiple levels. This technology came about, because of
multidimensional databases and on-line analytic processing (OLAP). This will let the
query above go as detailed as city to city in Florida. Finally came data mining, which
allowed proactive information delivery. Data mining uses Advanced AI algorithms,
multiprocessor computers, and massive databases. With data mining a person ask
questions like what is likely to happen to Florida unit sales next month and why (Pilot).
Fundamentally, data mining does two things with data: It finds relationships and
makes forecasts. Within these two categories, data mining is good at producing the
following six information types: Classes, Clusters, Associations, Sequences, Forecasts,
Similar Sequences. Classes are the most common form of data mining, and consist of
shared characteristics, such as how many or what percentage of people over the age of 40
have checking and saving accounts but no investments in mutual funds. A data mining
tool uses pattern recognition to create classes. Clusters are a subset of classes that consist
of patterns and relationships that have not been predefined or were not previously have
known to exist. Data mining finds these relationships even though the user was not
specifically looking for them.
Associations deal with events. That is, an association exists when the completion
of one occurrence implies the existence of another. For example, when people buy bread,
60 percent of the time they buy jam. Sequences deal with events also.
Data Mining Tasks :
Prediction Methods
Use some variables to predict unknown or future values of other variables.
Description Methods
Find human-interpretable patterns that describe the data.
Data Mining Tasks:
Classification [Predictive]
Clustering [Descriptive]
Association Rule Discovery [Descriptive]
Sequential Pattern Discovery [Descriptive]
Regression [Predictive]
Deviation Detection [Predictive]
Classification Definition:
Given a collection of records (training set )
Each record contains a set of attributes; one of the attributes is the class.
Find a model for class attribute as a function of the values of other attributes.
Goal: previously unseen records should be assigned a class as accurately as
A test set is used to determine the accuracy of the model. Usually, the given data
set is divided into training and test sets, with training set used to build the model
and test set used to validate it.
Classification: Application1
Direct Marketing
Goal: Reduce cost of mailing by targeting a set of consumers likely to buy a new
cell-phone product.
Use the data for a similar product introduced before.
We know which customers decided to buy and which decided otherwise. This
{buy, don’t buy} decision forms the class attribute.
Collect various demographic, lifestyle, and company-interaction related
information about all such customers.
Type of business, where they stay, how much they earn, etc.
Use this information as input attributes to learn a classifier model.
Classification: Application2
Fraud Detection
Predict fraudulent cases in credit card transactions.
Use credit card transactions and the information on its account-holder as
attributes. (When does a customer buy, what does he buy, how often he
pays on time etc.)
Label past transactions as fraud or fair transactions. This forms the class
Learn a model for the class of the transactions.
Use this model to detect fraud by observing credit card transactions on an
Clustering: Definition
Given a set of data points, each having a set of attributes, and a similarity measure
among them, find clusters such that
Data points in one cluster are more similar to one another.
Data points in separate clusters are less similar to one another.
Similarity Measures:
Euclidean Distance if attributes are continuous.
Other Problem-specific Measures.
Clustering: Application1
Market Segmentation:
subdivide a market into distinct subsets of customers where any subset
may conceivably be selected as a market target to be reached with a
distinct marketing mix.
Collect different attributes of customers based on their geographical and
lifestyle related information.
Find clusters of similar customers.
Measure the clustering quality by observing buying patterns of customers in
same cluster vs. those from different clusters.
Clustering: Application2
Document Clustering:
Goal: To find groups of documents that are similar to each other based on the
important terms appearing in them.
Approach: To identify frequently occurring terms in each document. Form a
similarity measure based on the frequencies of different terms. Use it to cluster.
Gain: Information Retrieval can utilize the clusters to relate a new document or
search term to clustered documents
Association Rule Discovery:
Given a set of records each of which contain some number of items from a
given collection;
Produce dependency rules which will predict occurrence of an item based on
occurrences of other items.
Bread, Coke, Milk
Bread, Jam
Vegetables, Coke
Bread, Milk
Coke, Bread
Results Discovered
{Bread} --> {Jam}
{Milk} --> {Bread}
Association Rule Discovery: Application 1
 Marketing and Sales Promotion:
 Let the rule discovered be
 {Bagels, … } --> {Potato Chips}
Potato Chips as consequent => Can be used to determine what should be done to
boost its sales.
Bagels in the antecedent => Can be used to see which products would be affected
if the store discontinues selling bagels.
Bagels in antecedent and Potato chips in consequent => Can be used to see what
products should be sold with Bagels to promote sale of Potato chips!
Association Rule Discovery: Application 2
Supermarket shelf management:
Goal: To identify items that are bought together by sufficiently many customers.
Approach: Process the point-of-sale data collected with barcode scanners to find
dependencies among items.
A classic rule -
If a customer buys diaper and milk, then he is very likely to buy beer.
So, don’t be surprised if you find six-packs stacked next to diapers!
Sequential Pattern Discovery: Definition
Given is a set of objects, with each object associated with its own timeline of
events, find rules that predict strong sequential dependencies among different
(A, B)
(C) ->
(D E)
Rules are formed by first discovering patterns. Event occurrences in the patterns
are governed by timing constraints.
Sequential Pattern Discovery:
In telecommunications alarm logs,
(Inverter Problem Excessive Line Current)
(Rectifier Alarm) --> (Fire Alarm)
In point-of-sale transaction sequences,
Computer Bookstore:
Predict a value of a given continuous valued variable based on the values of other
variables, assuming a linear or nonlinear model of dependency.
Greatly studied in statistics, neural network fields.
Predicting sales amounts of new product based on advetising expenditure.
Predicting wind velocities as a function of temperature, humidity, air
pressure, etc.
Time series prediction of stock market indices.
Deviation/Anomaly Detection
Detect significant deviations from normal behavior
Credit Card Fraud Detection
Network Intrusion
Data Mining is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large
databases. This is a new powerful new technology with great potential to help companies
focus on the most important information in data warehousing. Data mining tools predict
future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven
decisions. "The automated, prospective analyses offered by data mining move beyond the
analyzes of past events provided by retrospective tools typical of decision support
systems" (Pilot).
Data mining is important to large systems because it finds things in large data
repositories that you did not know existed. "A simple metaphor would be finding two
needles in a haystack that match. The haystack is the database, the individual lengths of
the hay represent your data fields, and the needles represent data fields with a relationship
worth more to you than all the hay put together".
References :
Marti A. Hearst
Data mining concepts and techniques by Jiawei Han and Micheline kamber
Data mining Techniques by Pujari
Data mining introductory and advanced topics by Dunham.