Course title: Data Mining

Course title: Data Mining
Language of instruction: English
Credits (ECTS): 4
Form of instruction: lecture
Form of assessment: homework assignments, midterm and final exam
Course description: Data Mining studies algorithms and computational paradigms that
allow computers to find patterns and regularities in databases, perform prediction and
forecasting, and generally improve their performance through interaction with data. It is
currently regarded as the key element of a more general process called Knowledge
Discovery that deals with extracting useful knowledge from raw data. The knowledge
discovery process includes data selection, cleaning, coding, using different statistical, pattern
recognition and machine learning techniques, and reporting and visualization of the
generated structures. The course will cover all these issues and will illustrate the whole
process by examples of practical applications. The students will use recent Data Mining
Course Objectives
to introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining.
to develop skills of using recent data mining software for solving practical
to gain experience of doing independent study and research
Recomended textbook:
Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber , data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2ed. The
Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems, Jim Gray, Series Editor. Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, Feb. 2006. ISBN 1-55860-901-6 Web site:
Recomended software:
Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java Web site:
Datasets will be provided during the course
Minimum number of students: 3
Class hours per week: 2
Lecturer: György Kövér PhD, associate professor, University Of Kaposvár – Faculty of