Department of Information and Systems Management School of Business and Management Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Seminar Announcement S Seelleeccttiinngg D Daattaa M Miinniinngg aanndd S Sttaattiissttiiccaall PPrroocceedduurreess iinn S Scciieennttiiffiicc R Reesseeaarrcchh by Dr. Yonghong "Jade" Xu The University of Memphis 22 June 2006 (Thursday) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm ISMT Conference Room 4379 (L17/18) All interested are welcome Abstract Traditional statistical methods have limitations when used to analyze large-scale highdimensional data in business and scientific research. As an alternative, various new procedures in "data mining and knowledge discovery" have been developed to search for consistent patterns and/or systematic relationships between variables amidst large amounts of data. However, selecting the appropriate procedures to fit the needs of given research objectives is no trivial task. In this seminar, she will 1) highlight the concepts of data mining including feature selection, model building, and pattern definition, 2) compare data mining with multivariate statistical procedures in largescale data analysis and identify their strengths and weaknesses, 3) discuss the selection of appropriate methods in various research scenarios, and 4) present a research project in which multiple regression and Bayesian Belief Network are compared to illustrate the similarities and differences of traditional statistical methods and data mining procedures. Biography Dr. Yonghong "Jade" Xu is an Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis. She specializes in educational statistics, large scale data analysis, and quantitative research methodology. Dr. Xu has published several articles that explore both data mining and traditional statistical techniques. Her current research interests include comparisons of multivariate techniques, effective analysis of large national databases, and examining the work life quality of faculty in postsecondary education.